Istanbul 2011 - Visual Culture Working Group Call for Papers
The Working Group on Visual Culture invites submissions of abstracts for the 2011 IAMCR Conference in Istanbul, Turkey from July 13-17. The theme of the 2011 conference is Cities, Creativity and Connectivity.
The Visual Culture Working group welcomes research proposals related to these themes and other topics focusing on cultural aspects of visual media. Prospective topics would be space and visual culture, visual art and creativity, interactive media and visual communication in addition to various methodological and theoretical issues on visual culture
This Working Group has emphasized critical cultural studies in relation to studying visual communication. We have been particularly interested in non-Western perspectives and/ or new approaches to theoretical and empirical researches on visual media.
The Visual Culture Working Group encourages you to submit individual abstracts and panel proposals. We are particularly interested in panel proposal related to this year’s conference theme; cities, creativity and connectivity.
The deadline for abstract submissions: February 8, 2011
Announcement of acceptance: March 25, 2011
Full paper Due: June 3, 2011.
Abstracts and full papers should be submitted via OCS on the IAMCR conference website.
Please note that IAMCR accepts abstracts and supports presentations in English, French and Spanish. However, we would like to request abstracts in English if possible. Your abstracts will be on the blind review by the review committee at WG Visual Culture.
If you have any question contact
Sunny Yoon
Visual Culture Working Group, Chair
Myoung Kim
Visual Culture Working Group, Vice-Chair