Stockholm 2008 - Emerging Scholars Network Section Call for Papers
The Emerging Scholars Network (ESN) invites you to participate in the 2008 International Congress of the IAMCR from July 20 – 25, 2008, in Stockholm, Sweden.
This year's theme is “Media and Global Divides”. We call for general academic papers in communication as well as papers addressing the relationships between media and contemporary global divides, be they historically founded or emergent phenomena. We welcome in particular work that explores the pivotal, but still under-researched, roles of the media with regard to today’s global inequalities. These divides can be seen in the context of an emerging new world order. Relevant work can be related to all kinds of divides, the digital one perhaps being he most noted, that have also developed in the world’s media structures. These divides are technological and social, and generated by markets and socio-political orders. They are reflected in an array of media genres and formats and in the segmentation of national, regional and worldwide audiences, corresponding for instance to elite and popular media outputs.
ESN is a section dedicated to the work and careers of emerging scholars. We especially look for works in progress from graduate students and new university instructors/professors who are interested in substantial feedback and comments intended to advance their projects. We seek academic work on any topic in the field of communication.
We are also creating a mentorship program for emerging scholars who would benefit from linkages with senior scholars. This program will address publication techniques, teaching opportunities, professional involvement, and other issues. If you are interested in connecting with a mentor, please contact the section chair, Rosa Mikeal Martey.
Submission Guidelines:
DEADLINE EXTENDED: Submissions are now due the 15th of February, 2008. Panelists will be announced by the end of April. Full papers are due 1 June, 2008.
Individual abstracts may only be submitted to a SINGLE section. Please do not submit the same abstract to two different sections of IAMCR.
Abstracts should be submitted on the IAMCR website, Questions may be addressed to the section chair, Rosa Mikeal Martey at rosa.martey[AT]
Submission must include author name(s), affiliation, address, e-mail address, and paper title. If you are submitting a work in progress, we welcome your submission! Please state that it is a work in progress in your abstract.
Please take a look at our website ( for more information.
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