03 March, 2023 - IAMCR's Journalism Research and Education Section sponsored the webinar titled "Empowering Women Journalists in the Global South", reflecting upon the diverse issues that impinge on women journalists’ professional lives and thus rendering them less empowered to perform their journalistic roles.
21 February, 2023 - IAMCR’s GA4SBC Task Force in partnership with the Global Alliance for Social and Behaviour Change (GA4SBC) and UNICEF hosted a webinar titled "Communication for Development (C4D) contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals – Learning from research supported by the UNICEF/IAMCR C4D Fund".
16 November, 2022 - The Music, Audio, Radio and Sound Working Group sponsored a webinar celebrating the publication of The Routledge Companion to Radio and Podcast Studies. The book brings together scholars from various parts of the world, both well-established and emerging scholars, to conceptualize this multidisciplinary field.
20 June, 2022 - The Journalism Research and Education Section sponsored a webinar / book launch to discuss several recently released or forthcoming books. Watch it at the IAMCR Webinars Channel on Vimeo.
7 June, 2022 -IAMCR's Communication Policy & Technology Section organised a webinar to present the book “Concealing for Freedom: The Making of Encryption, Secure Messaging and Digital Liberties”, co-authored by Francesca Musiani and Ksenia Ermoshina.
07 October, 2021 - The Participatory Communication Research Section sponsored a webinar to present the book "The Evolution of Popular Communication in Latin America”. Watch it at the IAMCR Webinars Channel on Vimeo.
09 June 2021 - The Media Education Research Section hosted the pre-recording of its special session for the 2021 IAMCR Conference titled Is Media Education a Movement or a Field? as part of the IAMCR webinar series. Watch it at the IAMCR Webinars Channel on Vimeo.
04 June 2021 - The Gender and Communication Section organised the webinar ‘Ecologies of care’, health and despair in the Covid-19 pandemic age: the care manifesto as part of the IAMCR Webinar Series. The webinar featured presentations by top scholars in the fields of Gender and Sociology.
20 May 2021 - The Communication Policy and Technology Section organised a webinar to present the book “Re-imagining Communication in Africa and the Caribbean: Global South Issues in Media, Culture and Technology”. Watch it at the IAMCR Webinars Channel on Vimeo.
30 April, 2021 - The Journalism Research and Education Section sponsored a webinar / book launch where scholars in the field presented their recently released or forthcoming books. Watch it at the IAMCR Webinars Channel on Vimeo.
19 March 2021 IAMCR launched its Webinar Series with the webinar titled "Digital Divide and Digital Inclusion", addressing the issue of digital gaps and focused on integration opportunities for different social groups. The event was co-hosted by the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University and IAMCR Digital Divide Working Group.