2016 PhD Winter School on Participation & Communication

The programme of the PhD Winter School on Participation and Communication organized by IAMCR’s Participatory Communication Research Section, in cooperation with Jinan University, Guangzhou is now available. The programme outlines the overview of the PhD winter school with detailed course information including the schedule, planned lectures, PhD Masterclass flows, lecturers’ bios and participating PhD student papers. The programme also contains practical information about the PhD winter school venue at Jinan University and the host city of Guangzhou.

The 2016 PhD Winter School on Participation and Communication received an extraordinary number of 81 applicants from 23 countries and regions. The winter school committee completed its unenviable task of shortlisting the the high quality submissions it received and selected 24 participants from 11 countries and regions. Five of the applicants received a travel grant to attend the winter school. The participants will convene for the winter school at Jinan University in Guangzhou, China from 5th to 9th December 2016 to attend high quality lectures and workshops, as well as receive detailed and constructive feedback on their PhD project. The winter school also coincide with the celebration of the 70th anniversary in Journalism education at Jinan University’s College of Journalism and Communication, the supporting department for the winter school.

The PhD Winter School on participation and communication is convened by Professor Nico Carpentier (Uppsala University – Sweden; Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Belgium and Charles University in Prague – Czech Republic). PhD Winter School lecturers are Vaia Doudaki (Uppsala University – Sweden), Arne Hintz (Cardiff University – UK), Rico Lie (Wageningen University – the Netherlands), Loes Witteveen (Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences and Wageningen University – the Netherlands) and Nico Carpentier. The local organiser is Professor Tingrong Zhi (Dean of the College of Journalism & Communication, Jinan University, Guangzhou).

The programme of the PhD Winter School on Participation and Communication can be downloaded from the attachment in this post.

PDF icon 2016PhDwinterschool.pdf31.21 MB