Narula, Sumit

I have been a Media and Communication educator for over 12 years. Currently, Associate Professor & Director, Amity School of communication, Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior, I have been associated with IAMCR from the last five years. Before joining academics, I was a Journalist with an English national daily The Pioneer based in New Delhi. In 2016, I was selected as one of the travel grant holders to attend the IAMCR 2016 at the University of Leicester, London.

Till now, I have organised seven National as well as International conferences at Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior. I have published seven edited books till now and one book Environmental Awareness and the Role of Social Media has been indexed in Clarivate Analytics WEB of Science. I have also published two media books in which, I am the first author. Apart from this, I am the founding Editor-in-Chief of bi-annual SCOPUS indexed journal named Journal of Content Community and Communication. This is the only journal of any media university in India, which is SCOPUS indexed. 

As a member of the International Council of the IAMCR, I will work for the Open access to all and challenges faced by the South-Asian countries and will also work for the expansion of IAMCR countries in these areas with my contacts and explorations. Every year, I receive a large number of research papers from these regions for my bi-annual journal.

Amity University Madhya Pradesh, India
Candidate for: 
International Council