Letter # 3 to IAMCR 2015 participants
The letter copied below was sent on April 27, 2015 to all authors with proposals accepted for presentation at IAMCR 2015.
The main purpose of this letter, the third one we're sending you with updates and information about IAMCR 2015, is to remind you that the deadline for early registration is fast-approaching.
If you have already registered, thank you. If you haven't, please note that if you register and pay before May 6 at 23:59 GMT, you qualify for special earlybird fees. Beginning May 7, fees in all categories will increase by CAD$100.
Register now for IAMCR 2015 at http://iamcr.org/congress/montreal2015/register2015.
If you're a member of IAMCR, remember that your 2015 membership fees must be paid before you will be able to register and that processing your membership fees can take up to 24 hours after your payment is received. That means that if you wait until the last minute to renew your membership, you may not be able to register at earlybird fees. If you pay your membership fees by cheque or bank transfer, your membership will only be activated after the fees have been received in IAMCR's account. We strongly urge you to renew now.
If you aren't a member of IAMCR, you can join now to pay reduced member-only fees. If you're in a high-income country, it will cost you about the same to join IAMCR and pay member fees as it does to pay non-member fees. It will be like getting a free membership. If you're in low or middle-income country, you can save money by joining IAMCR. Remember - to take advantage of the member-only fee, you must first join IAMCR. You will then be sent a username and password so you can login to http://iamcr.org and register. Processing your membership fees and sending your username and password can take up to 24 hours after your payment is received, so once again, we urge you to join now if you want to take advantage of the earlybird fees.
Once your registration is complete, you can start getting ready for the conference by reading some of the more than 1,700 accepted abstracts. They are online at http://iamcr.org/congress/montreal2015/accepted-abstracts. Just click on a section / working group that interests you to see the abstracts.
Finally, don't forget to upload your paper before the June 19 deadline. The paper submssion page is at http://iamcr.org/submit2015.
For more information about the conference and Montreal, visit the local organising committee's website at http://congresiamcr.uqam.ca/ and the pages of IAMCR's website dedicated to the 2015 conference at http://iamcr.org/congress/montreal2015.
We look forward to welcoming you in Montreal.
Bruce Girard, Executive Director, IAMCR
Yanick Farmer and Christian Agbobli, Co-chairs, IAMCR 2015 Local Organising Committee
This is the third newsletter from IAMCR 2015.
You can see the previous letters at: