Members' books

In this section we announce recently published books by IAMCR members to the IAMCR community. If you are a member of IAMCR and would like to have your recent book listed, send us a message...

By Divina Frau-Meigs, this book provides the general public with an informed summary of the question: what risks do the fake news really mean to democracy, in France as elsewhere?
Edited by Anastasia Veneti, Daniel Jackson, and Darren G. Lilleker, this book offers a theoretically driven, empirically grounded survey of the role visual communication plays in political culture.
Published by UNESCO in collaboration with IAMCR and the Global Alliance for Media and Gender, "Setting the Gender Agenda for Communication Policy: New proposals from the Global Alliance on Media and Gender" was launched at the recent IAMCR conference in Madrid.
In this book, Jane Duncan assesses the relevance of Snowden’s revelations for South Africa. In doing so she questions the extent to which South Africa is becoming a surveillance society governed by a surveillance state.