
We are thrilled to announce that IAMCR 2023 has received an outstanding number of abstract submissions from authors in 90 countries. More than 2,800 asbtracts were submitted by authors for presentation both online (OCP23) and in Lyon (Lyon23) and almost 1,000 for online presentation only.
In this letter to the members, IAMCR president, Nico Carpentier, reflects on the accomplishments of 2022 and the projects planned for 2023.

Dear colleagues,
Call for papers to be presented at "Governing the Internet for Democracy: Lessons from Research Embracing a Multicentred World", an IAMCR preconference to the UNESCO 2023 Global Conference “Regulating Digital Platforms for Information as a Public Good”. Paris, 21 February 2023
In this letter to the members, IAMCR president, Nico Carpentier, reflects on IAMCR's past conferences held online, and shares next year's plans and activities.
If you are going to be at the 2022 conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) be sure to drop in to IAMCR's special session. Titled "How to learn to change to world? Communicative-pedagogical strategies for social change", it will be held on 22 October from 13h30 to 15h00.
The voting period for the Sections and Working Groups heads election has ended. We would like to thank all of the candidates who expressed their willingness to serve as a section or working group officer and also to all who voted. See the results here.
November 2021 - This letter was sent by Nico Carpentier, IAMCR President, to thank IAMCR members for their support in 2021 and to invite them to renew their membership for 2022.
Hosted by Tsinghua University with pre-conferences organised by Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University, IAMCR 2022 will be held from 11-15 July, 2022. Watch these videos prepared by the hosts presenting the conference theme Communication Research in the Era of Neo-Globalisation: Reorientations, Challenges and Changing, and the unique settings that will surround IAMCR 2022.
Invited by the International Communication Association, IAMCR organised a panel for the 71st Annual ICA Conference held from 27-31 May 2021. The panel titled "Rethinking borders and boundaries: Beyond the global/local dichotomy in communication studies" featured 5 presentations by IAMCR members.
The voting period for the Sections and Working Groups heads election has ended. We would like to thank all of the candidates who expressed their willingness to serve as a section or working group office also to all who voted. See the results here.
In this letter to the members, IAMCR's president, Nico Carpentier, talks about our conferences and an initiative to expand IAMCR's Ambassador Programme.
IAMCR will host a special session at the annual conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). The "Roundtable on Arts-based Research in Communication and Media Studies: Strategies and Experiences" will be live online on 9 September from 09h00 to 10h30.
We are pleased to announce that IAMCR, together with the Department of Media and Communication of School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), and Tsinghua University, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to host IAMCR 2022 in Bejing, China. 
IAMCR is saddened by the news of the death of Yassen Zassoursky, President of the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, who died on 1 August 2021 at the age of 91. He was a leading figure in media and journalism studies and education in the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, and served many years as vice-president of IAMCR.
In this letter to the members, IAMCR's president, Nico Carpentier, reflects on preparations for the upcoming online conference and on a few innovations that will have lasting impact on the association.
25 January 2021 IAMCR endorsed the International Declaration of Communications Professionals and Researchers for a healthier, viable, better world, sponsored by ORBICOM - Network of UNESCO Chairs in Communication.
November 2020 - This letter was sent by Nico Carpentier, IAMCR President, to thank IAMCR members for their support in 2020 and to invite them to renew their membership for 2021.
In alignment with the possibilities offered by the COVID-19 pandemic, IAMCR 2021’s conference will offer multiple modalities for participation. It will be an online conference with an African “hub” at USIU-Africa, and satellite activities at various points around the globe.
In this letter to the members, IAMCR's newly elected president, Nico Carpentier, reflects on IAMCR's 2020 conference and the opportunities and challenges raised by the events of 2020.
The elections for IAMCR Executive Board (EB) and International Council (IC) are over. Nico Carpentier was elected president and will be joined on the Executive Board by 2 vice-presidents, Andrea Medrado and Usha Raman, the current secretary general, Gerard Goggin, and treasurer, Elske van de Fliert, who have both been reelected.