Stockholm 2008 - History Section Call for Papers
The 2008 IAMCR Congress will be held in Stockholm from July 20 to 25, 2008. The overall congress theme is “Media and Global Divides”. Although this topic could be seen as a reflection of the contemporary world it also has an historical dimension since various kinds of communication divides have existed in earlier times.
This notice is to call for submissions for the History Section of the IAMCR Program. Papers are particularly sought around the following related themes:
‘Media and Divides’ in Communication History
The notion of ‘divides’ is most commonly used to describe recent trends in media development which have entrenched inequalities. However, the notion can provide a useful framework for considering communication and media history. If we look at the past, many kinds of divides have existed in the world of journalism (or media in general) often linked to technological, social or political reasons. Contributions about these divides from an historical viewpoint are welcome as a necessary background for a better understanding of contemporary situations.
Theoretical Foundations of Media History
Researching on Media History involves thinking about different approaches that other authors have made in the past, the necessity of interdisciplinary perspectives, and the consequent contributions of other disciplines such as history, sociology, law, business, ethics, etc. to an historical understanding of the role of the media. Papers are welcome which elucidate the historical development of our discipline, and analyse modern trends related to new information societies and communication technologies.
Media, History and Globalisation
We wish to build upon previous theoretical and case study work in communication history which has foregrounded the role of communications (its technology and applications) in social formation and historical change. Social and political history is seen as embedded within the communication and media conditions and networks of specific historical periods and locations. Papers are particularly welcome on:
- Media and Empire: analysis of the relationships between media development and empires in different periods and regions;
- Communication and political/social formation at the regional, national and global levels;
- Communication and media network history, including work on news agencies;
- Case studies – analyses of news events and their mediation (and the extent of their global reach and impact) given historical communication conditions.
The beginning of Journalists’ Associations: An International Comparative Perspective
The creation of journalists’ associations can be considered as an important development in the historical evolution of modern journalism both at the national level and internationally. Papers dealing with the development and rationale of such associations are welcome. The aim is to throw light on the development of journalism as a profession from an internationally comparative perspective.
Other areas
Although contributions dealing with the topics mentioned above will be given priority, papers are also sought on other areas of Media History as there will be, if possible, some open sessions in the program as well as themed sessions.
Abstracts and papers should be sent to:
Carlos Barrera
History Section Co-Chair
Email: cbarrera [AT]
Emailed submissions are preferred. However, submissions may also be posted to:
Prof. Carlos Barrera
Department of Public Communication
Edificio de Bibliotecas
University of Navarra
31080 Pamplona (SPAIN)
The deadlines are as follows:
Submission of abstracts: 15 February 2008 (papers will be assessed and provisionally accepted on the basis of abstracts of between 300-500 words).
Announcement of acceptances: March 1, 2008
Full papers due: June 15, 2008
IAMCR accepts presentations in English, French and Spanish. However, it is requested that abstracts, if at all possible, be submitted in English.
For further information visit the 2008 Stockholm Congress website.
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