Milan, Stefania

My name is Stefania Milan (, and I am an Associate Professor of New Media and Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam. I have been an IAMCR member since 2003, attending most annual gatherings, and serving as a co-chair of the Emerging Scholars Network (2008-2012) and as an elected IC member (2012-2016). Unfortunately over time I have seen conference fees raise dramatically, notwithstanding the relentless efforts of our leadership to keep costs down. I am running for the IC again because I want to contribute to make of IAMCR an academic community mindful of differences and impact rather than an elite club. I want to make IAMCR greener, more transparent, and more attentive to the changing academic landscape. IAMCR could be greener by, e.g., hosting biyearly “main” conferences accompanied by off-year, smaller thematic gatherings. IAMCR could be (even) more transparent by, e.g., opening up budgets and IC meetings. IAMCR should be fairer by paying closer attention to the inclusion of casual workers and students. This is not a criticism of the amazing work of our leadership to date, but rather an expression of interest to build on what our community has achieved so far to do even better in the future. 

Nominated by Rodrigo Gomez, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico

University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Candidate for: 
International Council