Committee and Task Force Project Fund

IAMCR makes funds available to projects undertaken by its formal committees and task forces. The objectives of the fund are:

  • Primary objective: Support the activities of the committee or task force in relation to the realization of its remit
  • Secondary objective 1: Allow the committee or task force to expand its activities (within the framework of its remit).
  • Secondary objective 2: Increase the participation of IAMCR members in the committee and task force

Examples of the types of projects able to receive funding include:

  • committee/task force advocacy and (internal and external) outreach activities
  • events (expert workshops, training sessions, etc.)
  • publications (books and/or journals), etc.
Proposals for Committee and Task Force projects should be submitted by the Chair of the respective committee or task force. Joint proposals from two or more committees and/or task forces are also welcome. This article explains the conditions and procedures for applying for funds and includes a downloadable application form.
The Environmental Impact Committee has received support for a proposal for IAMCR Climate Communication Research Awards in 2015 and 2016.
IAMCR's Publications Committee has been provided with financial support from the Committee and Task Force Project Fund to partially cover the translation costs of the book: Poder, Medios, Cultura. Una mirada crítica desde la economía política de la comunicación  (Power.