Padovani, Claudia - Endorsements
Name: Marjan de Bruin
Affiliation: University of the West Indies, retired
Country: Jamaica
I have known Dr. Padovani for more than two decades and witnessed from nearby her consistent strength in discussions, which, without loosing much time, she will analyse and summarize quickly and to the point to bring the essence to the front. She also has what seems to be a natural gift of achieving the goals she set out to achieve– in other words: she can "get things done." She has been a member of the International Council for several years and knows the culture of the IC and its diversity.
Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil
Claudia is a very known IAMCR member, with a strong and qualified participation in many areas of expertise that contribute for the IAMCR strengthening.