Medrado, Andrea - Endorsements

Name: Adilson Cabral
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

Andrea's contribution for the IAMCR’s Community Communication Section and also for managing technologies and processes to increase participation of members are good signals of what she can bring as vice-president of the association and a reason for my support. 

Name: Nivea Bona
Independent researcher
Country: Brazil-USA

I endorse the candidacy of Andrea for a list of reasons. Out of her extreme competency in dealing with different cultures, audiences, and projects, she is a woman from the Global South. We are in need of this representativity at IAMCR. Her work at the coordination of the CCAM section says a lot.

Name: Amélia Aben- Athar Olinto Ramos
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University
Country: Brazil

I endorse the candidacy of Andrea Medrado initially for her unparalleled ability to guide and support my research and academic career, as a tutor and supervisor.

Andrea was responsible for supporting my experience at IAMCR, it was an important international experience. Today, I am a member and I have participated in all events since 2016. In addition, she has been the Chair of the Community Communication and Alternative Media Section, for the past 4 years, developing a job with great competence. As a woman from the Global South, she has shown her interest in fighting for inclusion and diversity in IAMCR. She is undoubtedly a person committed to diversity, inclusion and support of women academics, students and early career colleagues.

Name: Alejandro Barranquero
Affiliation: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Country: Spain

I endorse the candidacy of Andrea Medrado for her great capacity for teamwork, as I have already checked along my incorporation as a Vice-chair of the Community Communication and Alternative Media Section.

Name: Sergio Ricardo Quiroga
Affiliation: Centre for Social Studies (ICAES)
Country: Argentina

I am pleased to write to you for the purpose of supporting the IAMCR Vice President at Andrea Medrado of the Postgraduate Program in Mídia e Cotidiano (PPGMC) Department of Graduação em Comunicação Social (GCO) Federal Fluminense University.

Name: Andrew Ó Baoill
Affiliation: National University of Ireland
Country: Ireland

I wish to offer a strong endorsement of the candidacy of Andrea Medrado for the position of Vice President.

I have come to know Dr Medrado through my involvement in the Community Communication and Alternative Media section (CCAM), in which she served as co-chair. Her work was convivial and effective, and she was central to the continued success of that section.

In these challenging times (both immediately in the context of COVID-19, and more generally the broader socio-political climate) it is heartening to see an ambitious, thoughtful, and progressive manifesto. I know that Andrea will be an effective advocate for inclusion, sustainability, and diversity in our association and our field of study. Those values, always relevant, take on a heightened resonance in the context of the significant social and economic challenges we face.

We know that precarity is increasingly pervasive and complex, that shutdowns linked to the current pandemic are feeling debates about the structure and role of higher education, and that authoritarianism and populism are on the rise in the political sphere. Andrea will be an important part of ensuring that our response, as an association and as a community, is thoughtful, inclusive, and rigorous.

Name: Nico Carpentier
Affiliation: Charles University
Country: Czech Republic

I want to express my strong support for the candidacy of Andrea Medrado for the position of IAMCR Vice President, simply because I believe she will be an excellent Vice President. She has already proven her IAMCR management skills when she was a member of the Head of the Community Communication and Alternative Media Section. Andrea has also demonstrated that she has a clear vision for the future of the organisation, driven by fairness, respect for diversity, respect for democratic process and outcomes, and grounded in an ethics of care. I see her as my running mate, and call upon all members of IAMCR to vote for her in the upcoming elections, so that she can become one of the new IAMCR Vice Presidents.

Name: Blerjana Bino
Affiliation: European University of Tirana
Country: Albania

I am writing to endorse the candidature of Andea Medrado fo Vice-President.

Name: Emiliano Treré
Affiliation: Cardiff University
Country: United Kingdom

I have come to know Dr Medrado primarily through my involvement in the Community Communication and Alternative Media section (CCAM) where she has served as co-chair. I have experienced first-hand her commitment to the section and to the association, along with her engagement with the communicative needs of communities and activists from the Global South. It is for these reasons that I strongly support her candidacy for the position of Vice President.

Name: Ana Lúcia Nunes de Sousa
Affiliation: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Country: Brazil

I support the candidacy of Andrea for the vice-presidency of IAMCR. I know Andrea since my very first time in IAMCR Congress in Leicester. Since then, she has been an example to me. She showed to be hard-working, serious, worried about important issues of social justice and representativeness that our Association needs to consolidate. She has the spirit of change the IAMCR needs. I hope she can help IAMCR to be the Association we need in the future.

Apoyo la candidatura de Andrea para la vicepresidencia de la IAMCR. Conozco a Andrea desde mi primera vez en el Congreso IAMCR en Leicester. Desde entonces, ella ha sido un ejemplo para mí. Prof. Andrea demostró ser trabajadora, seria, preocupada por cuestiones importantes de justicia social y representatividad que nuestra Asociación necesita consolidar. Ella tiene el espíritu de cambio que necesita la IAMCR. Espero que pueda ayudar a IAMCR a ser la Asociación que necesitamos en el futuro.

Name: John Sinclair
Affiliation: The University of Melbourne
Country: Australia

I would like to endorse Andrea Medrado as Vice-President.

Candidate for: 
Vice President