Gender and Communication Section

The mission of the Gender and Communication Section is to foster and encourage all knowledge, scholarship, empirical work and theoretical debates in the field of gender and its relation to media and communications. The aim is to engage with issues of gender and the media through various multidisciplinary perspectives and which are also inclusive of various disciplines from across the Social Sciences. This Section wants to encourage the conduct and dissemination of research that uses gender as a primary thematic in work around media, culture and communications, and which is capable of engaging with different epistemological frameworks and questions as well as dialoguing with other disciplines, from sociology to politics and feminist theory. The section thus serves as a meeting space for both established and younger scholars from across the world. It also aims to nurture younger scholars and those from developing countries interested in aspects of gender-media so that they can participate in a global academic community via attendance at international conferences.

This Section's members are committed to transcending the often artificial boundaries that give rise to divisions in the study of gender across the Social Sciences. It is committed to equality principles and to be a space for furthering research which aims to deal with the current structural challenges of gender inequalities in the world, and their intersections with other layers of oppression, such as race, ethnicity, nationality and other ideological or philosophical descriptions. This section is also concerned with how gender considerations and identities are reproduced and consumed through media production and consumption, with members’ papers yielding new insights into the way similarities and differences are experienced in the everyday lives of audiences and how they engage with gender.

Co-chair: Carolina Matos (City, University of London, United Kingdom) [contact]
Co-chair: Wajiha Raza Rizvi (Film Museum Society | Beaconhouse National University) [contact]
Vice-Chair: Patricia Núñez-Gómez (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain) [contact]
Vice-chair: Faiza Rafique (United Arab Emirates) [contact]

See the list of all current members of the Gender and Communication Section. For more information about a given member, go to (accessible only to IAMCR members).

To join the Gender and Communication Section, login to your account and select My Sections and Working Groups from the menu. A number of IAMCR sections and working groups send notices and other information exclusively to their members. IAMCR members can join up to three sections or working groups.

Section's Facebook page:

The Gender and Communication section has issued its February 2023 newsletter including information about events and publications that might be of interest to its members. Read it here.
IAMCR's Gender and Communication Section invites proposals for IAMCR 2023, to be held in Lyon, France, from 9 to 13 July (Lyon23) with an Online Conference Papers (OCP23) component from 26 June to 5 July. The deadline for submission is 9 February 2023, at 23.59 UTC.
The Gender and Communication Section has released its July 2022 newsletter including information about the upcoming conference IAMCR 2022, events and publications that might be of interest to the section's members.
The Gender and Communication Section has released its June 2022 newsletter including information about the upcoming conference IAMCR 2022, several calls for papers, events and publications that might be of interest to the section's members.
The Gender and Communication Section has released its April 2022 newsletter including information about forthcoming events and publications that might be of interest to the section's members.
IAMCR's Gender and Communication Section and the DME Media School in Delhi marked International Women's Day with the webinar "Inspiring Women - Global Faces / Gendered Media Space: Shattering the Glass Screen"
The Gender and Communication Section has released its February 2022 newsletter including information about forthcoming events and publications that might be of interest to the section's members.
The Gender and Communication Section has released its December 2021 newsletter including information about forthcoming events, the call for papers for IAMCR 2022, and publications that might be of interest to the section's members.
IAMCR's Gender and Communication Section invites the submission of proposals for papers and panels for IAMCR 2022, which will be held online from 11 to 15 July 2022. The conference will also have a national hub at Tsinghua University in Beijing. The deadline for submission is 9 February 2021, at 23.59 UTC.
15 October 2021 -The Gender and Communication Section organised the webinar "Digital ethnographies, intersectionality and interdisciplinarity: Feminist methodologies from quantitative to participatory methods and queer research in the Covid- 19 age". Watch the recording here.
The Gender and Communication Section has released its September 2021 newsletter including information about forthcoming events and publications that might be of interest to the section's members.
On 3 July, the Gender and Communication Section sponsored the online symposium "Being Marginal- Performing Raced and Gendered Labour", organised by Dr. Maha Bashri of United Arab Emirates University and Dr. Shobha Avadhani of National University of Singapore.
The Gender and Communication Section has released its latest newsletter including information about the section's activities in the upcoming conference IAMCR 2021: Online Conference Papers programme, online video session, interactive forums and more.
The Gender and Communication Section has released its latest newsletter including information about upcoming events and recent publications from the section's members.
04 June 2021 - The Gender and Communication Section organised the webinar ‘Ecologies of care’, health and despair in the Covid-19 pandemic age: the care manifesto as part of the IAMCR Webinar Series. The webinar featured presentations by top scholars in the fields of Gender and Sociology.