Murdock, Graham - Endorsements
Name: Benedetta Brevini
Affiliation: University of Sidney
Country: Australia
We couldn't be luckier to have his incredible stature, knowledge, experience for another term!
Name: Anna Gladkova
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Country: Russia
I fully support Graham’s nomination for a second term as Vice-President. Graham has been running many successful projects in IAMCR, including Ambassador network, which is a wonderful means of making IAMCR known in different regions of the world. Graham’s vast experience and knowledge of IAMCR, his dedication to the association, and his involvement in many international projects and collaborations make him a perfect candidate for Vice-President.
Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil
His trajectory of theoretical and critical contributions for the area are more than significant for recognizing and supporting his candidacy for the vice-presidency of IAMCR.
Name: John Sinclair
Affiliation: The University of Melbourne
Country: Australia
I would like to endorse Graham Murdoch as Vice-President.