Venue and Accomodation

IAMCR 2023 will be held at the Rockefeller Campus of the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, located at 8 avenue Rockefeller in Lyon, France.

For other questions regarding the conference venue and accommodation, see the frequently asked questions below.


The following hotels will be offering special rates for conference participants:

Information on how to book these special rates will be provided later.

The following 4-star hotels are located near the conference venue:

Additionally, there are several Airbnb rentals and hostels in the area that may offer more affordable options.

Where will the conference take place?

IAMCR 2023 will be held at the Rockefeller Campus of the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, located at 8 avenue Rockefeller in Lyon, France. With 6 buildings, the main one built in 1932, the Rockefeller Campus provides a beautiful and historic setting for our conference.

Sciences po Lyon          IAMCR

in partnership with:

Congres Lyon 1     Only Lyon

with the support of:

Universite Lumiere      Jean Moulin      Elico logo