FAQ - Registration

See the frequently asked questions below. If your question about registration isn't answered, contact lyon2023 [at] iamcr.org Telegram https://t.me/IAMCR2023_support.

How much will registration cost?

In order to keep them as low as possible, registration fees for the Lyon23 conference will be set in March.

As always, IAMCR conference fees are on a sliding scale, with lower fees available for students and for scholars in low and middle income countries.

There is no registration fee for OCP23 but you must be a member of IAMCR.

What's the difference between OCP23 and Lyon23?

OCP23 (Online Conference Papers 2023) is an online space for IAMCR members to submit and get feedback on their research and to get certification for thier inclusion in the IAMCR 2023 programme without travelling to the conference site. Authors of OCP23 papers may optionally make presentations of their work available online (slides or video). Registration for OCP23 is free for all IAMCR members.

Lyon23 is the face-to-face component of the conferenct (9-13 July in Lyon, France). All papers presented in Lyon23 will also be included in OCP23.

Do I have to be a member of IAMCR to register?

Yes. You must be a member of IAMCR to register for OCP23 or Lyon23. Registration for OCP23, which includes access to some streaming content from Lyon23, will be free for all members.

Is there a discount for students?

Significant discounts are offered for fulltime students.

Do I need to have a paper accepted to register for the Lyon23 conference?

Due to the limited space at the conference venue, registration is by invitation only. Authors invited to present their papers at Lyon23 will receive an invitation. 

Will I get a certificate?

All authors of papers submitted to OCP23 only or to OCP23 and Lyon23 will receive a certificate of presentation by email following the conference.

Is financial support available?

Conference fees are set at significantly lower levels for students and for members from low and middle inclome countries.

At least 25 travel grants of up to US$1,500 will be made available to early-career scholars, who are members of IAMCR, reside in low and middle income countries and have papers accepted for presentation at our upcoming conference in Lyon.

Sciences po Lyon          IAMCR

in partnership with:

Congres Lyon 1     Only Lyon

with the support of:

Universite Lumiere      Jean Moulin      Elico logo