The Political Economy of Participatory Communications
Joint Session of the Participatory Communication Research Section & the Political Economy Section
The IAMCR Participatory Communication Research Section & the Political Economy Section are working together on the preparation of a joint session about the 'The Political Economy of Participatory Communications'.
As 'participation' becomes increasingly adopted by bilateral, multilateral and other institutional actors, there is a need to explore 'who' are involved in setting national and global agendas related to development and aid, 'how' participation is operationalised in such agendas, and the consequences of such institutionalizations. One can argue that dominant models offer one-size-fits-all solutions when in reality what is needed are context-specific approaches.
Convinced that this is a much needed debate, the Sections are looking forward for thought-provoking proposals. If you would like to do address this topic, please contact the coordinating teams of the Participatory Communication Research Section or Political Economy Section.
Pradip Thomas
Participatory Communication Research Section, Chair
Florencia Enghel
Participatory Communication Research Section, Vice-Chair
Satarupa Dasgupta
Participatory Communication Research Section, Vice-Chair
Helena Sousa
Political Economy Section, Chair
Rodrigo Gómez
Political Economy Section, Vice-Chair
Janet Wasko
Political Economy Section, Vice-Chair