IAMCR 2011 Call for Papers | More than 2,300 abstracts received
The 8 February deadline for submitting abstracts for IAMCR's 2011 conference in Istanbul, Turkey has passed with more than 2,300 abstracts received. IAMCR's 31 sections and working groups will now begin the process of evaluating and selecting the proposals that will be invited to present during the conference, which will take place from 13-17 July 2011 under the general theme of Cities, Creativity, Connectivity. The results of the selection process will be announced by 25 March.
The period for submitting abstracts via IAMCR's Open Conference System is now over.
IAMCR invites submission of abstracts for its 2011 academic conference to be held at Kadir Has University in Istanbul, Turkey, from July 13 to 17, 2011.
As the noted urban sociologist Robert Park once wrote, the city today is the world we created and are condemned to live in, while remaking ourselves in the process. Cities have always been experimental sites of connectivity through creativity. Cities and their interlocutors: artists, intellectuals, government officers, and activists, have attempted to overcome the historical and contemporary ruptures through creative acts and enactments. Every corner, every stone in every city the world over bears the traces of ruptures in memory, identity and ways of living and imagining. The memories we excavate are reminders of pasts we long for, as in nostalgia, or events we would wish to forget, in moving ahead towards a more captivating future. The instruments we employ to communicate and connect these urban strands often come from the worlds of the Arts, whether displayed on the streets, in the historical houses of religion, in the old abandoned industrial premises, or in the newly built monumental art houses and museums.
Networking, mobility and large scale flow of goods and ideas through the internet are the new and coveted phenomena of the 21st Century. The creativity and connectivity find new lively representations beyond the conventional physical spaces. A variety of societal groups and citizens now enjoy access to a plethora of virtual worlds while conceptualizing, producing, sharing and exhibiting their creative works, ideas and dreams to the world. The globalized networks of culture and creative industries, mobilization of artworlds and international collaborations are now considered the engines of cosmopolitan urban experiences and transformation. Cities as distinct from each other as New York, London, Berlin, Beijing, Johannesburg, Kuala Lumpur and Istanbul invest their futures in economies of creativity and communication.
The conference aims to assess the present state of the city, interrogate the processes that generated the present, and evaluate the future(s) that lay ahead. As citizens, what are the rights, norms and standards we desire? What does global connectivity offer to the riches and uncertainties of urban everyday life? What are the aesthetics and economies of creativity in which we invest the future of the city? What are the communicative possibilities that cities afford and hinder? These and other questions await our scholarly responses and intellectual interventions. A wide-ranging set of issues, sub-themes and topics confront us for exploration and interrogation, including but not limited to the following:
- Creative and cultural industries in a globalized economy
- Global city, connectivity and communication
- Art, culture and transnational communication
- Cosmopolitanism as an ideal and practice
- Economies of art, media and creativity
- Media, democratization and urban life
- Hybridities, identities, creativity
- Migration: communication, connectivity and creativity
- Local productions in a global city
- Communication inequality: rural and urban trends
- Social networks, connectivity and creativity
- Digital artworlds and virtual connectivity
- Social responsibility, personhood and communication
- Communication, Rights and duties of citizens in the emerging global order
- Communities, connectivity and marginalized groups
- Economics and the cost of urban connectivities
- Gender, culture and communication
As a worldwide conference in the field of media and communication research, the IAMCR's Istanbul 2011 is pleased to invite your individual papers and panel proposals on these and other topics related to the theme.
Click on the links below to consult the calls for papers of IAMCR's various sections and working groups. Section and Working Group CFPs will be added here as they become available.
Submit your abstract online via IAMCR's Open Conference System
- Audience
- Communication Policy and Technology
- Community Communication
- Emerging Scholars Network
- Gender and Communication
- History
- International Communication
- Journalism Research and Education
- Law
- Media and Sport
- Media Education Research
- Mediated Communication, Public Opinion and Society
- Participatory Communication Research
- Political Communication Research
- Political Economy
Working Groups:
- Comic Art
- Communication and HIV/AIDS
- Crisis Communication
- Diaspora and media
- Digital Divide
- Environment, Science and Risk Communication
- Ethics of Society and Ethics of Communication
- European Public Broadcasting Policies
- Global Media Policy
- Health Communication and Change
- Islam and Media
- Media Production Analysis
- Media, Religion and Culture
- Popular Culture
- Post-Socialist and Post-Authoritarian Communication
- Visual Culture
Joint sessions
- Health, Communication, HIV/AIDS and change (Health Communication and Change Working Group and Communication and HIV/AIDS Working Group)
- Patriarchy, Capitalism and Media (Gender and Communication Section & Political Economy Section)
- The Political Economy of Participatory Communications (Participatory Communication Research Section & Political Economy Section)
- Political Communication in the Post-Socialist countries of Eastern Europe (Political Communication Research Section and Post-Socialist, Post-Authoritarian Communication Working Group)
Deadlines and Submission Details
The deadline for submission of abstracts is February 8, 2011.
Please note that this deadline will not be extended.
Submission of abstracts and full papers is to be done online through IAMCR's Open Conference System (OCS).
The results of peer reviews of submitted abstracts will be announced by Section and Working Group Heads by March 25, 2011. Full papers must be submitted online via the IAMCR-OCS by June 3, 2011.
For further information, please visit the IAMCR Istanbul 2011 conference website.