Elections 2008: Nominations closing date
Nominations will close on March 25th!
Nominations are now open for candidates for IAMCR’s Executive Board (President, Vice Presidents, Secretary General and Treasurer), and International Council.
Nominations must be received by Janet Wasko, Chair of the Election Committee, at the address below by 25 March 2008.
- Nominations may be made by institutional or individual members in good standing.
- Each candidate must be a paid-up member of the Association.
- Nominations for candidates for the Executive Board must be
supported by a minimum of five (5) paid-up members from at least two
(2) different countries. - Candidates for the International Council may be nominated by either one paid-up member of the Association or by themselves.
- Candidates may be nominated for one or more positions on the
Executive Board and for membership of the International Council.
Candidates for election to both the Executive Board and the
International Council shall, if successful in the former, be
automatically removed from the latter. - Each candidate should send a confirmation of their candidacy and
a curriculum vitae and/or statement of no more than 200 words, either
electronically or by registered mail, to the Chair of the Election
Committee by March 25, 2008.
The Election Committee consists of three members appointed by the
International Council to manage the election process. The committee
includes Janet Wasko (chair) (USA), Cees Hamelink, Netherlands), and
Dipak De (India).
Nominations and other material should be sent to:
Janet Wasko, Election Committee Chair
Or posted to:
Professor Janet Wasko
School of Journalism and Communication
University of Oregon
1275 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1275
For more information about the election process click here...
Janet Wasko
IAMCR, Election Committee Chair