
How long should final papers be?

Paper length can range from 1,000 to 8,000 words. Contact the heads of your section or working group for any format questions.

How long will the papers be accessible for?

Conference papers and their optional accompanying videos and slides will be accessible from 26 June, when OCP launches, until 12 September 2023, when they will then be taken offline.

Who can access the papers posted on OCP?

The papers and presentations posted on IAMCR 2023 Online Conference Papers will be accessible freely only to IAMCR members for consultation and discussion during the extended conference period.

Copyright of papers

Copyright of papers remains in the hands of their authors. Conference papers should not be cited without written permission of the authors. The posting of conference papers on the conference website does not constitute publication.

Video presentations submitted with papers are the property of the presenters. Any use outside of consultation and discussion during the extended conference period ending 12 September 2023 requires the written permission of each presenter in the video.

Can I submit slides or a video presentation in addition to my paper?

You may optionally submit slides or a video of your presentation in addition to your paper. Instructions to submit slides and videos will be provided here later.

Sciences po Lyon          IAMCR

in partnership with:

Congres Lyon 1     Only Lyon

with the support of:

Universite Lumiere      Jean Moulin      Elico logo