Gladkova, Anna - Endorsements
Name: José Cláudio S. Castanheira
Affiliation: Federal University of S. Catarina
Country: Brazil
I have no hesitation in supporting Anna Gladkova’s nomination for IAMCR International Council. She is a very dedicated member of IAMCR with an outstanding work as Digital Divide Working Group vice-chair and as IAMCR Ambassador in Russia. She has long experience with international collaboration projects and I would say that is one of the most important qualities for researchers nowadays. I believe one of the main objectives of IAMCR is to seek for the interconnection of researchers all over the world, dealing with different realities and perspectives. Anna Gladkova has demonstrated, along her academic trajectory, she has the necessary experience and will to contribute to IAMCR actions.
Name: Uma Shankar Pandey
Affiliation: Surendranath College for Women
Country: India
I endorse Anna Gladkova's nomination to the International Council. She is a diligent and dedicated member of the IAMCR. As the Digital Divide Working Group vice-chair she has displayed immense dexterity. She is an erudite scholar and also an able organiser — as the IAMCR Russia Ambassador, she recently organised the hugely successful 'Journalism in 2019 Conference' at the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
If elected, I am sure she will serve the IAMCR International Council with distinction.
Name: Namita Nagpal
Affiliation: Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Country: India
I am Namita Nagpal doing Ph. D. from GGSIPU, Delhi, India on ‘Virtual in the Domestic: Social Influence of New Media on Families’. I am writing this in the capacity of IAMCR student member (since 2016 with membership number 5086). I have presented 3 papers in IAMCR, one in 2016-1) ‘Shaping Political Persona, Campaigns And Political Mobilization: Mapping Changing Elections Moorings In India In The Digital Age’ in the MPS section and two in 2018- 2) ‘Funambulism in the Ecosphere of Family and Friends with New Media: A Balancing act of Meaning Making of Identity and Getting into the Groove by Teenagers’ in the Audience section and 3) ‘Marginalisation, Inclusion and Development: Women Going Smart with Smartphone’ in Digital Divide working group.
My association with Anna Gladkova is 3 years, all the same Anna’s positive and go-getter attitude compels me to vouch for her sincerity and integrity. I would like to support Anna’s candidacy for the International Council member. Anna’s experience as a Digital Divide Working Group vice-chair, her dedication to IAMCR, as well as her good knowledge of the association makes her a perfect candidate for this position. She is a bright spark already in the digital divide working group and has been able to blend different ideas into the wide spectrum of the group. I believe, if given this opportunity, she may contribute in the growth of the association with her positive mind set.
Furthermore, I believe it is important for the IAMCR to develop its presence in different regions of the world, in Russia for example, where the association is not well known yet. Making her the International Council member will ensure better representation of IAMCR in different parts of the world.
Name: Sadia Jamil
Affiliation: Khalifa University
Country: United Arab Emirates
Dr. Gladkova is a brilliant scholar, a very active member of IAMCR and atop she has worked tremendously for the growth of IAMCR's Digital Divide Group.
Name: Elena Vartanova
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Country: Russia
I fully support Anna’s candidacy for the International Council member. Being a global academic association, IAMCR needs to increase its presence and visibility in currently underrepresented regions of the world, including Russia. Anna’s vast experience in international collaboration, as well as her long-term connection and dedication to IAMCR should be a perfect asset here. I know her for many years as a hard-working researcher devoted to humanistic goals of the global academia, and I am sure she would contribute a lot to the internationalization of the IAMCR, its promotion in Russia, in the post-Soviet countries and globally.
Name: Katja Lehtisaari
Affiliation: University of Helsinki
Country: Finland
I support Anna Gladkova for candidate for the IAMCR International Council in the forthcoming election. She has been an active member of IAMCR for many years, being vice-chair of the Digital Divide Working Group and IAMCR Ambassador in Russia. She also has a lot of experience on international collaboration, including research and event coordination.
Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil
I support Anna for her dedicated work and inspiration for new and critical perspectives for the association.
Name: Massimo Ragnedda
Affiliation: Northumbria University
Country: United Kingdom
I strongly support Anna Gladkova for a position in the International Council of IAMCR. Anna is an enthusiastic and inspired colleague, and she has been working with great success in her mandate as vice-chair of the Digital Divide Working Group. Her international experience also strengthens her ability to contribute to the vision and mission of IAMCR.
Name: Prabhjot Sohal
Affiliation: Panjab University, India
Country: Canada
I support Dr. Anna Gladkova's nomination for IAMCR's International Council. Dr. Anna has made an immense contribution to IAMCR and the communications research community with her scholarship and has inspired emerging scholars with her leadership and mentorship.