Political Discourse on Global Digital Media: Are We Heading in the Right Direction?


How should voters and politicians across the world respond to the challenges of digitalization? Be it through the concept of digital sovereignty (Lambach & Opperman, 2022) or directly through digital democracy (Hacker & Van Dijk, 2000), one of the most contentious questions of our time is whether the rapid global uptake of digital media is contributing to a decline in democracy. While the risks of social media are being widely discussed by politicians, civilian associations and the public, tech companies argue that findings are not conclusive, while they increasingly lack confidence from users globally. It would be mistaken to condemn social media in general. However, it’s been proven that they can certainly fuel polarization and populism – especially in established democracies. Search engines, news apps and other data-driven media are equally important. In this event, we invite scholars, especially early career researchers and those studying or representing non-Western countries, to present their research, speaking to these questions.

Date and time

Saturday, 8 July 2023 – 8:30 to 13:30 hrs


To be announced

Participation and Registration

Scholars interested in participation are requested to send 300–500-word abstracts to poldiscoursepreconf.iamcr2023 [at] gmail.com, cc the INC Section's leading team Karen Arriaza Ibarra, arriazaibarra [at] ucm.es, Deqiang Ji, jideqiang [at] cuc.edu.cn, and Kateryna Kasianenko, kateryna.kasianenko [at] hdr.qut.edu.au no later than April 30, 23:59 UTC

April 30 - Deadline for abstracts submission
May 15 - Notification of acceptance to authors
May 30 - Deadline to confirm participation
May 30 – June 30 - Registration
June 15 - Draft Programme available
June 30 - Final Programme available
July 8 - Pre-Conference event


  • IAMCR International Communication Section


  • Karen Arriaza Ibarra, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Deqiang Ji, Communication University of China
  • Kateryna Kasianenko, Queensland University of Technology


Journal of Transcultural Communication, Beijing

    Contact email 

    poldiscoursepreconf.iamcr2023 [at] gmail.com

    Also, you can reach the International Communication section heads:

    • Karen Arriaza Ibarra, arriazaibarra [at] ucm.es
    • Deqiang Ji, jideqiang [at] cuc.edu.cn 
    • Kateryna Kasianenko, kateryna.kasianenko [at] hdr.qut.edu.au 

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