Araujo, Denize - Endorsements
Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil
I express my vote for Denize, an enthusiastic and inspired colleague, that has been working with great success in her mandate as an IC member.
Name: Tom Jacobson
Affiliation: Temple University
Country: United States
I would like to endorse Denize Araujo for the International Council. She has been a dedicated member of the Scholarly Review Committee, and will continue to be useful in the IC.
Name: Fernando Nobre Cavalcante
Affiliation: Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Country: Brazil
I support the candidacy of Denize Araujo.
Name: Thomas Wiedemann
Affiliation: LMU Munich
Country: Germany
I would like to endorse Denize Araujo's candidacy for the IC. Her commitment to VIC and IAMCR is impressive.
Name: Nico Carpentier
Affiliation: Charles University
Country: Czech Republic
I am happy to also endorse Denize Araujo, who has been active in the organisation for years, with a keenness and energy that I have always admired. She has brought many good ideas to the IAMCR table, and I trust that she will continue to do so.