The Participatory Communication Research (PCR) Section had a project accepted for funding by the Section and Working Group Project Fund. The USD 2,000 grant will be used to partially fund two events - Post-Representative Participations: Engaging with civic action in the times of digital citizenship at the University of Brighton & Global Dialogues on Participation at Panjab University, Chandigarh.
The project “Extending Participatory Communication” has three main objectives:
1/To organize two academic events outside the main conference of IAMCR, in order to strengthen the visibility of the section, and its intellectual remit;
2/To expand the fields of interest of the PCR section;
3/To strengthen the global dialogue on participation in order to develop the academic knowledge of the field based on a diversity of contexts and varied practices.
About the events -
Post-Representative Participations: Engaging with civic action in the times of digital citizenship: The Participatory Communication Research (PCR) section of the International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) in collaboration with the Media, Communications and Cultural Studies Association’s Postgraduate Network (MeCCSA PGN), and the Centre for Digital Media Cultures, University of Brighton will organise a joint one-day conference at University of Brighton for academics (including postgraduate students & early-career researchers), as well as engaged citizens, activists and artists to submit proposals. This joint event will provide a platform for the critical dialogue between Participatory Communication Research section with the scholars from Digital Media Centre of the University of Brighton, as well as other members of the academic community in the UK to examine the issues of social, political and cultural change in the times of digital media, giving a particular focus on ‘digital citizenship’. It will also be an opportunity for the PCR section to encourage the attending scholars to explore & uses creative participatory methods in their research.
As the first in a proposed series – Global Dialogues on Participation, the Participatory Communication Research section, in collaboration with the School of Communication, Panjab University, Chandigarh will organize a two-day event involving media and communication scholars (both from India and outside) and media practioners from India working in the field of participatory communication and participatory methodologies. The proposed joint event to be hosted in India will invite prominent scholars in the region working on participatory communication research, but will also focus on the lived experience and situated knowledge of (community) media activists, consultants and (media) policy makers in the region.