Candidates for the Executive Board

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In this page you will find the complete list of candidates for IAMCR's Executive Board, their statements, and the endorsements sent by IAMCR members. 

Candidates for President

Carpentier, Nico

Charles University, Czech Republic


I am honoured and pleased to accept the nominations for IAMCR president, and will thus stand for election in order to serve the association. I believe that IAMCR has played a vital role in the past and needs to continue to do so. It has been cared for well, but we now need to move forward, without giving up on our core identity as a pluralist, global and critical association. We need to sharpen IAMCR’s vision and rethink our core activities, our place in academia and in the world. We need to become more aware of the still existing exclusions and remedy them better, so that we can become even more an association that respects global diversity and decreases western dominance. Also internally, we need to adjust, and further democratise our association, which implies adjusting our procedures and structures. As a former EB member and Treasurer, a former Audience Section head, and the current PCR Section head (see for more about me), I believe that I can contribute to this agenda, together with all old and new IAMCR members. Respectful of all EB candidates, I particularly want to endorse Andrea (VP), Elske (T) and Gerard (GC).


Me siento honrado y feliz de aceptar nominaciones para la Presidencia de la AIECS. Por lo tanto, pretendo postularme para las elecciones, a fin de poner mis servicios a disposición de la asociación. Creo que la AIECS ha desempeñado un papel esencial en el pasado y necesita continuar ejerciéndolo. La asociación ha sido bien cuidada, sin embargo, ahora, debemos seguir adelante, sin descuidar nuestra identidad como una asociación pluralista, global y crítica. Necesitamos agudizar nuestra visión y repensar nuestras actividades centrales, así como nuestro lugar en la academia y en el mundo. Necesitamos estar más conscientes de las exclusiones que aún existen y pensar soluciones para que podamos convertirnos en una asociación que respete aún más la diversidad global y reduzca el dominio occidental. Internamente, debemos buscar mayor democratización y esto implica un ajuste de procedimientos y estructuras. Como ex miembro del Consejo Ejecutivo, ex tesorero y actual coordinador de la Sección de PCR (consulte para obtener más información), creo que puedo contribuir con esta agenda, junto con miembros nuevos y antiguos de la AIECS. Con el respeto que merecen los demás candidatos, expreso mi apoyo, en particular, a Andrea (VP), Elske (T) y Gerard (GC).


Je suis à la fois honoré et heureux d’accepter les nominations pour la présidence de l’AIERI, et me porte donc candidat afin de servir au mieux l’association. Je suis convaincu que l’AIERI a joué un rôle essentiel dans le passé et qu’elle doit continuer à le faire. L’association a été bien conduite, mais nous devons maintenant aller de l’avant, sans renoncer à notre identité fondamentale d’association pluraliste, globale et critique. Nous devons affiner la vision de l’AIERI et repenser nos principales activités, ainsi que notre rôle dans la communauté académique et dans le monde. Nous devons être encore plus conscientes des exclusions qui persistent encore aujourd’hui et mieux y remédier, de manière à ce que notre association devienne encore plus respectueuse de la diversité globale et diminue la dominance occidentale. Sur le plan interne également, nous devons pousser plus loin la démocratisation de notre association, ce qui implique d’ajuster nos procédures et nos structures. En tant qu’ancien membre du comité exécutif, ancien trésorier et ancien président de la section Audience, et comme président actuel de la section PCR (pour en savoir plus à mon sujet, voir ), je pense pouvoir contribuer à ces objectifs, en collaboration avec toutes les membres de l’AIERI, quelle que soit leur ancienneté dans l’association. Avec tout le respect que j’ai pour les autres candidates au comité exécutif, je souhaite soutenir en particulier Andrea (VP), Elske (T) et Gerard (GC).

Download Nico Carpentier´s CV

Nominated by

  • Ana Milojević, University of Belgrade, Serbia
  • Dilek Kejanlioglu, Giresun University, Turkey
  • Birgitte Jallov, Empowerhouse, Denmark
  • Michal Krzyzanowski University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
  • Aysu Arsoy, Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus
  • Andrea Medrado, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
  • Kaarle Nordenstreng, Tampere University, Finland
  • Elena Vartanova, Lomonosov State University, Russia
  • Salvatore Scifo, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom
  • Sergio Quiroga, Centre for Social Studies (ICAES), Argentina
  • Pradip Thomas, University of Queensland Australia
  • Fernando Oliveira Paulino, University of Brasilia, Brazil
  • Bart Cammaerts, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
  • Alina Bernstein, COMAS, Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Maria Michalis, Westminster University, UK
  • Jo Pierson, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
  • John Sinclair, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Adilson Cabral, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil
  • Nelson Ribeiro, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, Portugal
  • Hannu Nieminen, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Anu Kantola, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Hillel Nossek, COMAS, Israel
  • Markus Ojala, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Mervi Pantti, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Juha Herkman, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Gary Gumpert, Urban Communication Foundation, United States
  • Marjan de Bruin, Jamaica
  • Katja Lehtisaari, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Tom Jacobson, Temple University, United States
  • Jan Cebe, Charles University, Czech Republic
  • Gabriel Kaplún, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
  • Bushra Rahman, University of the Punjab, Pakistan
  • Angeliki Gazi, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

Carpentier, Nico - Endorsements

Name: Ana Milojević
Affiliation: University of Belgrade
Country: Serbia

Currently, Nico is highly involved in the work of IAMCR, much wider than just as a section chair of the Participatory Communication Research. I had a privilege to be part of the COST Action Transforming Audiences Transforming Societies, which was running very smoothly, thanks to Nico who was taking part in leading the Action. Also, as a long time ECREA member I feel that Nico has contributed very much to strengthening and flourishing of the ECREA as association. Nico is extraordinary scholar, with exeptional international reputation and networks,  and a great person. Therefore, I believe he is an exelent candidate for the President of the IAMCR.

Name: Dilek Kejanlioglu
Affiliation: Giresun University
Country: Turkey

I have been a close witness of his intellectual capacity, prolific writing and organizational abilities since 2007. We worked together in ECREA’s PhD Summer School from 2008 to 2010, during the organization of the 2012 ECREA Istanbul conference, in COST Action IS0906 (2010-2014), and recently on a project supported by the Swedish Institute at Uppsala University. I think he is the best candidate for this position.

Name: Birgitte Jallov
Affiliation: Empowerhouse
Country: Denmark

I am and have been a paid-up member of the organisations since my graduation in 1983 (or was it a few years later in 1986?). I am a member of the CCAM (and was initially furthermore active in the women's section) and Nico's knowledge of and engagement in alternative communication and the third media sector are among my reasons for my nomination.

Furthermore - also when not active and engaged with the organisation presently - I appreciate the general orientation of Nico's 'Quo Vadis' piece - and I know from collaborations and as a user of his [commlist] which is updated tirelessly all hours of the day, that he is reliable, a hard worker and a good communicator. 

All of these qualities are important for a powerful president, who has set himself quite a lot of important tasks in his nomination document.

Name: Michal Krzyzanowski
Affiliation: University of Liverpool
Country: United Kingdom

Prof. Carpentier is undoubtedly one of the key global leaders in media and communication research and a great advocate for all of key values in the IAMCR mission. 

Name: Bushra Rahman
Affiliation: University of the Punjab
Country: Pakistan

I would like to nominate Dr. Nico Carpentier for the post of president of IAMCR for I feel that the spirit of IAMCR can move forward with more vigor and commitment with him as a president of IAMCR. 

Name: Markus Ojala
Affiliation: University of Helsinki
Country: Finland

I believe there is a lot of support for Nico among members, making him an excellent candidate. I'd like to nominate Nico for president.

Name: Juha Herkman
Affiliation: University of Helsinki
Country: Finland

I strongly support Nico Carpentier for a President of IAMCR. He has been very innovative, active and supportive in running ECREA, thus I truly believe he would do the good job also in IAMCR.

Name: Hillel Nossek
Affiliation: COMAS, Tel Aviv
Country: Israel

I believe Nico is the right person for this time to push the organization in the right direction.

Name: Anu Kantola
Affiliation: University of Helsinki
Country: Finland

I am a member of IAMCR from the Department of Communication and Media Studies at the University of Helsinki. With this message, I would like to support Nico Carpentier for the next president of IAMCR. He has a great track record in international organisations and co-operation and also he has fresh ideas for IAMCR. I've followed Nico's work for a long time and I know that he is a superb organiser who at the same  time has visions for the future and I think he would be a great president for the IAMCR so I would like to nominate him.

Name: Virpi Salojärvi
Affiliation: University of Helsinki
Country: Finland

I am writing to propose Nico Carpentier for the next IAMCR presidency because he has new fresh plans for our organization. 

Name: Gary Gumpert
Affiliation: Urban Communication Foundation
Country: United States

I am pleased to nominate Nico Carpentier as the next president of IAMCR. This nomination is framed by both my longtime involvement with IAMCR, aware of its unique eclectic position among the numerous communication associations around the world, and my familiarity with him as a colleague. At a time when communication issues and problems are becoming increasing central in a complex technological world, IAMCR is unique in its eclectic and innovative openness and approach. In that regard, Carpentier’s awesome sense of organization, his extraordinary awareness of the communication discipline, makes him an ideal nominee. His stewardship of Commlist provides an important service for those who seek some level of worldwide communication event awareness.

A number of years ago, over twenty years ago, I was asked to give a lecture at the Catholic University in Brussels where I first encountered Nico Carpentier. It was an extraordinary visit in which I first got some insights into the sharp personality of Nicos framed with a combination of rigor, insights, erudition, and ambition. Years later he retains a rare sense of inquisitiveness and organization that is unique among most communication scholars. Our paths have crossed innumerable times since our first encounter: Limassol, Berlin, Leipzig, Prague, Istanbul, and Sweden. He is not simply a nomadic scholar, but one seeking answers to social and critical communication issues with a level of awareness that is rare. On a personal level, he is a friend, an editor, and a co-conspirator in the development of panels, symposia, and associations.

In particular, the relationship of the Urban Communication Foundation’s association with IAMCR has been unique. Our mission states:

“Urban communication” reflects both an emergent and interdisciplinary field. It provides a perspective from which to view the city and its transformation. urban messages, the technologies that create and disseminate them, their interrelationships, and their far-reaching effects on the lived experience within our urban environments. 

Our 1500-euro award is designed to support research already in progress or in its beginning stages. It gives priority to projects that feature innovative, inter-disciplinary, applied, and creative approaches to studying the central role of communication in the transformation of urban cultures and communities.

With Nico’s help we established a long-term cooperative arrangement between the Foundation and IAMCR and created a 5-person committee consisting of three IAMCR members and two Urban Communication Foundation representatives charged with the task of judging grant proposals. The first UCF/IAMCR Urban Communication Research Grant was awarded in 2013.

I emphasize this unique collaboration of IAMCR and UCF because it would not have succeeded without the cooperative leadership of Nico Carpentier and it represents the innovative approaches of both Nico and IAMCR.

The list of notable IAMCR leaders is impressive: Halloran, Hamelink, Nordenstreng, among others, have provided a unique vision of scholarship and mission. I think that Nico Carpentier would enhance that legacy.

Name: Sergio Quiroga
Affiliation: Centre for Social Studies (ICAES)
Country: Argentina

I write this short email to propose Dr. Nico Carpentier, a great theorist and researcher in world-class communication as president.

Name: Gabriel Kaplún
Affiliation: Universidad de la República
Country: Uruguay

I want to nominate Nico Carpentier for president of the IAMCR, for what has been his work in the Board and in the association for a long time, and for which I am sure he can do in the coming years.

Name: Anastasia Kavada
Affiliation: University of Westminster
Country: United Kingdom

I’ve known Prof Carpenter for many years, as I have taken part in some of the ECREA summer schools that he has co-organized. I think that he is very serious, hard-working, thoughtful and fair-minded. He is devoted to the development and education of early career scholars. His work is interesting and critical and I’m sure that he will advance the interests of the IAMCR.

Name: David Katiambo
Affiliation: Technical University of Kenya
Country: Kenya

I have followed Nico’s contributions to the organization of intellectual activities, from organising PhD summer schools in Europe and China to providing leadership to the IAMCR Participatory Communication Research Section. I had the privilege of taking part in the 2017 ECREA’s PhD Summer School in Milan, under Nico’s leadership, and the Uppsala Winter School that he convened in person. Through this Schools and his writings, I feel Nico has contributed in many ways to smoothening the PhD journeys of many candidates from the Global South. I believe he is an excellent candidate for the position of President of the IAMCR.

Name: Blerjana Bino
Affiliation: European University of Tirana
Country: Albania

It is with great honor to endorse Prof Carpentier for the position of President of IAMCR. I have had the privilege to collaborate with him on various occasions and I have learned so much from him. He has been an inspiration for me long before I met him, while reading and following his work since I was a Master student at LSE. As a Swedish Institute Fellow, Prof. Carpentier was my supervisor for my PhD research in Uppsala University and to me he is a role model. He is not only an exceptional scholar, but he is a great person too. I strongly believe he will make a difference for IAMCR.

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

I support Nico's candidacy for the critical perspective and always supportive way of working. Hoping the best for the future of the institution. 

Name: Arun John
Affiliation: University of Hyderabad
Country: India

I am Arun John, Doctoral Scholar at University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India. I am also teaching at the Annapurna School of Film and Media at Hyderabad, India. This mail is with regard to my endorsement for Prof Nico Carpentier to the position of The President, IAMCR. My first introduction to Nico was through the scholarship be offered to the discipline, until I met him in person during the IAMCR, Hyderabad in 2014. Soon after that, during my early years as an amateur scholar, I got the opportunity to attend a winter school conducted by Nico and others at Jinan University, Guangzhou, China in 2016. Even though that was my first experience at a PhD winter school, I thoroughly enjoyed the diversity of candidates and the quality of discussion Nico and his team encouraged. The professionalism displayed was spectacular and the intellectual fervour of the winter school was infectious. Soon after that, in 2017 I also got to know him better at IAMCR, Cartagena.  Nico has always taken his time out from his busy schedule to guide me and many others in our PhD journey. Nico has fostered academic networks and connected scholars who work on similar fields in his capacity thereby forming an informal system of knowledge exchange. The Participatory Communication Research Section of the IAMCR has done phenomenal work under his able leadership and extended the work of the section across different geographies making the section truly International. I believe the IAMCR as an Organization has always upheld democratic values and prioritised Internationalism. Professor Nico Carpentier, I believe would further the cause of IAMCR and do justice to the office. I endorse Professor Nico Carpentier for the position of the President, IAMCR.

Name: Elena Vartanova
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Country: Russia

I fully support Nico’s vision of how IAMCR should be developing in today’s digital world. His vast experience in international collaboration, research and teaching, as well as his strategic vision of IAMCR’s aims and objectives make him an ideal candidate for presidency. I have known Nico for many years and I’m sure he will contribute to the IAMCR’s further successful development as one of the leading academic communities in the world.

Name: Alejandro Barranquero
Affiliation: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Country: Spain

I endorse the candidacy of Nico Carpentier for his unparalleled capacity to create and strengthen North-South academic networks, as well as for the interesting research lines he opened in the field of participation in the media.

Name: Alice Němcová Tejkalová
Affiliation: Charles University
Country: Czech Republic

I would like to support Nico Carpentier in his run for presidency of IAMCR. I believe Nico can continue in all the good that has been done by the current President Janet Wasko and the whole Executive Board, and his programme for the future of IAMCR deeply resonates with my perspective of this organization.

Name: Zaeem Yasin
Affiliation: Lahore College for Women University
Country: Pakistan

I would like to support Nico Carpentier in his run for presidency of IAMCR. I found Nico a competent and intelligent person during AMCAP Doctoral Spring School 2020 held in Lahore, Pakistan. I believe Nico has the ability to run this organization very well. He will be an asset for IAMCR and he deeply resonates with my perspective of this organization.

Name: Andrea Medrado
Affiliation: Universidade Federal Fluminense
Country: Brazil

I support Nico Carpentier for President because he has extensive experience in the association, having worked as the Treasurer and as the Chair of the Participatory Research Section (PCR). Nico has a clear vision for the association, which he has shared on a reflection on his website (Quo Vadis IAMCR? - on He has also been sharing some of his thoughts about IAMCR and its future on a series of videos entitled "Lockdown Fireside Talks" (also on his website). Nico is very well connected with scholars from literally all corners of the world. He is able to listen and empathise with the hardships that many scholars are facing, particularly in the Global South, and I am confident that he will work hard towards increasing their (our) participation. In sum, Nico is very well prepared to take on the responsibility of becoming the President of IAMCR.

Name: Yiming Chen
Affiliation: Uppsala University
Country: Sweden

I wish to endorse Prof. Nico Carpentier to be the next president of IAMCR. Nico and I have been working together for several years; we have achieved many remarked goals. For instance, we successfully designed and organized an international winter school in participation and communication studies at Jinan University (Guangzhou, China). In this process, I found that Nico is full of responsibility with rich experience, having excellent communication and patience. In particular, he is always thoughtful to keep equality, justice, diversity and balance in the organization, at the same time, both being professional and having international outlook are also his crucial principles. Therefore, I do believe that IAMCR would become brighter and more promising under his leadership. Lastly, I do wish the Chinese academic voice will be made more visible in IAMCR.

Name: Emrakeb A. Woldearegay
Affiliation: University of Oregon
Country: United States

This is to endorse Nico CARPENTIER as a president of IAMCR. 

And my one wish for the future of IAMCR is as follows:

One of the reasons IAMCR was formed is because of its embodied ambition to de-westernize communication and media studies. Hence, I wish IAMCR advises some of its reviewers, usually those from the Global North, from always asking similar questions: “What makes this paper relevant aside from being about country X? Why should we care about country X?” ... However, they never ask these questions for papers from the US or Europe. Because the academics in the Global North have the historical expediency of being the first in line, it ought not be that those who belong in it should be the ones that have easy access to it. It is like a white privilege; while the racing track field is paved on the side of the Global North, it is full of potholes and hurdles on the side of the Global South. How can we compete, how can we be part of the politics of citations, if we were prevented or disqualified at the outset?

As an early-career researcher from Global South, I’m beginning to feel despondent by the limited of access to international conferences and journals. I question the shared set of problems affecting the very conditions of knowledge production in contemporary academia. Since it is now based on the neoliberal university model, it has become more and more globally embedded. It is driven by the priorities of competition and self-entrepreneurship that have prompted the widespread adoption of control mechanisms such as performance audits and measures of academic production, accelerating, among other things, the increasing precariousness of doctoral students and early-career researchers like me and constituting forms of alienation. I am looking for an academia that allows us to contrast outcome-driven research practices with an alternative space, however temporary, to interrogate the conditions of possibility for research as well as its lived, on-the-ground realities. 

Name: Fernando Nobre Cavalcante
Affiliation: Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Country: Brazil

I support the candidacy of Nico Carpentier.

Name: Chikezie E. Uzuegbunam
Affiliation: University of Cape Town
Country: South Africa

I have known Prof Nico Carpentier since 2014 when I first joined IAMCR as a young postgraduate student. That year I won one of IAMCR's competitive travel grants to attend the conference at Hyderabad, India. Nico would be the first IAMCR executive with whom I had the privilege of corresponding and it was him who gave me the first impression of what IAMCR is like as an association: a welcoming, diverse, and progressive association that nurtures and supports even early career scholars. I would later meet Nico again at a conference in United Arab Emirates in 2015 - and indeed at other IAMCR conferences - he never fails to engage me in a friendly chat and to leave me with encouragement to keep working hard in our field. I strongly endorse Nico because I believe he has been a long-standing member who knows both the potentials and challenges of the association. As a scholar with global visibility who has a keen interest in evolving a paradigm shift in academia - one that is devoid of antagonism and inhumane practices - it is my belief that his leadership is poised to take IAMCR to the next level.

Name: Ana Lúcia Nunes de Sousa
Affiliation: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Country: Brazil

I strongly support the candidacy of Nico Carpentier for the presidency of IAMCR. I truly believe that Nico can make important changes that our Association needs. I have been following his work in the last years and I am always surprised by his commitment, modesty and hard work to promote IAMCR and PCR around the world, with special attention to the global south. I had the opportunity to work with him, organizing one of the many events which he organized last year. I am sure that his spirit of justice, organization, and dignity will help IAMCR to be more inclusive and democratic.

Apoyo firmemente la candidatura de Nico Carpentier para la presidencia de IAMCR. Realmente creo que Nico puede hacer los cambios importantes que nuestra Asociación necesita. He estado acompañando su trabajo en los últimos años y siempre estoy sorprendida por su compromiso, modestia y arduo trabajo para promover IAMCR y PCR en todo el mundo, con especial atención al sur global. Tuve la oportunidad de trabajar con él, organizando uno de los muchos eventos que organizó el año pasado. Estoy segura de que su espíritu de justicia, organización y dignidad ayudará a IAMCR a ser más inclusiva y democrática.

Candidates for Vice President

Hahn, Oliver

University of Passau, Germany


I am honoured to be nominated for the position of Vice-President of IAMCR. I have been an active member of the association since 2007 and have served for the past four years as Co-Vice-Chair of the Journalism Research and Education section.

I am Professor of Journalism and Vice-Dean for Internationalization and Research in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Passau, Germany, specializing in comparative research of journalistic cultures and media systems, aided by having been invited as visiting professor to numerous countries. Also, I act as a consultant about media relations and public diplomacy to the German Foreign Office and the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations. Previously, I worked as a journalist with international media.

If elected, I suggest (a) to uphold the internationalization of IAMCR and increase membership in world regions where our association is still under-represented, (b) to integrate more young and emerging scholars into all activities of our association, (c) to strengthen international partnerships of IAMCR with other scientific organizations worldwide as well as UN bodies such as UNESCO, (d) to stimulate research and education collaborations in different world regions, and (e) to promote IAMCR’s digital and analogue international visibility in public.


Me siento honorado de ser nominado para el puesto de Vicepresidente de la AIECS. Soy miembro activo de la AIECS desde 2007 y me desempeño como Vicepresidente Adjunto de la sección de Investigación y Educación en Periodismo desde 2016.

Soy Profesor de Periodismo y Vicedecano de Internacionalización e Investigación de la Facultad de Artes y Humanidades de la Universidad de Passau, Alemania. Estoy especializado en investigación comparativa en culturas periodísticas y sistemas de medios de comunicación y asisto como profesor invitado a universidades en varios países. También proporciono asesoría sobre relaciones con los medios y la diplomacia pública a la Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores de Alemania y al Instituto para Relaciones Culturales con el Exterior. Anterior a esto, trabajé como periodista en varios medios internacionales.

Si soy elegido sugiero (a) profundizar la internacionalización de la AIECS y conseguir nuevos miembros en regiones del mundo donde nuestra asociación todavía está sub-representada, (b) integrar a más académicos jóvenes en todas las actividades de nuestra asociación, (c) fortalecer las alianzas internacionales de la AIECS con otras organizaciones científicas a escala mundial y con organismos de la ONU, por ejemplo, la UNESCO, (d) estimular la colaboración en investigación y educación en diferentes regiones del mundo, y (e) promover la visibilidad internacional digital y analógica de la AIECS en público.


Je me réjouis d’être nommée pour le poste de Vice-Président de l’AIERI. Je suis membre actif de l’association depuis 2007 et m’engage depuis quatre ans en tant que Vice-Directeur Adjoint de la section Formation et Etudes Journalistiques.

Je suis Professeur des universités en Etudes Journalistiques et Vice-Doyen à l’Internationalisation et à la Recherche de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de l’université de Passau, Allemagne. Je suis spécialisé dans les études comparatives des cultures journalistiques et des systèmes de médias et j’ai également été professeur invité dans de nombreux pays. Par ailleurs, je conseille le ministère des Affaires étrangères allemand et l’Institut des relations culturelles étrangères sur les questions relatives aux relations-presse et à la diplomatie publique. Antérieurement, j’ai travaillé comme journaliste pour des médias internationaux.

Si je suis élu, je tâcherais (a) d’approfondir l’internationalisation de l’AIERI et d’augmenter les effectifs des membres dans les régions du monde où notre association demeure sous-représentée, (b) d’intégrer davantage de jeunes chercheurs dans toutes les activités de notre association, (c) de cultiver les alliances internationales de l’AIERI avec d’autres organisations scientifiques à l’échelle mondiale et avec des organismes de l’ONU comme, par exemple, l’UNESCO, (d) de susciter des collaborations en matière de recherche et d’éducation dans différentes régions du monde, et (e) de promouvoir la visibilité internationale, tant digitale qu’analogique, de l’AIERI en publique.

Download Oliver Hahn´s CV

Nominated by 

  • Claudia Lago, Sao Paulo University, Brazil
  • Abiodun Salawu, North-West University, South Africa
  • Thomas Hanitzsch, LMU Munich, Germany
  • Sadia Jamil, Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates
  • Elisabeth Eide, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
  • Hillel Nossek, COMAS, Israel

Hahn, Oliver - Endorsements

Name: Sadia Jamil
Affiliation: Khalifa University
Country: United Arab Emirates

Professor Oliver Hahn has been known to me for the past four years, and we have worked together as Co Vice-Chairs of IAMCR's Journalism Research & Education Section. As an academic and as a colleague, I find Professor Hahn as a perfect candidate for the position of Vice President given his scholarly skills and strategic vision. He has certainly all skills necessary to foster IAMCR's goal building networked community of media & communication scholars, as well as to buttress research collaboration and knowledge exchange within the field. 

Kupe, Tawana

University of Pretoria, South Africa

I would like the IAMCR as the pre-eminent global organisation for media and communication research to expand and strengthen its presence in all the regions of the world. Many regions in the Global South experienced from the late 1990s growth of media and media and communication programmes but not a concomitant growth in membership and participation in the IAMCR. This underrepresentation and lower levels of participation is an opportunity we must take to globalise the association. Active membership recruitment would be one of my top priorities.

In this regard the IAMCR should enable and support members to partner and collaborate on projects to promote research and education in critical media literacies. One focus should be how the growing phenomena globally on of social media to drive disinformation campaigns. Research into critical media literacies will also centre the agenda of participatory media controlled by citizens.

A third priority for me would be promoting more collaborations and partnerships underpinned by principles of mutual benefit and co-creation of research agendas between across the world. In these collaborations the training of diverse cohorts of early career researchers should be a top priority. 

Download Tawana Kupe's CV

Nominated by

  • Kaarle Nordenstreng, Tampere University, Finland
  • Ullamaija Kivikuru, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Ufuoma Akpojivi, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
  • Monica Chibita, Ugandan Christian University, Uganda
  • Knut Lundby, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Dumisani Moyo, University of Johannisburg, South Africa

Medrado, Andrea

Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil


IAMCR is an association that gathers people from all corners of the world. Our challenges are global and interconnected. We need to tackle complex issues, such as the rise of xenophobia, homophobia, racism, and misogyny, threats to academic freedoms, precarious labour, health and climate crises. For this, we need to be prepared for changes in terms of structure and procedures: rethink conference models, propose environmentally friendly alternatives, help reduce the marginalisation of Global South scholars. As a Latin American female scholar, I am aware of the additional barriers to participation that we need to face, particularly in terms of funding in times when education institutions and social movements are under attack. Supported by the endorsement of Nico, candidate for President, I want to serve as VP because I care about IAMCR’s past, present, and future. This represents a way to give something back to an association that has played a pivotal role in my development as a researcher, lecturer, and person. My contribution is based on my experience as the current co-chair of the CAM Section and on my having been a member of IAMCR for over 15 years. I wish to endorse Nico (P), Elske (T) and Gerard (GC).


La AIECS, una asociación que reune personas de todos los cantos del mundo, se propone desafios globales e interconectados. Es de urgencia inminente tratar cuestiones complejas como el aumento de la xenofobia, homofobia, racismo y misoginia, como también de las amenazas a las libertades académicas, trabajo precario, crisis en la salud y climáticas. Necesitamos estar preparados para cambios estructurales y de procedimiento: repensar modelos de congreso, proponer alternativas con responsabilidad ambiental y reducir la marginación de académicos del Sur Global. Como investigadora latinoamericana, he experimentado algunas de las barreras adicionales para nuestra participación, especialmente con respecto a la falta de fondos en un momento en que las instituciones educativas y los movimientos sociales están siendo atacados. Con apoyo de Nico Carpentier, candidato a presidente, quisiera actuar como vicepresidenta porque valoro el pasado, presente y futuro de AIECS. Mi candidatura representa una forma de retribución a una asociación que ejerció un papel fundamental en mi formación como investigadora, educadora y como persona. Tomo como base para esta contribución mi experiencia como coordinadora de la Sección CAM y como miembro de AIECS por más de 15 años. También me gustaría apoyar las nominaciones de Nico (P), Elske (T) y Gerard (GC). 


L’AIERI est une association qui rassemble des personnes des quatre coins du monde. Nos défis sont globaux et interconnectés. Nous devons affronter des questions complexes comme la montée de la xénophobie, de l’homophobie, du racisme et de la misogynie, les menaces sur les libertés académiques, le travail précaire, ou encore les crises sanitaires et climatiques. Pour tout cela, nous devons nous préparer à changer en termes de structure et de procédures : repenser nos modèles pour les conférences, proposer des alternatives écologiques, aider à réduire la marginalisation des académiques du Sud. En tant qu’académique femme et latino-américaine, je suis consciente des barrières supplémentaires à la participation auxquelles nous sommes confronté·es, particulièrement en termes de financement dans un contexte de remise en question des institutions d’enseignement et des mouvements sociaux. Soutenue par Nico, candidat à la présidence, je souhaite servir l’association en tant que vice-présidente parce que le passé, le présent et le futur de l’AIERI me tiennent à cœur. C’est pour moi le moyen de donner quelque chose en retour à une association qui a joué un rôle essentiel dans mon parcours de chercheuse, enseignante, et personne. Ma contribution est basée sur mon expérience en tant que co-responsable de la section CAM et sur mon affiliation à l’AIERI depuis plus de 15 ans. Je souhaite soutenir les candidatures de Nico (P), Elske (T) et Gerard (GC). 

Download Andrea Medrado´s CV

Nominated by

  • Nico Carpentier, Charles University, Czech Republic
  • Claudia Magallanes-Blanco, Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla, Mexico
  • Salvatore Scifo, Bournemouth University, UK
  • Vaia Doudaki, Charles University, Czech Republic
  • Arsu Arsoy, Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyrpus
  • Fernando Oliveira Paulino, University of Brasilia, Brazil
  • Bart Cammaerts, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
  • Alina Bernstein, COMAS, Israel
  • Adilson Cabral, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil
  • Dilek Kejanlioglu, Giresun University, Turkey
  • Claudia Lago, Sao Paulo University, Brazil
  • Angeliki Gazi, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

Medrado, Andrea - Endorsements

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

Andrea's contribution for the IAMCR’s Community Communication Section and also for managing technologies and processes to increase participation of members are good signals of what she can bring as vice-president of the association and a reason for my support. 

Name: Nivea Bona
Independent researcher
Country: Brazil-USA

I endorse the candidacy of Andrea for a list of reasons. Out of her extreme competency in dealing with different cultures, audiences, and projects, she is a woman from the Global South. We are in need of this representativity at IAMCR. Her work at the coordination of the CCAM section says a lot.

Name: Amélia Aben- Athar Olinto Ramos
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

I endorse the candidacy of Andrea Medrado initially for her unparalleled ability to guide and support my research and academic career, as a tutor and supervisor.

Andrea was responsible for supporting my experience at IAMCR, it was an important international experience. Today, I am a member and I have participated in all events since 2016. In addition, she has been the Chair of the Community Communication and Alternative Media Section, for the past 4 years, developing a job with great competence. As a woman from the Global South, she has shown her interest in fighting for inclusion and diversity in IAMCR. She is undoubtedly a person committed to diversity, inclusion and support of women academics, students and early career colleagues.

Name: Alejandro Barranquero
Affiliation: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Country: Spain

I endorse the candidacy of Andrea Medrado for her great capacity for teamwork, as I have already checked along my incorporation as a Vice-chair of the Community Communication and Alternative Media Section.

Name: Sergio Ricardo Quiroga
Affiliation: Centre for Social Studies (ICAES)
Country: Argentina

I am pleased to write to you for the purpose of supporting the IAMCR Vice President at Andrea Medrado of the Postgraduate Program in Mídia e Cotidiano (PPGMC) Department of Graduação em Comunicação Social (GCO) Federal Fluminense University.

Name: Andrew Ó Baoill
Affiliation: National University of Ireland
Country: Ireland

I wish to offer a strong endorsement of the candidacy of Andrea Medrado for the position of Vice President.

I have come to know Dr Medrado through my involvement in the Community Communication and Alternative Media section (CCAM), in which she served as co-chair. Her work was convivial and effective, and she was central to the continued success of that section.

In these challenging times (both immediately in the context of COVID-19, and more generally the broader socio-political climate) it is heartening to see an ambitious, thoughtful, and progressive manifesto. I know that Andrea will be an effective advocate for inclusion, sustainability, and diversity in our association and our field of study. Those values, always relevant, take on a heightened resonance in the context of the significant social and economic challenges we face.

We know that precarity is increasingly pervasive and complex, that shutdowns linked to the current pandemic are feeling debates about the structure and role of higher education, and that authoritarianism and populism are on the rise in the political sphere. Andrea will be an important part of ensuring that our response, as an association and as a community, is thoughtful, inclusive, and rigorous.

Name: Nico Carpentier
Affiliation: Charles University
Country: Czech Republic

I want to express my strong support for the candidacy of Andrea Medrado for the position of IAMCR Vice President, simply because I believe she will be an excellent Vice President. She has already proven her IAMCR management skills when she was a member of the Head of the Community Communication and Alternative Media Section. Andrea has also demonstrated that she has a clear vision for the future of the organisation, driven by fairness, respect for diversity, respect for democratic process and outcomes, and grounded in an ethics of care. I see her as my running mate, and call upon all members of IAMCR to vote for her in the upcoming elections, so that she can become one of the new IAMCR Vice Presidents.

Name: Blerjana Bino
Affiliation: European University of Tirana
Country: Albania

I am writing to endorse the candidature of Andea Medrado fo Vice-President.

Name: Emiliano Treré
Affiliation: Cardiff University
Country: United Kingdom

I have come to know Dr Medrado primarily through my involvement in the Community Communication and Alternative Media section (CCAM) where she has served as co-chair. I have experienced first-hand her commitment to the section and to the association, along with her engagement with the communicative needs of communities and activists from the Global South. It is for these reasons that I strongly support her candidacy for the position of Vice President.

Name: Ana Lúcia Nunes de Sousa
Affiliation: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Country: Brazil

I support the candidacy of Andrea for the vice-presidency of IAMCR. I know Andrea since my very first time in IAMCR Congress in Leicester. Since then, she has been an example to me. She showed to be hard-working, serious, worried about important issues of social justice and representativeness that our Association needs to consolidate. She has the spirit of change the IAMCR needs. I hope she can help IAMCR to be the Association we need in the future.

Apoyo la candidatura de Andrea para la vicepresidencia de la IAMCR. Conozco a Andrea desde mi primera vez en el Congreso IAMCR en Leicester. Desde entonces, ella ha sido un ejemplo para mí. Prof. Andrea demostró ser trabajadora, seria, preocupada por cuestiones importantes de justicia social y representatividad que nuestra Asociación necesita consolidar. Ella tiene el espíritu de cambio que necesita la IAMCR. Espero que pueda ayudar a IAMCR a ser la Asociación que necesitamos en el futuro.

Name: John Sinclair
Affiliation: The University of Melbourne
Country: Australia

I would like to endorse Andrea Medrado as Vice-President.

Murdock, Graham

Loughborough University, United Kingdom

As Vice President I have been responsible for liaison between the Executive Board and three key committees- the Publications Committee, the Membership Committee, and the Environmental Committee. I have also been an active member of the Clearing House and the judging panels for several of the annual prizes IAMCR awards. These experience, and my previous service within IAMCR have given me a good working knowledge of the Association’s practical operations and the current concerns of members. My major aims have been to develop the services IAMCR offers to members and to the bolster the Association’s external visibility through three on-going initiatives: the continuing  expansion of the Ambassador network (which has more than doubled in size) ; a proposed systemisation of IAMCR ‘s relations with external agencies through a new  network of ‘champions’ who would act as contacts and advocates; and the launch of a new flagship journal to showcase the range and excellence of the research and theorising of IAMCR members. I am seeking a second term as Vice President to see this project through to completion and to continue working on extending and strengthening the Ambassador and Champion networks to help ensure that IAMCR goes from strength to strength. 

Download Graham Murdock's CV

Nominated by 

  • Peter Thompson, Victoria University Wellington, New Zealand
  • Helena Sousa, University of Minho, Portugal
  • John Downey, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
  • Jack Qui, Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK
  • Benedetta Brevini, University of Sydney, Australia
  • Anna Gladkova, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

Murdock, Graham - Endorsements

Name: Benedetta Brevini
Affiliation: University of Sidney
Country: Australia

We couldn't be luckier to have his incredible stature, knowledge, experience for another term!

Name: Anna Gladkova
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Country: Russia

I fully support Graham’s nomination for a second term as Vice-President. Graham has been running many successful projects in IAMCR, including Ambassador network, which is a wonderful means of making IAMCR known in different regions of the world. Graham’s vast experience and knowledge of IAMCR, his dedication to the association, and his involvement in many international projects and collaborations make him a perfect candidate for Vice-President.

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

His trajectory of theoretical and critical contributions for the area are more than significant for recognizing and supporting his candidacy for the vice-presidency of IAMCR.

Name: John Sinclair
Affiliation: The University of Melbourne
Country: Australia

I would like to endorse Graham Murdoch as Vice-President.

Raman, Usha

University of Hyderabad, India

There’s been a lot of talk in various forums about decolonizing media and communication studies and bringing more colour and diversity to scholarship. Alongside, various International bodies have been trying to bring in new perspectives and fresh voices to disciplinary conversations. As a long-time member of IAMCR, my effort as a potential Executive Board member and in the role of Vice-President would be to contribute in this direction. I have been involved with the Association for the better part of four decades, having attended my first conference in New Delhi in 1985, and intermittently over the years. When my Department had the opportunity to host the annual conference in India in 2014, as Co-Chair of the local organizing committee, I saw how things worked from the “inside” so to speak. I believe that such global organizations have a role to play not only as fora for intellectual exchange, but also in fostering open and collaborative academic systems—thus the need for a geographically and culturally diverse leadership. This, combined with my interest in how pedagogic and research processes draw from and give to disciplinary movements, is what motivates me to seek consideration for the role of Vice President of IAMCR. 

Download Usha Raman's CV

Nominated by

  • Pradip Thomas, University of Queensland, Australia
  • Vinod Pavarala, University of Hyderabad, India
  • Kanchan Malik, University of Hyderabad, India
  • Kaarle Nordenstreng, Tampere University, Finland
  • Marjan de Bruin, Jamaica

Raman, Usha - Endorsements

Name: Marjan de Bruin
Affiliation: University of the West Indies, retired
Country: Jamaica

I hereby wish to nominate Usha Raman, Professor, Department of Communication, University of Hyderabad (India) for the position of Vice President (VP) of IAMCR and to be a member of IAMCR‘s International Council (IC). If these two positions do not go together for nomination I would choose the position of VP.

I have known Professor Raman for years and have always been impressed by her depth of knowledge, strong way of presenting, pleasant inter-personal exchanges and originality when solutions had to be sought.

Name: Kanchan Malik
Affiliation: University of Hyderabad
Country: India

I can say with full confidence that she will be an asset for IAMCR as an IC member, and a sincere and dedicated VP. Her experience of organizing IAMCR in India in 2014 also strengthens her ability to contribute to the vision and mission of the organization.

Name: Devina Sarwatay
Affiliation: University of Hyderabad
Country: India

Prof. Usha Raman is a brilliant researcher, a generous teacher, and one of the kindest people I know. She is eloquent, empathetic, and tends to see as well as bring out the best in people around her. This is why we need her in a leadership role in IAMCR. While the world debates about goals like bettering access, inclusion, diversity, equity, respect, and reciprocity, Prof. Raman actively and unassumingly works towards these goals by practising them in her everyday life. Early career researchers and scholars from the Global South especially, along with everyone else will have a better shot at these goals with leaders like Prof. Raman at the helm who support their fellow colleagues and students tirelessly. I strongly endorse her candidature for Vice President and International Council and encourage everyone to vote for her.

Candidates for Secretary General

Goggin, Gerard

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

I wish to stand for re-election for the position of Secretary General. 

A member of IAMCR since 2007, I have been privileged to serve on the Executive Board undertaking a wide range of roles and initiatives.

Since inception IAMCR has striven for the highest standards of intellectual rigour and excellence, with an expansive view of the discipine. I especially prize IAMCR as an international association committed to imaginatively enacting inclusivity, valuing languages and cultural diversity, and dismantling inequality in the societally constitutive area of communications and media. 

In my view, IAMCR is poised at a crossroads. Thus if my mandate is renewed, I would work with colleagues to tackle key challenges including: precarious, steadily worsening conditions of academic life, especially for emerging researchers; transforming accessibility for and amplifying participation of researchers underrepresented in our field; balancing growth of IAMCR with safeguarding its unique character of innovative and respectful research and dialogue; achieving consequential engagement with stakeholders in policy and civil society; strengthening governance and capacity of IAMCR. 

I am Wee Kim Wee Professor of Communication Studies at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and my research focusses on social, cultural, and policy dynamics of digital media internationally.

Download Gerard Goggin's CV

Nominated by

  • Claudia Padovani, University of Padua, Italy
  • Chika Anyanwu, University of Adelaide, Australia
  • Penny O'Donnell, University of Sydney, Australia
  • Herman Wasserman, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • Kaarle Nordenstreng, Tampere University, Finland
  • John Sinclair, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Aimée Vega, Universidad Nacional Autónoma, México

Goggin, Gerard - Endorsements

Name: Claudia Padovani
Affiliation: University of Padova
Country: Italy

As a long standing member of the association, I would like to express my support for Prof. Gerard Goggin as candidate for a second term as Secretary General of the IAMCR.

I have appreciated his activities during the first term, his informal and at the same time very effective approach, and I am sure his experience will be an assett also in these times of uncertainties, fast changing situations and challenges.

Name: Anna Gladkova
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Country: Russia

I would like to support Gerard’s candidacy for Secretary General. I have been working with Gerard for a number of years already and have always admired his professional and personal qualities. In addition to being a true professional and a dedicated member of IAMCR, Gerard is a very nice and friendly person, which is an important quality of a Secretary General. 

Name: Chikezie E. Uzuegbunam
Affiliation: University of Cape Town
Country: South Africa

The first time I met Prof Goggin in person, it was surreal. I thought he was one of the kindest, warmest, easy-going, and genuinely supportive senior academics I've ever met in our field. He was not only generous with his time, he was also willing to mentor and support me should I ever need his assistance. Like Nico, he epitomizes what IAMCR as an association embodies: an association that truly 'sees' its members and that, in the most genuine of ways, supports young scholars by giving them a sense of belonging. Gerard has been an active and hardworking member of IAMCR for many years and there is nothing that will give me pleasure than seeing him return for a second tenure as secretary of IAMCR. I wholeheartedly endorse his candidacy.

Candidates for Treasurer

van de Fliert, Elske

The University of Queensland, Australia


Serving as IAMCR Treasurer for the past four years (2016-20) has given me valuable insights in the ways the association supports academic collaboration, exchange and scholarship. I am particularly passionate about IAMCR’s commitment to be a truly global and inclusive association, and the support it offers to emerging scholars and colleagues from economically disadvantaged regions to engage actively and equally. The IAMCR has made some important steps forward over the past decade to professionalise the association while maintaining its unique nature, and I would be honoured to take this mission forward, as Treasurer of the Executive Board, in the coming four years. Particular initiatives that I have worked on and would like to take to the next level are a sustainable investment strategy for the association’s reserves, sourcing sponsorship for small research grants for members in low- and middle-income countries, and the Section and Working Group Fund.

I was co-vice chair of the Participatory Communication Research (PCR) Section from 2013-16 and have been instrumental in establishing the Rural Communication (RUC) Working Group. I am an Associate Professor at the School of Communication and Arts, and Director of the Centre for Communication and Social Change, at The University of Queensland, Australia.


Ser tesorera de IAMCR durante los últimos cuatro años (2016-2020) me ha brindado información valiosa sobre las formas en que la asociación apoya la colaboración académica, el intercambio y la erudición. Me apasiona especialmente el compromiso de IAMCR de ser una asociación verdaderamente global e inclusiva, y el apoyo que ofrece a académicos y colegas jóvenes de regiones económicamente desfavorecidas para participar de manera activa e igualitaria. IAMCR ha dado algunos pasos importantes en la última década para profesionalizar la asociación manteniendo su naturaleza única, y sería un honor para mí llevar adelante esta misión, como Tesorera de la Junta Ejecutiva, en los próximos cuatro años. Las iniciativas particulares en las que he trabajado y que me gustaría llevar al siguiente nivel son: a) una estrategia de inversión sostenible para los fondos de la asociación, b) el patrocinio de pequeñas subvenciones de investigación para miembros de países de ingresos bajos y medianos, y c) el Fondo para apoyar iniciativas de las Secciones y los Grupos de Trabajo.

Fui co-vicepresidente de la Sección de Investigación en Comunicación Participativa (PCR) de 2013-16 y he sido instrumental en el establecimiento del Grupo de Trabajo de Comunicación Rural (RUC). Soy profesora asociada en la Escuela de Comunicación y Artes, y Directora del Centro de Comunicación y Cambio Social, en la Universidad de Queensland, Australia.


Être trésorière de l'AIERI au cours de ces quatre dernières années (2016-2020) m’a permis de comprendre la manière dont l'association soutient la collaboration, les échanges et le savoir universitaires. Je suis particulièrement sensible au fait que l’AIERI soit une association véritablement mondiale et inclusive, qui aide les chercheurs et collègues émergents des régions défavorisées économiquement à s’engager. L'AIERI a fait des progrès importants au cours de la dernière décennie pour professionnaliser l'association tout en conservant son caractère unique, et je serais honorée de faire avancer cette mission, en tant que trésorière du Conseil exécutif, lors des quatre prochaines années. La stratégie d'investissement durable pour les réserves de l'association, les bourses de recherche pour les membres de pays à revenus faibles ou modérés et le Fonds de la section et du groupe de travail sont autant d’initiatives sur lesquelles j'ai travaillé et que je voudrais développer encore.

J'ai été coprésidente de la Section de la recherche sur la communication participative de 2013 à 2016 et j'ai joué un rôle déterminant dans la création du groupe de travail sur la communication rurale. Je suis professeure agrégée à la School of Communication and Arts et directrice du Centre for Communication and Social Change de l’Université de Queensland en Australie.

Download Elske van de Fliert´s CV

Nominated by

  • Pradip Thomas, University of Queensland, Australia
  • Franzisca Weder, University of Queensland, Australia
  • Leah Jerop Komen, Daystar University, Kenya
  • Sandra Ristovska, University of Colorado, USA
  • Hendriyani, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Kaarle Nordenstreng, Tampere University, Finland
  • Loes Witteveen, Wageningen University, Netherlands

van de Fliert, Elske - Endorsements

Name: Leah Komen
Affiliation: Daystar University
Country: Kenya

I have  known Elske as a an astute scholar, a caring individual and in touch with IAMCR members needs.

Her workmanship as TREASURER attest to her big heart for all and in particular those from Africa who have benefited from the scholarship. During the lunch dates with  travel grants  awardees  Elske has reached out to know beyond  just the names of the people but shown great interest in people's own career growth.

I wish to support her nomination for the second term.

Name: Sandra Ristovska
Affiliation: University of Colorado Boulder
Country: United States

I believe Elske has done an amazing job over the last few years, and it'd be great if she could serve for another term. I also think continuity at this position is particularly important for IAMCR. 

Name: Alejandro Barranquero
Affiliation: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Country: Spain

Else van der Fliert is one of the most credited voices in the fields of community media and development communication in Australia. I support her work and candidacy for the Executive Board of IAMCR.

Name: Emrakeb A. Woldearegay
Affiliation: University of Oregon
Country: United States

This is to endorse Elske van de FLIERT as treasurer of IAMCR.