IAMCR 2012 - Visual Culture Working Group Call for Papers
The Visual Culture Working Group of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) invites submissions of individual and panel proposals for its 2012 annual conference to be held in Durban, South Africa, July 15-19, 2012. The general theme of this year conference is 'South-North Conversations'.
Our group has been always involved in South-North dialogues in the discipline by encouraging theories and practice from the non-Western perspectives. It will be particularly relevant for research interests of our group and I would like to encourage to submit proposals related to visual culture from 'the South'.
The prospective themes would be cultural studies of visual media, history of visual culture, technology and visual media, sociological and anthropological research on visual communication, cinema studies, environments and visual communication and methodological issues in visual communication, but the group would not exclude any other themes related to visual cultures.
Submission: February 14, 2012
Decision on Acceptance: March 12, 2012
Full Paper: June 10, 2012 (accepted abstracted only)
Guidelines for Abstract Submission
Abstracts should be between 300-500 words.
Names of the authors, professional titles, institutional affiliations, email address should be included.
Abstracts (and full papers) should be submitted by IAMCR Open Conference System (OCS), not to the Section chair.
Any questions and inquiries should be directed to:
Sunny Yoon
Visual Culture Working Group, Chair
sunny33 [at] naver.com
syoon [at] hanyang.ac.kr