Communication, Technology and Human Dignity: Disputed Rights, Contested Truths

School of Communication, UCM, 7-11 July 2019

During IAMCR 2019, 13 preconferences and 5 postconferences are organized. Applications are still open to attend some of them.

Twenty one travel grants to defray the cost of attending IAMCR 2019 will help early-stage scholars who are members of IAMCR from low and middle income countries. The winners include 9 women and 12 men from 17 different countries.

IAMCR and the Urban Communication Foundation are pleased to announce that the 2019 UCF/IAMCR Urban Communication Research Grant will be officially awarded to Arlene Fernandez during IAMCR 2019.

The deadline to submit full papers for IAMCR 2019 is 7 June and the place to submit them is https://iamcr.or

Statement sent by the Executive Board of IAMCR together with the Local Organizing Committee on May 20, 2019 to all participants and authors.

It is only 5 minutes walking from the School of Communication and from the metro station "Ciudad Universitaria" (Line 6 - the grey one).


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