Candidates for the International Council

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In this page you will find the names and electoral statements of the 27 candidates standing for election for IAMCR's International Council (15 seats). You can also review the endorsements sent by IAMCR members in support of each candidate.


Akpabio, Eno

University of Namibia

I wish to stand for re-election into the international council of the IAMCR.  I hold BA(ED) English, MSc and PhD in Mass Communication.  My University teaching experience has been at the Universities of Lagos (Lecturer), Botswana (Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor and Head of Department), as well as Dar es Salaam and Namibia (Professor).

I have two books – African Communication Systems: An Introductory Text and Writing to win Hearts and Minds-, numerous chapters in books and articles in scholarly journals as well as papers read at IAMCR, AEJMC and ICA conferences amongst others.

Since my election, I have served in two IAMCR committees - Changes in Academia/IAMCR Future now known as the Committee for the Improvement of Academic Life and Clearing House on Political Statements.  Matters that concern the African academic experience and that of the global South continue to be issues that I am passionate about and my re-election would enable me to continue to give voice to your concerns as well as represent your interests.  Thanks

Albornoz, Luis

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

I am applying for a position on the International Council with the aim of providing our association with an Ibero-American perspective on the analysis of the problems affecting the functioning of the cultural industries. In recent years, I have been following the development of the UNESCO Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions and I am currently working on the drafting of the next Global Report Re/Shaping Cultural Policies organized by the Secretariat of the Convention. It is my intention to strengthen the relationship that IAMCR maintains with UNESCO.

Luis Albornoz is director of the research group Audiovisual Diversity at Carlos III University of Madrid. As a full-time professor in the Communications Department of the UC3M, he teaches the courses Media Landscape and Audiovisual Geopolitics. Currently at UC3M he directs the Master's Degree in Research applied to the Media and the Master's Degree in Music Industry and Sound Studies. Founding member and former president (2007-2013) of the international scientific association Unión Latina de Economía Política de la Información, la Comunicación y la Cultura (ULEPICC).

Albornoz holds a degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires and a PhD from the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising I at the Complutense University of Madrid. Among his latest published works are Power, Media and Culture. A Critical View from the Political Economy of Communication (Palgrave/IAMCR, 2015), Diversidad e industria audiovisual: el desafío cultural del siglo XXI (Mexico: FCE, 2017), and Audiovisual Industries and Diversity: Economics and Policies in the Digital Era (London/New York: Routledge, 2019).

Nominated by Rodrigo Gomez, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico

Albornoz, Luis - Endorsements

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

I support Luis Albornoz for his dedicated work on Political Economy and recent works about cultural diversity, which place his candidacy as very important for the future of IAMCR.

Name: Alejandro Barranquero
Affiliation: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Country: Spain

I’m sending this email to support Luis Albornoz’s candidacy for the International Council of IAMCR. His intellectual capacity is more than confirmed if we look at his vast academic research and connections within the field of Political Economy of Communication.

Anyanwu, Chika

University of Adelaide, Australia

I would like the opportunity to serve for a second term on the International Council. In my first term I chaired the Committee for the Improvement of Academic Life. Through this committee, we worked with international colleagues to listen and gather data on academic precarity around the world. We hosted a forum on the project in Oregon. I am hoping that through your support, in my second term we will be able to complete the project, make some concrete advocacy recommendations that would assist Media and communication scholars around the world.

I see myself as a cultural fruit salad occupying a Third Space of mediation and understanding between colleagues from Northern and Southern hemisphere. From my Northern Hemisphere, I am the Representative of the Australia and New Zealand Communication Association to IAMCR. From my Southern Hemisphere, I Chair the Academic, Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee of the Pan African Australasian Diaspora Network. Through this space I am able to look at problems with a different lens, see multiple perspectives, ask poignant questions and understand complex systems so that together, we can harness our collective intelligence to build a just, sustainable and global IAMCR community. 

Contact Details: 
Chika Anyanwu PhD, FGLF, Hugo Centre for Migration and Population Research, University of Adelaide South Australia & Founding Partner, C3N2 Educational Empowerment
http// Email: chika.anyanwu [at]

Nominated by Gerard Goggin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Araujo, Denize

Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, Brazil


I have been attending IAMCR Conferences since 2007- Paris, without missing a single one. Therefore, I am aware of the relevance of the Association and aspire to join the Ambassador program to promote IAMCR activities in South America. I am a member of SRC – Scholarly Review Committee - and also of PC–Publication Committee. After many years in VIC–Visual Culture WG, I am now chairing it, and this year VIC will be launching three Dossiers, having invited all  SWGs for two of them and authors from BRICS countries for a BRICS Dossier. From IAMCR Cartagena, I have organized mini film festivals in each of the next conferences. I hold a PhD in Comp Lit, Cinema & Arts (Univ. of California, Riverside-USA), and a Post-Doctorate in Cinema & Art (Univ. of Algarve, Portugal). I am Professor of a Masters and Doctoral Program and Coordinator of a Post-Graduate Program in Cinema at UTP. I serve as Chair of CIC WG (CNPq), in partnership with CIAC- Portugal, and Chair of Image and Media Imaginaries WG (Compós). I am also Curator of the Animatiba Film Festival and the Biennial Art Film Festival.  I would be honored to be re-elected. Thank you. 


He participado de IAMCR desde París-2007, sin faltar a ninguna conferencia. Por lo tanto, soy muy consciente de la relevancia de IAMCR y mi aspiración es unirme al programa Embajador para promover la Asociación en América del Sur. Soy miembro del SRC- Comité de Revisión Académica y también del PC – Comité de Publicación. Después de muchos años em VIC-GT “Cultura Visual”, en el presente lo presido. En este año el VIC estará lanzando tres proyectos, para los cuales ha invitado a Ss y GTs para dos de ellos y autores de los países BRICS para el Dossier BRICS. Desde el Congreso de IAMCR en Cartagena, organicé mini-festivales de cine. Poseo un PhD en Lit Comparada, Cine y Artes (Univ. of California, Riverside-EU), y un Pos-Doctorado en Cine y Arte (Univ. de Algarve, Portugal). Soy Profesora en un Programa de Maestría y Doctorado y Coordinadora de Posgrado en Cine en la Univ. Tuiuti do Paraná. Soy líder del GP CIC en convenio con CIAC (Portugal). También presido el GT Imagen e Imaginarios Mediáticos (Compós). Además, soy la Curadora del Festival de Cine de la Bienal de Arte de Curitiba y del Festival Animatiba. Me sentiría honrada de ser reelecta. Muchas gracias.

Nominated by Kaarle Nordenstreng, Tampere University, Finland

Araujo, Denize - Endorsements

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

I express my vote for Denize, an enthusiastic and inspired colleague, that has been working with great success in her mandate as an IC member.

Name: Tom Jacobson
Affiliation: Temple University
Country: United States

I would like to endorse Denize Araujo for the International Council. She has been a dedicated member of the Scholarly Review Committee, and will continue to be useful in the IC.

Name: Fernando Nobre Cavalcante
Affiliation: Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Country: Brazil

I support the candidacy of Denize Araujo.

Name: Thomas Wiedemann
Affiliation: LMU Munich
Country: Germany

I would like to endorse Denize Araujo's candidacy for the IC. Her commitment to VIC and IAMCR is impressive.

Name: Nico Carpentier
Affiliation: Charles University
Country: Czech Republic

I am happy to also endorse Denize Araujo, who has been active in the organisation for years, with a keenness and energy that I have always admired. She has brought many good ideas to the IAMCR table, and I trust that she will continue to do so.

Bolaño, César

Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brazil


  • Professor at Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS) and coordintaror at Observatório de Economia e Comunicação (OBSCOM)
  • Guest Professor at many universities from Brazil, Latin America, and others countries including Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC - Spain), the New York University (NYU - USA), and the University of Rennes (France).
  • Coordinator of international academic programs with France (CAPES-COFECUB, Université Paris-Dauphine) and Spain (CAPES-MECD, Universidad de Sevilla)
  • Director of the EPTIC Journal
  • Was editor at Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Comunicação (RBCC)
  • Ex-vice-president at Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação (INTERCOM)
  • Ex-president at Associação Latinoamericana de Investigadores da Comunicação (ALAIC)
  • First president of the Latin Union of Political Economy of Information, Communication and Culture (ULEPICC).
  • Ex-treasurer at International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)
  • Creator of the Political Economy of Communication and Culture in INERCOM and ALAIC. At the present, coordinator of the group EPICC at the Latin American College of Social Sciences CLACSO).
  • Main book published in English:
    • Culture Industry, information and capitalism (London: Pallgrave McMillan).


  • Profesor de la Universidad Federal de Sergipe (UFS), donde coordina el Observatorio de Economía y Comunicación (OBSCOM).
  • Profesor invitado en diversas universidades de Brasil, de  América Latina, de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC), de la New York University (NYU), de la Universidad de Rennes
  • Coordinó programas de cooperación académica internacional con a Francia (CAPES-COFECUB, Université Paris-Dauphine) y con España (CAPES-MECD, Universidad de Sevilla)
  • Director de la Revista EPTIC
  • Ex-editor de la Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Comunicação (RBCC)
  • Expresidente de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores da Comunicación (ALAIC)
  • Primer presidente de la Unión Latina de Economía Política de la Información, la Comunicación y la Cultura (ULEPICC)
  • Ex-tesorero de la International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)
  • Creador de los grupos de Economía Política de la Comunicación de INTERCOM y de ALAIC, coordina actualmente el GT EPICC del Colegio Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO).
  • Algunos libros publicados en español:
    • Mercado Brasileño de Televisión (Buenos Aires: El Río Suena)
    • Industria Cultural, Información y Capitalismo (Barcelona: GEDISA)
    • Economía Política, Comunicación y Conocimiento (Buenos Aires: La Crujía)


  • Professeur de l’Université Fédérale de Sergipe (UFS), où il coordonne l’Observatoire d’Economie et de Communication (OBSCOM)
  • Professeur-invité de plusieurs Universités au Brésil, en Amérique Latine, à l’Université de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle (USC), à la New York University (NYU) et à l’Université de Rennes.
  • A coordonné des programmes de coopération académique internationale avec la France (CAPES-COFECUB, Université Paris-Dauphine) et avec l’Espagne (CAPES-MECD, Universidad de Sevilla)
  • Directeur de la Revue EPTIC
  • A été éditeur de la Revue Brésilienne des Sciences de la Communication (RBCC)
  • Ex-Vice-Président de la Société Brésilienne des Etudes Interdisciplinaires de Communication (INTERCOM)
  • Ex-président de l’Association Latino-Américaine des Chercheurs en Communication (ALAIC)
  • A été trésorier de l’International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)
  • A été le créateur des groupes d’économie politique de l’information, la communication et la culture chez INTERCOM et ALAIC. Actuellement coordonne le groupe EPICC du Collège Latino-Américain de Sciences Sociales (CLACSO).

Bolaño, César - Endorsements

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

I support Bolaño’s candidacy for what he has done for making IAMCR global and his critical perspective for the Communication field.

Cabral, Adilson

Fluminense Federal University, Brazil


As a regular member since 2004, I expect to contribute to IAMCR with my experience and knowledge and I believe this institution may support my profile as one that will adequately pursue the interests of the association and the communication field in democratic basis. I understand Communication in its systemic and critical perspective, as a field related to the human rights, that considers itself as one and also as one its scientific production. I also consider University and Communication Courses as places that need to be committed to social justice, where Communication and Science play fundamental roles for social emancipation.

I was member of executive boards of scientific associations and coordinated/organized events in the critical field of Communication. I also coordinate or take part of research groups and publications in areas of Communication Policies, Community Communication and Political Economy of Communication.

My experience in all these years of contributions put in evidence the ability to successfully realize the tasks involved in the attributions to be assumed, such as contributions for the emergence of new scholars or the placement of IAMCR as an association committed to contribute for democracy and human rights.


Espero contribuir a IAMCR con mi experiencia y conocimiento, como miembro regular desde 2004. Creo que esta institución puede tener mi perfil como uno que persiga adecuadamente los intereses de la asociación y el campo de la comunicación en forma democrática. Entiendo la Comunicación en perspectiva sistémica y crítica, como campo de los derechos humanos, que se considera a sí mismo como uno y también como una su producción científica. Considero la Universidad y los cursos de comunicación como lugares que deben comprometerse con la justicia social, donde la comunicación y la ciencia tienen fundamentales contribuciones para la emancipación social.

Fui miembro de juntas ejecutivas de asociaciones científicas y coordinador / organizador de eventos en el campo crítico de la comunicación. También coordino /participo de grupos de investigación y publicaciones en áreas de políticas de comunicación, comunicación comunitaria y economía política de la comunicación. Mi experiencia en todos estos años de contribuciones permitirá realizar con éxito las tareas a asumir, como las contribuciones para el surgimiento de nuevos académicos o la colocación de IAMCR como una asociación comprometida a contribuir por la democracia y los derechos humanos.

Nominated by Andrea Medrado, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil

Cabral, Adilson - Endorsements

Name: Claudia Magallanes Blanco
Affiliation: Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla
Country: Mexico

I am sending this email to endorse Adilson Cabral’s candidacy for a position at IAMCR’s International Council.

Name: Nivea Bona
Independent researcher
Country: Brazil-USA

Adilson and I share a long partnership in different organizations, research groups, and fields of study. I can endorse his candidacy understanding he is a diplomatic academic trying always to understand what is fair in any discussion. He is intrigued by creative ways of organization and I know he is going to be a tireless supportive partner for anybody who would want his help.

Name: Alejandro Barranquero
Affiliation: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Country: Spain

I am sending this email to endorse Adilson Cabral’s candidacy for the IAMCR’s International Council. He is a great professional and a better person. I wish him good luck!

Name: Sergio Ricardo Quiroga
Affiliation: Centre for Social Studies (ICAES)
Country: Argentina

I support Adilson Cabral's candidacy for the IAMCR International Council.

Name: Nico Carpentier
Affiliation: Charles University
Country: Czech Republic

I happily endorse Adilson Cabral for the position of IAMCR International Council member. Adilson knows IAMCR very well, and cares deeply about our organisation. He has also managed to translate this care into concrete activities, doing work for IAMCR, and I trust that he will continue to do so as an IAMCR International Council member, which is something we very much need.

Name: Andrew Ó Baoill
Affiliation: The National University of Ireland Galway
Country: Ireland

I wish to endorse Adilson Cabral. Prof Cabral has long been an active and important member of the CCAM section, whose steady and trusted input has supported the development and expansion of that section. I know that he will be an important voice on the International Council, helping to build an IAMCR that is supportive and inclusive, and which values celebrate rigorous scholarship.

Name: Fernando Nobre Cavalcante
Affiliation: Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Country: Brazil

I support the candidacy of Adilson Vaz Cabral Filho.

Castanheira, José Cláudio

Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil


I have been a regular member of IAMCR since 2015, actively participating in different working groups of the association (DID, VIC, MAR), collaborating with publications and other initiatives proposed by these groups. I am professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, and I have been dedicated to teaching and researching for 17 years. I believe that research, particularly in the field of communication, must be committed to human development and democratic values. I intend to collaborate with the other IAMCR participants so that these values ​​are always present in the association’s actions. I will work so that the academic exchange between Brazilian researchers and those from other countries is stimulated.

I am coordinator of the research group GEIST/UFSC (Group of Studies in Images, Sonorities and Technologies), which proposes a joint work of academics from several institutions in Brazil. In 2019, I coordinated the 1st International Conference on Sonorities Research, held in Brazil with the participation of researchers from different countries such as Russia, USA, Canada, Portugal and Poland. I am co-organizer of the book Powers of Sound: politics, listenings and identities, to be published later this year.


Miembro regular de IAMCR desde 2015, participando activamente en diferentes grupos de trabajo de la asociación (DID, VIC, MAR), colaborando con publicaciones y otras iniciativas propuestas por estos grupos. Profesor en la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil, me he dedicado a enseñar e investigar durante 17 años. Creo que la investigación, en particular en el campo de la comunicación, debe estar comprometida con el desarrollo humano y los valores democráticos. Tengo la intención de colaborar con los otros participantes de IAMCR para que estos valores estén siempre presentes en las acciones de la asociación. Trabajaré para estimular el intercambio académico entre investigadores brasileños y de otros países.

Soy coordinador del grupo de investigación GEIST/UFSC (Grupo de Estudios en Imágenes, Sonoridades y Tecnologías), que propone un trabajo conjunto de académicos de varias instituciones en Brasil. En 2019, coordiné la 1a Conferencia Internacional sobre Investigación de Sonoridades, celebrada en Brasil con la participación de investigadores de diferentes países como Rusia, Estados Unidos, Canadá, Portugal y Polonia. Soy coorganizador del libro Poderes del sonido: política, escuchas e identidades, que se publicará a finales de este año.


Je suis un membre régulier de l’IAMCR depuis 2015, participant activement aux différents groupes de travail de l’association (DID, VIC, MAR), collaborant avec les publications et autres initiatives proposées par ces groupes. Je suis professeur à l’Université Fédérale de Santa Catarina, au Brésil, et je me consacre à l’enseignement et à la recherche depuis 17 ans. Je pense que la recherche, en particulier dans le domaine de la communication, doit être engagée en faveur du développement humain et des valeurs démocratiques. J’ai l’intention de collaborer avec les autres participants de l’IAMCR pour que ces valeurs soient toujours présentes dans les actions de l’association. Je travaillerai pour que l’échange académique entre les chercheurs brésiliens et ceux d’autres pays soit stimulé.

Je suis coordinateur du groupe de recherche GEIST/UFSC (Groupe d’Études en Images, Sonorités et Technologies), qui propose un travail conjoint de chercheurs de plusieurs institutions au Brésil. En 2019, j’ai coordonné la 1ère Conférence Internationale pour la Recherche sur les Sonorités, tenue au Brésil avec la participation de chercheurs de différents pays tels que la Russie, les États-Unis, le Canada, le Portugal et la Pologne. Je suis co-organisateur du livre Pouvoirs du son: politique, écoute et identités, qui sera publié cette année.

Castanheira, José Cláudio - Endorsements

Name: Anna Gladkova
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Country: Russia

I fully support Jose Claudio’s nomination for the International Council member. As a global professional association, IAMCR needs to increase its presence and visibility in different regions of the world, including South America and specifically Brazil. Jose Claudio’s vast experience as a researcher, lecturer and coordinator of numerous academic projects and events makes him a perfect candidate for International Council membership. I’m sure that he will contribute to IAMCR’s further successful development by launching new projects in Brazil, developing new collaborations across institutions and countries, and sharing his best practices with colleagues from worldwide.

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

José Claudio is a great scholar in the field of Cultural Studies and he'll can give a great contribution with his commitment for a participative IAMCR.

Name: Luiza Lusvarghi
Affiliation: Unicamp
Country: Brazil

Amidst all these uncertainties, once pandemic is still progressing despite the efforts of the entire world, I understand these IAMCR elections as the most relevant in the last few years. As a Brazilian researcher and journalist, I´m afraid these events will reinforce prejudices, authoritarianism and exclusion. My country has witnessed violent clashes between the current government and groups committed to the goals of democracy, while education and culture are still targets of daily attacks from conservative forces and extreme right-wing groups.  José Claudio Castanheira is a scholar devoted to Film Studies, but also a huge supporter of creative projects from a cultural diversity perspective.

Chen, Changfeng

Tsinghua University, China

Chen Changfeng is Professor in journalism and ethics of media, and the Executive Dean of the School of Journalism and Communication at Tsinghua University in China. Specializing in ethics and values of technology, she has won many national academic awards. She is the member of the Academic Committee of the State Council of China, vice chair of the National Journalism and Communication Steering Committee of China, member of the Executive Council of China Journalists Association. She was the President of Chinese Association of Journalism & Communication History, the only national academic association for journalism and communication studies in China and led it to develop during her 5-year term. She is elected as the founding President of the Asia-Pacific Communication Alliance, which unites researchers and educators from more than twenty communication associations from sixteen countries. Prior to joining Tsinghua University, she studied at Renmin University for her Ph.D. degree and worked at Peking University for twelve years as an associate professor at School of International Studies and deputy dean at School of Journalism and Communication. She was also a visiting scholar of University of Minnesota and University of Illinois. She hosted international conferences and workshops such as Global Media Ethics, Social Media Regulation and chaired the Local Organising Committee of the IAMCR conference for Beijing 2020.

Nominated by Kaarle Nordenstreng, Tampere University, Finland

Chen, Changfeng - Endorsements

Name: Deqiang JI
Affiliation: Communication University of China
Country: China

I am writing to offer my endorsement for Prof. Chen Changfeng's candidacy in the International Council Election. Prof. Chen is a leading female media and communication scholar in China and executive dean of the School of Journalism and Communication at Tsinghua University. She is the chairperson of LOC of IAMCR's Beijing Conference and was an active participant in previous annual conferences. She has great reputation in new media and ICTs ethics studies. She also holds several important academic positions in China and beyond, including the President of Chinese Association of Journalism and Communication History, based on which, she launched the Asia-Pacific Alliance of Journalism and Communication Associations. Therefore, I strongly support her candidacy in running for the IC member with a definite belief that she will help promote further internationalization of IAMCR in the coming future.

Gladkova, Anna

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

I am Leading Researcher and Director of International Affairs Office at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University. I am also IAMCR Ambassador in Russia and vice-chair of IAMCR's Digital Divide Working Group. 

As Director of the International Affairs Office, I oversee all faculty exchanges and international projects with partner universities and associations from abroad. In addition to that, I teach several courses in Russian and English, and hold the position of executive editor in World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies. I have published and edited collections on ethnic media, multicultural affairs and digital inequalities. My most recent books include Digital Inequalities in the Global South (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020) co-edited with Massimo Ragnedda, and Ethnic Journalism in the Global South (forthcoming) co-edited with Sadia Jamil. I was awarded a number of research grants, including grants from the Presidential grant council for the state support of young Russian scholars and Russian International Education Administrators grant from Fulbright.

I am a dedicated member of IAMCR and I am very interested in contributing to the association’s further outreach to Russian academia and students, as well as its overall presence in the Russian professional field as International Council member.

Gladkova, Anna - Endorsements

Name: José Cláudio S. Castanheira
Affiliation: Federal University of S. Catarina
Country: Brazil

I have no hesitation in supporting Anna Gladkova’s nomination for IAMCR International Council. She is a very dedicated member of IAMCR with an outstanding work as Digital Divide Working Group vice-chair and as IAMCR Ambassador in Russia. She has long experience with international collaboration projects and I would say that is one of the most important qualities for researchers nowadays. I believe one of the main objectives of IAMCR is to seek for the interconnection of researchers all over the world, dealing with different realities and perspectives. Anna Gladkova has demonstrated, along her academic trajectory, she has the necessary experience and will to contribute to IAMCR actions.

Name: Uma Shankar Pandey
Affiliation: Surendranath College for Women
Country: India

I endorse Anna Gladkova's nomination to the International Council. She is a diligent and dedicated member of the IAMCR. As the  Digital Divide Working Group vice-chair she has displayed immense dexterity.  She is an erudite scholar and also an able organiser — as the IAMCR Russia Ambassador, she recently organised the hugely successful 'Journalism in 2019 Conference' at the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

If elected, I am sure she will serve the IAMCR International Council with distinction. 

Name: Namita Nagpal
Affiliation: Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Country: India

I am Namita Nagpal doing Ph. D. from GGSIPU, Delhi, India on ‘Virtual in the Domestic: Social Influence of New Media on Families’. I am writing this in the capacity of IAMCR student member (since 2016 with membership number 5086). I have presented 3 papers in IAMCR, one in 2016-1) ‘Shaping Political Persona, Campaigns And Political Mobilization: Mapping Changing Elections Moorings In India In The Digital Age’ in the MPS section and two in 2018- 2) ‘Funambulism in the Ecosphere of Family and Friends with New Media: A Balancing act of Meaning Making of Identity and Getting into the Groove by Teenagers’ in the Audience section and 3) ‘Marginalisation, Inclusion and Development: Women Going Smart with Smartphone’ in Digital Divide working group.

My association with Anna Gladkova is 3 years, all the same Anna’s positive and go-getter attitude compels me to vouch for her sincerity and integrity. I would like to support Anna’s candidacy for the International Council member. Anna’s experience as a Digital Divide Working Group vice-chair, her dedication to IAMCR, as well as her good knowledge of the association makes her a perfect candidate for this position. She is a bright spark already in the digital divide working group and has been able to blend different ideas into the wide spectrum of the group. I believe, if given this opportunity, she may contribute in the growth of the association with her positive mind set.

Furthermore, I believe it is important for the IAMCR to develop its presence in different regions of the world, in Russia for example, where the association is not well known yet. Making her the International Council member will ensure better representation of IAMCR in different parts of the world.

Name: Sadia Jamil
Affiliation: Khalifa University
Country: United Arab Emirates

Dr. Gladkova is a brilliant scholar, a very active member of IAMCR and atop she has worked tremendously for the growth of IAMCR's Digital Divide Group.

Name: Elena Vartanova
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Country: Russia

I fully support Anna’s candidacy for the International Council member. Being a global academic association, IAMCR needs to increase its presence and visibility in currently underrepresented regions of the world, including Russia. Anna’s vast experience in international collaboration, as well as her long-term connection and dedication to IAMCR should be a perfect asset here. I know her for many years as a hard-working researcher devoted to humanistic goals of the global academia, and I am sure she would contribute a lot to the internationalization of the IAMCR, its promotion in Russia, in the post-Soviet countries and globally. 

Name: Katja Lehtisaari
Affiliation: University of Helsinki
Country: Finland

I support Anna Gladkova for candidate for the IAMCR International Council in the forthcoming election. She has been an active member of IAMCR for many years, being vice-chair of the Digital Divide Working Group and IAMCR Ambassador in Russia. She also has a lot of experience on international collaboration, including research and event coordination.

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

I support Anna for her dedicated work and inspiration for new and critical perspectives for the association.

Name: Massimo Ragnedda
Affiliation: Northumbria University
Country: United Kingdom

I strongly support Anna Gladkova for a position in the International Council of IAMCR. Anna is an enthusiastic and inspired colleague, and she has been working with great success in her mandate as vice-chair of the Digital Divide Working Group. Her international experience also strengthens her ability to contribute to the vision and mission of IAMCR. 

Name: Prabhjot Sohal
Affiliation: Panjab University, India
Country: Canada

I support Dr. Anna Gladkova's nomination for IAMCR's International Council. Dr. Anna has made an immense contribution to IAMCR and the communications research community with her scholarship and has inspired emerging scholars with her leadership and mentorship. 

Hahn, Oliver

University of Passau, Germany


I wish to stand for IAMCR’s International Council. I have been an active member of the association since 2007 and have served for the past four years as Co-Vice-Chair of the Journalism Research and Education section.

I am Professor of Journalism and Vice-Dean for Internationalization and Research in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Passau, Germany, specializing in comparative research of journalistic cultures and media systems. This has been supported by my having been invited as visiting professor to a number of countries. Also, I act as a consultant about media relations and public diplomacy to the German Foreign Office and the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations. Previously, I worked as a journalist with international media in France and Germany.

If elected, my special interests are in upholding the internationalization of IAMCR by increasing membership in world regions where our association is still under-represented; in integrating more young and emerging scholars into all activities of our association; in strengthening international partnerships of IAMCR; in stimulating research and education collaborations in different world regions; and in promoting IAMCR’s digital and analogue international visibility in public.


Deseo presentarme a la elección como miembro del Consejo Internacional de la AIECS. Soy miembro activo de la asociación desde 2007 y me desempeño como Vicepresidente Adjunto de la sección de Investigación y Educación en Periodismo desde 2016.

Soy Profesor de Periodismo y Vicedecano de Internacionalización e Investigación de la Facultad de Artes y Humanidades de la Universidad de Passau, Alemania. Estoy especializado en investigación comparativa en culturas periodísticas y sistemas de medios de comunicación y asisto como profesor invitado a universidades en varios países. También proporciono asesoría sobre relaciones con los medios y la diplomacia pública a la Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores de Alemania y al Instituto para Relaciones Culturales con el Exterior. Anterior a esto, trabajé como periodista en varios medios internacionales en Francia y en Alemania.

Si soy elegido sugiero profundizar la internacionalización de la AIECS y conseguir nuevos miembros en regiones del mundo donde nuestra asociación todavía está sub-representada; integrar a más académicos jóvenes en todas las actividades de nuestra asociación; fortalecer las alianzas internacionales de la AIECS; estimular la colaboración en investigación y educación en diferentes regiones del mundo; y promover la visibilidad internacional digital y analógica de la AIECS en público.


Je présente ma candidature pour devenir membre du Conseil International de l’AIERI. Je suis membre actif de l’association depuis 2007 et m’engage depuis quatre ans en tant que Vice-Directeur Adjoint de la section Formation et Etudes Journalistiques.

Je suis Professeur des universités en Etudes Journalistiques et Vice-Doyen à l’Internationalisation et à la Recherche de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de l’université de Passau, Allemagne. Je suis spécialisé dans les études comparatives des cultures journalistiques et des systèmes de médias et j’ai également été professeur invité dans de nombreux pays. Par ailleurs, je conseille le ministère des Affaires étrangères allemand et l’Institut des relations culturelles étrangères sur les questions relatives aux relations-presse et à la diplomatie publique. Antérieurement, j’ai travaillé comme journaliste pour des médias internationaux en France et en Allemagne.

Si je suis élu, je tâcherais d’approfondir l’internationalisation de l’AIERI et d’augmenter les effectifs des membres dans les régions du monde où notre association demeure sous-représentée ; d’intégrer davantage de jeunes chercheurs dans toutes les activités de notre association ; de cultiver les alliances internationales de l’AIERI ; de susciter des collaborations en matière de recherche et d’éducation dans différentes régions du monde; et de promouvoir la visibilité internationale, tant digitale qu’analogique, de l’AIERI en publique.

Nominated by

  • Thomas Hanitzsch, LMU Munich, Germany
  • Elisabeth Eide, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

Hahn, Oliver - Endorsements

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

I support Oliver Hahn candidacy for his critical work in an important area of studies as Journalism and for what he can contribute for IAMCR bringing his critical perspective.

Jacobson, Tom

Temple University, United States

I’ve been a member of IAMCR since 1990. Am currently Professor at Temple University’s 

Department of Media Studies and Production, where I Direct a Master of Science program in Communication for Development and Social Change. In 1994, I helped launch IAMCR’s Participatory Communication Research Section, serving as its first Vice-Chair (1996-1998) and then Chair (1998-2002).  Have been a member of IAMCR’s Scholarly Review Committee since 2002, Chair since 2006. Also now serve on IAMCR’s Task Force for the Global Alliance for Social and Behavior Change. Recently judged submissions to the new UNICEF/IAMCR Research Award, and am helping mentor Award winners.  Theoretical research focuses lately on the work of Amartya Sen. Applied work currently includes a project to develop a code of ethics for social and behavior change communication, or C4D, in association with the Global Alliance on Social and Behavior Change. I have been honored to help the Association evolve its scholarly practices over recent years. In the future I would be eager to continue this work, to build further on IAMCR’s relationships with the Global Alliance and UNICEF, and in addition to help IAMCR with continuous improvement in areas such as the structure of its Sections and Working Groups.

Jacobson, Tom - Endorsements

Name: Jo Pierson
Affiliation: Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Country: Belgium

I would very much like to endorse Tom Jacobson for the International Council. He has been essential in supporting and chairing the Scholarly Review Committee since many years and thereby strengthening the academic quality and standing of IAMCR.

Name: Denize Araujo
Affiliation: Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná
Country: Brazil

I endorse Tom Jacobson´s candidacy for the International Council. As Chair of SRC- Scholarly Review Committee - he has proven to be assertive, respectful, open-minded and fair, essential attributes to be an asset to the IC.

Kupe, Tawana

University of Pretoria, South Africa

If I am elected a member of the International Council of the IAMCR, I would promote a drive to make the association truly global through increasing membership drives among under represented regions. These regions have in the past three decades experienced growth of the media and communication sector and media and communication programmes. 

To achieve this goal, I would propose a strategy where we tap for membership the collaborations, partnerships, networks and alliances that universities and members belong to and participate in. In this way we will gain the critical mass and scale necessary to understand how media and communication influence the world and its localities to achieve meaningful democracy, sustainable development and sustainability of humanity and the environment. 

I would also propose a strategy to ensure sustainability of the IAMCR itself by ensuring emerging and early career researchers join the association early on in their careers. By increasing membership in this category the IAMCR would become a diverse association representing multiple generations as well intellectual traditions, methodologies and research topics. 

Finally, I would propose that the IAMCR agree to promote critical analytical research into the use of new media technologies, new and emerging forms of media for disinformation campaigns.

Nominated by

  • Kaarle Nordenstreng, Tampere University, Finland
  • Ullamaija Kivikuru, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Ufuoma Akpojivi, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
  • Monica Chibita, Ugandan Christian University, Uganda
  • Knut Lundby, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Dumisani Moyo, University of Johannisburg, South Africa

Lago, Claudia

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil


I am a professor at the School of Communications and Arts at the University of São Paulo, Brazil (ECA/USP) and I have been researching non-fictional narratives, especially journalism, at their interfaces with gender studies, as well as research and action in media education. At ECA I am the chairperson of the Human Rights Commission and a member of the Não Cala Network, a collective of researchers and professors against gender violence in the institutional space.

I have been a member at IAMCR since 2008, became the vice-chair of the Journalism Research and Education Section (JRE) in 2010, and chair of the Section in 2016. Additionally, I was the Administrative Director (2005-2009) and later President (2013-2017) of the Brazilian Association of Journalism Researchers (SBPJor) and I am currently one of the editors of SBPJor´s journal Brazilian Journalism Research (BJR).

I have extensive experience in management, administration of entities and research groups, with a special focus on inclusion and construction of policies that take into account diversity, respect and sensitivity to understand and deal with differences between groups.

I believe I can contribute to broaden IAMCR's perception of these differences, helping to move the association towards a more inclusive future.


Soy profesora de la Escuela de Comunicaciones y Artes de la Universidad de São Paulo (ECA / USP) in Brasil y he estado investigando narrativas no ficticias, especialmente periodismo, en sus interfaces con estudios de género, así como investigación y acción en educación para los medios. En ECA soy el presidente de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos y miembro de la Red Não Cala, un colectivo de investigadores y profesores contra la violencia de género en el espacio institucional.

Soy membro de IAMCR desde 2008, vicepresidente de la Sección de Investigación y Educación de Periodismo (JRE) desde 2010, y elegida presidente de la Sección en 2016. Además, fui Directora Administrativa (2005-2009) y más tarde presidente (2013-2017) de la Asociación Brasileña de Investigadores de Periodismo (SBPJor) y actualmente soy uno de los editores de la revista SBPJor Brazilian Journalism Research (BJR).

Tengo una amplia experiencia en gestión, administración de entidades y grupos de investigación, con un enfoque especial en la inclusión y construcción de políticas que tengan en cuenta la diversidad, el respeto y la sensibilidad para comprender y abordar las diferencias entre los grupos.

Creo que puedo contribuir a ampliar la percepción de IAMCR de estas diferencias, ayudando a mover la asociación hacia un futuro más inclusivo.

Nominated by Andrea Medrado, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil

Lago, Claudia - Endorsements

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

Claudia Lago is a dedicated colleague, that can bring great contributions for IAMCR, specially in the Journalism area and the involvement with members from Latin America.

Name: Prabhjot Sohal
Affiliation: Panjab University, India
Country: Canada

I support Prof. Claudia Lago's nomination for IAMCR's International Council. Prof.Lago is one of the wonderful treasures of IAMCR and her nomination to International Council will ensure the growth of IAMCR as a platform for a multicultural scholarship development and exchange. 

Martin, Fiona

University of Sydney, Australia

For 18 years IAMCR has been my window to the diversity of the scholarly world and I am honoured to be nominated for the first time to the Council.  

As a scholar of new media technologies and a former distance educator I will work with my colleagues to ensure IAMCR has sustainable remote meeting and conferencing strategies, accessible to all. We need these to address not just COVID-19 travel restrictions, but also our ongoing impact on climate change. 

I am also committed to research that enhances the rights and safety of communications and media workers internationally and leads to better media policy and law. My books include Sharing News Online: commendary cultures and social media ecologies (2019, Palgrave Macmillan) and Mediating the Conversation (2021, Routledge). My collaborative research includes the Australian Research Council-funded Platform Governance: Rethinking internet regulation as media policy, the Facebook-funded Regulating Hate Speech in the Asia Pacific and the UNESCO-funded International Center for Journalists’ Online Harassment Project.  I currently serve as Vice President Research of the Journalism Research & Education Association of Australia, and as a member of the International Relations Committee of the International Association of Women in Radio and Television.

Nominated by Siobhan McHugh, University of Wollongong, Australia

Mastrini, Guillermo

Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina

I have been a member of IAMCR since 1998, and was elected for the International Council in 2016. Today, I am deeply concerned with the commodification of the academic system, mainly in the publication sector. I would like to promote that IAMCR, as a historically critical organization, contributes to push a bigger debate on this issue.

My research interests are in political economy of communication and public communication policies. I am presently a professor at the Communication School, National University of Quilmes (UNQ) and University of Buenos Aires (UBA).  I am also research fellow at the National Scientific Research Council (CONICET). I hold the the position of co-director of the Research Program at the National University of Quilmes (2019-2023). Furthermore, I am the director of a research project on communication policies in Argentina, approved within the framework of the 2018-2021 Scientific Program at the University of Buenos Aires (UBACyT). He is a researcher for the Institute of Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences (UBA).

I was Dean of the Master Program in Cultural Industries at UNQ, and of Communications Studies Department at UBA. Former President of the Argentine Federation of Social Communication Schools. 

Nominated by Rodrigo Gomez, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico

Mastrini, Guillermo - Endorsements

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

I support Mastrini’s candidacy for his reference work and critical perspective regarding media and communication issues, which can bring a significant contribution for the future of IAMCR. 

Name: Alejandro Barranquero
Affiliation: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Country: Spain

I strongly support Guillermo Mastrini’s candidacy for the International Council. His teamwork capacities are relevant for the leading of IAMCR. 

Maxwell, Richard

Queens College, CUNI, United States

I am a Professor of Media Studies at Queens College, City University of New York. My research has focused on international communication, surveillance, the environmental impact of information and communication technologies, and labor in global high-tech industries. My books include The Spectacle of Democracy: Spanish Television, Nationalism, and Political Transition (University of Minnesota Press, 1995), Global Hollywood (I and 2) (with Toby Miller, 2001), Culture Works: The Political Economy of Culture (University of Minnesota Press, 2001), Herbert Schiller (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003), The Routledge Companion to Labor and Media (Routledge, 2015), Media and the Ecological Crisis (with Jon Raundalen & Nina Lager Vestberg, 2014), and Greening the Media (with Toby Miller, 2012). My latest book is How Green Is Your Smartphone? (with Toby Miller, 2020)

I am standing for the International Council to reaffirm my commitment to the internationalism of the IAMCR, which I would like to see continue to grow in its traditional areas of strength as well as in new directions such as environmental communication and research on sustainability in the ICT and consumer electronics sectors. I am also a member of the IAMCR Environmental Committee, and I support the committee’s efforts to help the organization move toward greener organizational strategies, including ways to mitigate the impact of our meetings, conferences, and congresses.

Milan, Stefania

University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

My name is Stefania Milan (, and I am an Associate Professor of New Media and Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam. I have been an IAMCR member since 2003, attending most annual gatherings, and serving as a co-chair of the Emerging Scholars Network (2008-2012) and as an elected IC member (2012-2016). Unfortunately over time I have seen conference fees raise dramatically, notwithstanding the relentless efforts of our leadership to keep costs down. I am running for the IC again because I want to contribute to make of IAMCR an academic community mindful of differences and impact rather than an elite club. I want to make IAMCR greener, more transparent, and more attentive to the changing academic landscape. IAMCR could be greener by, e.g., hosting biyearly “main” conferences accompanied by off-year, smaller thematic gatherings. IAMCR could be (even) more transparent by, e.g., opening up budgets and IC meetings. IAMCR should be fairer by paying closer attention to the inclusion of casual workers and students. This is not a criticism of the amazing work of our leadership to date, but rather an expression of interest to build on what our community has achieved so far to do even better in the future. 

Nominated by Rodrigo Gomez, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico

Milan, Stefania - Endorsements

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

Stefania is a vibrant and committed colleague, with great contributions both in technical and structural aspects of important issues for IAMCR and its future.

Name: Alejandro Barranquero
Affiliation: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Country: Spain

I’m sending my support to Stefania Milan, whom I met in my first IAMCR encounters as a young and promising scholar. And she’s still more than an emergent value for the International Council for her critical work and the community networks that surround her.

Molale, Tshepang

North-West University, South Africa

I hereby nominate myself to IAMCR’s International Council in line with the election committee’s procedures. I believe I meet the minimum requirement required to serve in this body, as a young and aspiring academic from South Africa. My research interest lie in communication for social change at an institutional setting within the context of public participation in Municipal Integrated Development Planning (IDP) (see Molale, 2014; Molale, 2019), journalism studies (see Asak & Molale, 2020 in press), and in a scholarship for Teaching and Learning (see Asak, Molale & Enwereji, 2018). Moreover, I believe I am the relevant incumbent to join this council as it requires one’s initiative drive and critical thinking to make input that will shape the association’s core activities. These include capacity development of budding intellectuals (through excellence awards), the sustained creation of platforms for knowledge exchange opportunities for like-minded academics on a global scale to showcase cutting-edge and socially responsive research (through conferences and symposia), as well as fundraising. Furthermore, I strongly believe in IAMCR’s participatory approach towards the an all-inclusive and active involvement of academics from all over the world in shaping the association’s direction through the council’s work. For my short CV, follow this link.

Narula, Sumit

Amity University Madhya Pradesh, India

I have been a Media and Communication educator for over 12 years. Currently, Associate Professor & Director, Amity School of communication, Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior, I have been associated with IAMCR from the last five years. Before joining academics, I was a Journalist with an English national daily The Pioneer based in New Delhi. In 2016, I was selected as one of the travel grant holders to attend the IAMCR 2016 at the University of Leicester, London.

Till now, I have organised seven National as well as International conferences at Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior. I have published seven edited books till now and one book Environmental Awareness and the Role of Social Media has been indexed in Clarivate Analytics WEB of Science. I have also published two media books in which, I am the first author. Apart from this, I am the founding Editor-in-Chief of bi-annual SCOPUS indexed journal named Journal of Content Community and Communication. This is the only journal of any media university in India, which is SCOPUS indexed. 

As a member of the International Council of the IAMCR, I will work for the Open access to all and challenges faced by the South-Asian countries and will also work for the expansion of IAMCR countries in these areas with my contacts and explorations. Every year, I receive a large number of research papers from these regions for my bi-annual journal.

Padovani, Claudia

University of Padova, Italy


The IAMCR is where I have learned to be part of an international scholarly community; where I had the opportunity to nurture my research interests through trans-disciplinary exchanges; and a space for developing meaningful personal relations, and sincere friendships.

I co-chaired the working group on Global Media Policy for years, and I believe this group has contributed to make this field of study an inspiring multi-faceted domain. Co-chairing the Publication Committee and co-editing the Palgrave/IAMCR series, was an opportunity to help consolidating frameworks for knowledge exchange that give better visibility to the IAMCR and its distinct character. Working actively with the IAMCR Task Force for the Global Alliance for Media and Gender has confirmed my conviction that we scholars, and the Association we belong to, are increasingly called to play a crucial role in engaging with international debates and, possibly, in orientating policy developments, to promote values and practices of inclusion and respect for communication rights of women and men, and of marginalized groups.

I believe today more than in the past the IAMCR should foster new ways of theorizing and conducting research; explore innovative ways for truly global intellectual exchange; experiment with the possibilities offered by digital technologies to support our collective efforts in developing new knowledge, in sharing and collaborating. I would be honoured to contribute my knowledge, experience and energies towards developing visions for “IAMCR 2030”. 


La AIECS es donde aprendí a ser parte de una comunidad académica internacional; donde tuve la oportunidad de nutrir mis intereses de investigación a través de intercambios trans-disciplinarios; y un espacio para desarrollar relaciones personales significativas y amistades sinceras.

Copresidí el grupo de trabajo sobre Política Global de Medios durante años, y creo que este grupo ha contribuido a hacer de este campo de estudio un dominio significativo. La copresidencia del Comité de Publicaciones y la coedición de la serie Palgrave / AIECS fue una oportunidad para ayudar a consolidar los marcos para el intercambio de conocimientos que brinden una mejor visibilidad de la IAMCR y su carácter distintivo. Trabajar activamente con el Grupo de Trabajo AIECS para la Alianza Global para los Medios y el Género ha confirmado mi convicción de que los académicos, y la Asociación a la que pertenecemos, están cada vez más llamados a desempeñar un papel crucial en los debates internacionales y, posiblemente, en la orientación de las políticas; para promover valores y prácticas de inclusión y respeto de los derechos de comunicación de mujeres y hombres, y de grupos marginalizados.

Creo que hoy más que en el pasado, la AIECS debería fomentar nuevas formas de teorizar y realizar investigaciones; explorar formas innovadoras para un intercambio intelectual verdaderamente global y trans-disciplinario; experimentar con las posibilidades que ofrecen las tecnologías digitales para apoyar nuestros esfuerzos colectivos en el desarrollo de nuevos conocimientos, en el intercambio y la colaboración. Me sentiría honrada de contribuir con mi conocimiento, experiencia y energías para desarrollar visiones para "AIECS 2030".


L'AIERI est l'endroit où j'ai appris à faire partie d'une communauté universitaire internationale; où j'ai eu l'occasion de nourrir mes intérêts de recherche grâce à des échanges transdisciplinaires; et un espace pour développer des relations personnelles significatives et des amitiés sincères.

J'ai coprésidé le groupe de travail sur la politique mondiale des médias pendant des années et je pense que ce groupe a contribué à développé un domaine d'étude multiforme. La coprésidence du Comité de Publication et la coédition de la série Palgrave / IAMCR ont été l'occasion d'aider à consolider les cadres d'échange de connaissances qui donnent une meilleure visibilité à l'IAMCR et à son caractère distinct. Travailler activement avec le Groupe de travail de l'IAMCR pour l'Alliance Mondiale pour les Médias et le Genre a confirmé ma conviction que nous, les universitaires, et l'Association à laquelle nous appartenons, sommes de plus en plus appelés à jouer un rôle crucial dans l'engagement dans les débats internationaux et, éventuellement, dans l'orientation des politiques ; pour promouvoir les valeurs et les pratiques d'inclusion et de respect des droits à la communication des femmes et des hommes, et des groupes marginalisés.

Je crois qu'aujourd'hui plus que par le passé, l'IAMCR devrait favoriser de nouvelles façons de théoriser et de conduire la recherche; explorer des moyens innovants pour un échange intellectuel véritablement mondial; expérimenter les possibilités offertes par les technologies numériques pour soutenir nos efforts collectifs de développement de nouvelles connaissances, de partage et de collaboration. Je serais honoré de mettre mes connaissances, mon expérience et mes énergies au service du développement de visions pour «IAMCR 2030».

Nominated by 

  • Gerard Goggin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • Marjan de Bruin, Jamaica

Padovani, Claudia - Endorsements

Name: Marjan de Bruin
Affiliation: University of the West Indies, retired
Country: Jamaica

I have known Dr. Padovani for more than two decades and witnessed from nearby her consistent strength in discussions, which, without loosing much time, she will analyse and summarize quickly and to the point to bring the essence to the front. She also has what seems to be a natural gift of  achieving the goals she set out to achieve– in other words: she can "get things done."  She has been a member of the International Council for several years and knows the culture of the IC and its diversity.

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

Claudia is a very known IAMCR member, with a strong and qualified participation in many areas of expertise that contribute for the IAMCR strengthening. 

Pandey, Uma Shankar

University of Calcutta, India


I have been a Media and Communication educator for over 18 years. Currently, Associate Professor & Head, Surendranath College for Women (University of Calcutta), I have been associated with IAMCR for a decade. Before joining academics, I was a Journalist with an English national daily The Asian Age. In 2015, I was selected as one of the first IAMCR Ambassadors. I am now in my second three-year term as IAMCR Ambassador. 

Organizing the IAMCR Regional Conference in India in 2016 is one of my major contributions as an IAMCR member. I am the Editorial Director of Mediawatch, one of the highest-ranked media and communication journals published from India. 

I have published over 15 papers and authored and edited four books. I was also awarded the Best Media Educator of India Award by the Business World in November 2018. 

As a member of the International Council of the IAMCR I would strive to promote the IAMCR mandate in the under-served geographical south — especially in South Asia and Asia-Pacific. I believe, with the increased influence of deep fakes and AI-mediated communication, IAMCR has to play a more proactive role as a thinktank and an open-access resource provider in these regions.


Durante 18 años he sido un educador de comunicación y medios. Actualmente soy profesor asociado y Drector del Departamento de Periodismo y Medios de Comunicación del Surendranath College for Women, en la Universidad de Calcuta. He estado vinculado con AIECS durante una década. Antes de convertirme en académico, fui periodista de un periódico en inglés, The Asian Age. El 2015 fui elegido como uno de los primeros embajadores de AIECS. Ahora estoy en mi segundo periodo de tres años como embajador de AIECS.

Una de mis mayores contribuciones como miembro de AIECS fue la organización de la Conferencia Regional de AIECS en India, el año 2016. 

He publicado más de 15 artículos académicos y he sido autor y editor de cuatro libros. También recibí el premio al Mejor Educador de India, otorgado por Business World en noviembre de 2018.

Como miembro del Consejo Internacional de AIECS me esforzaré por promover el mandato de AIECS en la desatendida zona geográfica del sur, especialmente en el sur de Asia y el Asia-Pacífico. Con la creciente influencia de los ultrafalsos (deep fakes) y la comunicación mediada por inteligencia artificial, creo que AIECS debe jugar un rol más activo como centro de pensamiento y como proveedor de recursos abiertos en estas regiones.


 Je suis un éducateur en médias et communication depuis plus de 18 ans. Actuellement, maitre assistant et directeur du « Surendranath College for Women » (Université de Calcutta). Je suis associé à l’AIERI depuis une décennie. Avant de rejoindre des universitaires, j’étais journaliste au quotidien national anglais « the Asian Age ». En 2015, j’ai été sélectionné comme l’un des premiers ambassadeurs de l’AIERI. Je suis maintenant à mon deuxième mandat de trois ans en tant qu’ambassadeur de l’AIERI. 

L’organisation de la conférence régionale de l’AIERI en Inde en 2016 est l’une de mes principales contributions en tant que membre de l’AIERI. Je suis le directeur éditorial de Mediawatch, l’une des revues de presse et de communication les mieux classées publiées en Inde. 

J’ai publié plus de 15 articles et rédigé et édité quatre livres. J’ai également reçu le Prix du Meilleur Educateur en Médias de l’Inde par le Business World en novembre 2018. 

En tant que membre du Conseil International de l’AIERI, je vais me lutter à fin de promouvoir le mandat de l’AIERI dans le sud géographique mal desservi, en particulier en Asie du Sud et en Asie-Pacifique. Je crois que, avec l’influence accrue des contrefaçons profondes et des communications médiées par l’IA, l’AIERI doit jouer un rôle plus proactif en tant que groupe de réflexion et fournisseur de ressources open source dans ces régions.

Pandey, Uma Shankar - Endorsements

Name: Anna Gladkova
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Country: Russia

I have known Uma Shankar since 2015 as a dedicated member of IAMCR and regular presenter at the Digital Divide Working Group sessions. Since then, I have admired his professional and personal qualities. Uma Shankar is well known in India and abroad as an expert in digital media and communication studies. I am convinced that given his experience as researcher and lecturer he is a great candidate for the position in the International Council.

Name: Massimo Ragnedda
Affiliation: Northumbria University
Country: United Kingdom

I endorse Uma Shankar´s candidacy for the International Council. Uma is a vibrant and committed colleague.  His intellectual capacity and significant contribution to the digital inequalities field place his candidacy as very important for the future of IAMCR. He will be an important voice on the International Council and his contribution will help build an IAMCR that is inclusive and vibrant.

Name: Prabhjot Sohal
Affiliation: Panjab University, India
Country: Canada

I support Prof. Pandey's nomination to the International Council. His professionalism and dedication in supporting IAMCR's activities and promoting the organizational objectives in South Asia are laudable. He will be a valuable member of the International Council.

Pierson, Jo

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

I gladly accept my nomination for a second term as member of the IAMCR International Council. I have been an active member since 1998 (Glasgow). Being vice-chair (2004-2008) and chair (2008-2016) of the Communication Policy & Technology Section (CPT), and elected IC member (2016-2020) has given me 16 years of governance experience. In that way I have firsthand understanding of “on the ground” concerns and exigencies of Sections and Working Groups. In my first IC term I have been particularly active as member of the Scholarly Review Committee (SRC), focussing on S/WG performance reporting and developing tools for improving academic rigor. In case of re-election, my aim is to further strengthen the position and identity of our Association, with special attention to academic quality, internal governance, scholarly inclusion and societal impact.

I am currently Full Professor in the Department of Media and Communication Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in Belgium, holding the Research Chair in ‘Data Protection on the Ground’. I am also staff member of the research centre imec-SMIT (Studies on Media, Innovation and Technology), since 1996. My main teaching and research expertise are in critical socio-technical study of online platforms, algorithms, data privacy and citizen empowerment.

Nominated by 

  • Oscar Gandy Jr., University of Pennsylvania, United States
  • Tom Jacobson, Temple University, United States
  • Stefania Milan, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Pierson, Jo - Endorsements

Name: Oscar H. Gandy, Jr.
Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania
Country: United States

It is with great pleasure that I submit a nomination for Jo Pierson to serve a second term on the International Council. Jo has been, and will continue to be a valuable contributor to the strength, influence, and global value of the IAMCR.

Name: Tom Jacobson
Affiliation: Temple University
Country: United States

Jo has been member of the Scholarly Review Committee, of which I am also a member, for a number of years.  He's been helpful and reliable.  I think he'll make a good addition to the IC.

Name: Stefania Milan
Affiliation: University of Amsterdam
Country: Netherlands

As many of you know, Jo is a long-term member of the IAMCR. He already served the organization in different capacities, including section leader and member of the IC, showing commitment, professionalism and dedication. 

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

I support Joe’s candidacy for his historical contribution and critical perspective on many aspects that may contribute for the future of IAMCR.

Qiu, Jack Linchuan

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

I am a Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where I direct the Centre for Chinese Media and Comparative Communication Research and co-direct the Centre for Social Innovation Studies. I am an elected Fellow of the International Communication Association (ICA) and recipient of the C. Edwin Baker Award for the Advancement of Scholarship on Media, Markets and Democracy.

My research focuses on media and social class, globalization, development, social movements, especially on digital economy and digital labor in China, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia. I publish in both English and Chinese. My work has been translated into German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, and Korean. Thanks to connections through IAMCR, in recent years I have started collaborative publication and research projects with colleagues in Brazil, Portugal and Africa.

I’d like to join the International Council in order to help promote communication research globally, especially in Asia and the Global South. For this, I can share my experiences and resources because I am currently President of Chinese Communication Association (CCA) and Secretary of Asia-Pacific Communication Alliance (APCA). I am also a former chair of ICA’s Membership and Internationalization Committee, and a former ExCo member of Association of Internet Research (AoIR).

For further information, please refer to my personal webpage:

Nominated by Gerard Goggin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Raman, Usha

University of Hyderabad, India

I’ve been associated with IAMCR intermittently for close to three decades, being able to attend and present only occasionally--my first time in 1985 in New Delhi. In 2013, I had an opportunity to become more closely involved with the Association, when my Department put in a bid and was selected to host the conference in Hyderabad in 2014. This experience not only gave me an “inside” view of the challenges of sustaining a large, distributed, and diverse association, but also some understanding of the mechanisms that keep it going. The Executive Board and the International Council bear the primary responsibility for this, of course with inputs of the section and working group chairs and the larger membership. As the discipline shifts and grows in response to political, social and cultural realities, it helps to have a broad view that, while cognizant of the global, takes into account academic and industry dynamics of the regional and local. The current International Council does not include any members from South-East Asia, and I think I would be able to bring an important additional perspective to the group that is conscious of regional interests in relation to scholarship and pedagogy in the field. 

Nominated by

  • Pradip Thomas, University of Queensland, Australia
  • Vinod Pavarala, University of Hyderabad, India
  • Kanchan Malik, University of Hyderabad, India
  • Kaarle Nordenstreng, Tampere University, Finland
  • Marjan de Bruin, Jamaica

Raman, Usha - Endorsements

Name: Marjan de Bruin
Affiliation: University of the West Indies, retired
Country: Jamaica

I hereby wish to nominate Usha Raman, Professor, Department of Communication, University of Hyderabad (India) for the position of Vice President (VP) of IAMCR and to be a member of IAMCR‘s International Council (IC). If these two positions do not go together for nomination I would choose the position of VP.

I have known Professor Raman for years and have always been impressed by her depth of knowledge, strong way of presenting, pleasant inter-personal exchanges and originality when solutions had to be sought.

Name: Kanchan Malik
Affiliation: University of Hyderabad
Country: India

I can say with full confidence that she will be an asset for IAMCR as an IC member, and a sincere and dedicated VP. Her experience of organizing IAMCR in India in 2014 also strengthens her ability to contribute to the vision and mission of the organization.

Name: Devina Sarwatay
Affiliation: University of Hyderabad
Country: India

Prof. Usha Raman is a brilliant researcher, a generous teacher, and one of the kindest people I know. She is eloquent, empathetic, and tends to see as well as bring out the best in people around her. This is why we need her in a leadership role in IAMCR. While the world debates about goals like bettering access, inclusion, diversity, equity, respect, and reciprocity, Prof. Raman actively and unassumingly works towards these goals by practising them in her everyday life. Early career researchers and scholars from the Global South especially, along with everyone else will have a better shot at these goals with leaders like Prof. Raman at the helm who support their fellow colleagues and students tirelessly. I strongly endorse her candidature for Vice President and International Council and encourage everyone to vote for her.

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

I express my vote for Usha Raman, the significant contribution for the future of a vibrant IAMCR worldwide.

Ristovska, Sandra

University of Colorado Boulder, United States

IAMCR is my intellectual home that has nourished my professional development for the last decade. It would be an honor to give back to this community by serving on the International Council for one more term. As an active member of IAMCR, I have so far served one term on the International Council (2016-2020) and one term as a co-chair of the Emerging Scholars Network (2012-2016). I have also served on several committees: the History of IAMCR Commission (since 2018), Section/Working Group & Committee Funds (since 2018), Stuart Hall Award Committee (2018), the Clearinghouse for Public Statements (since 2015) and the Award Committee for the IAMCR-OSF Rapid Response Grants on Communication Policy for Emerging Media and Communication Scholars (2013/2014). As a member of the IC, I have raised issues about making the conference and the IAMCR book series more affordable. If elected again, I would continue to put my energy towards making IAMCR and its conferences sustainable (financially and environmentally) in ever-changing academic labor conditions globally.    

Born and raised in Macedonia, I am now Assistant Professor in Media Studies at the College for Media, Communication and Information at the University of Colorado Boulder. 

Nominated by Elske van de Fliert, University of Queensland, Australia

Ristovska, Sandra - Endorsements

Name: Elske van de Fliert
Affiliation: The University of Queensland
Country: Australia

I would like to nominate Sandra Ristovska for a position in the International Council of IAMCR. Sandra has been a valuable member of the IC and served on the S&WG Fund Selection Committee, warranting a second term.

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

I’ll support her candidacy for the IC, considering her as a young scholar with a great life history to contribute with new perspectives of action.

Name: Prabhjot Sohal
Affiliation: Panjab University, India
Country: Canada

I support Dr. Ristovska's nomination for IAMCR's International Council. She has been a dedicated member of IAMCR for a long time and has been an inspiration to emerging scholars. An exceptional leader and extremely passionate about her work, Dr. Ristovska brings vision and great energy to everything she does. 

Sousa, Helena

Universidade do Minho, Portugal

I’ll be pleased and honoured to serve for a second mandate as elected member of the International Council. In 2016, I received your confidence for a four year period, after being member of the International Council as representative of the Political Economy Section, a vibrant Section of the association on which I have served as Vice-Chair (2004-2010) and as Chair (2010-2014). With the hard work of the Section colleagues, we have launched ‘The Political Economy Journal’ of the IAMCR in 2013.

I have been a member of the IAMCR for 27 years, since the Dublin Conference of 1993. In 2010, I have co-chaired, with Manuel Pinto, the organization of the IAMCR Conference at the University of Minho, Braga. Over the years, I have served the association in various Task Forces, Prize Committees and Editorial/Review Committees.

More recently, in 2018 I was appointed Chair of the Membership Committee, and in  2019, I received the IAMCR Distinguished Contribution Award during the IAMCR's conference in Madrid. If elected, I’ll do my very best to continuing serving this extraordinary association, being well aware of our common achievements and challenges.

For further information, please refer to: or

Nominated by Banu Dagtas, University of Anadalou, Turkey

Sousa, Helena - Endorsements

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

Helena has been involved and dedicated in many works for the life of IAMCR. She’ll also offer her contribution from a critical perspective on Political Economy.

Name: Banu Dağtaş
Affiliation: Anadolu University
Country: Turkey

I endorse the candidacy of Helena Sousa for her contribution to the field.

Torkkola, Sinikka

Tampere University, Finland


I am a senior research fellow at Tampere University (PhD 2008, registered nurse 1985), currently also a part-time chief shop steward of the academic staff.  My main focus is on health communication studies and I have done research on journalism and gender as well as on political journalism.  I am currently working on two research projects: one on social media and health professionals and the other on institutional corruption in Finnish society.

I have participated in IAMCR conferences since Stockholm 2008. In Madrid 2019, I was elected as a vice chair of the Health Communication WG. I am also vice chair of the Local Organising Committee of Tampere2020.

I have some experience of international co-operation. I served as vice chair of the ECREA Women’s network and as network’s representative on the ECREA board 2008-2012.  I was moreover in charge Nordic Conference for Media and Communication Research arranged in Finland in 2007 and 2017.  I have been a visiting researcher at the University of Oregon (2014), Moscow State University (2012) and the University of Bucharest (2019).

Alongside my academic duties, I am a member of the Tampere City Council and a member of the board of the Pirkanmaa Hospital District.


Soy investigadora titular de la Universidad de Tampere (Enfermera Diplomada en 1985, Doctorado en 2008). También soy la principal representante sindical del personal académico de la universidad, función que desarrollo a tiempo parcial.

Mis intereses se centran en la investigación en comunicación y salud, pero también he realizado estudios en periodismo y género así como en periodismo político. Actualmente, estoy trabajando en dos proyectos de investigación: uno sobre redes sociales y profesionales de la salud y otro sobre la corrupción institucional en la sociedad finlandesa.

He participado en las conferencias IAMCR desde Estocolmo 2008. En Madrid 2019, fui elegida vicepresidenta del Grupo de Trabajo en Comunicación y Salud. También soy vicepresidenta del Comité Organizador Local de Tampere 2020.

Asimismo, tengo cierta experiencia en cooperación internacional. He ejercido de vicepresidenta de la red de Mujeres ECREA y de representante de la misma en la junta de ECREA entre 2008 y 2012. También estuve a cargo de la Conferencia Nórdica para la Investigación sobre Medios y Comunicación, organizada en Finlandia en 2007 y 2017. Además, he sido investigadora visitante de la Universidad Estatal de Moscú (2012), la Universidad de Oregón (2014) y la Universidad de Bucarest (2019).

Más allá de mis funciones académicas, también soy miembro del Ayuntamiento de Tampere y de la junta del Distrito Hospitalario de Pirkanmaa.

Torkkola, Sinikka - Endorsements

Name: Kaarle Nordenstreng
Affiliation: Tampere University
Country: Finland

I express my full support to Sinikka's candidacy for the IC membership. Her electoral statement summarizes well her impressive record. Moreover, I wish to point out that she is the only candidate from the Nordic countries.