Travel Grants

2018 travel grant recipients

Above: 2018 Travel grant recipients

2017 travel grant recipients

Above: 2017 Travel grant recipients

2016 travel grant recipients

Above: 2016 travel grant recipients

IAMCR offers travel grants of up to US$ 1,500 each to members who are early-stage scholars and would otherwise be unable to attend our conferences.

Applicants must have been IAMCR members for at least one full year (i.e. it must be at least their second year as a member of the association), reside in a low or middle income country (see IAMCR's country classification list), and have an abstract accepted for full presentation at the conference. Details, including deadlines and procedures for applying, are announced early each year on the website, newsletter, mailing lists and various social media.

Please consider making a donation to the travel grant fund when you renew your membership. It's a great way to encourage emerging scholars and new perspectives within IAMCR.

K.S. Mochish is a Doctoral Fellow at the School of Media and Cultural Studies of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai, India. He received a travel grant to present the paper "Negotiating Gender and Caste Publicly: An Analysis of the Struggles of a Woman Tribal Leader in Wayanad, India" to the Gender and Communication Section.
Luíza Alvim was temporarily employed as a lecturer in communication at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil when she received a travel grant to attend IAMCR's 2015 conference in Montreal. She presented her paper, “Rhythms of images and sounds: an analysis of films by Robert Bresson”, in the Visual Culture Working Group.
Nelly Lara, a PhD student in the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), received a travel grant to attend IAMCR's 2015 conference in Montreal. Her paper, Discursive practices of women artists in Mexico City's Hip Hop culture, was presented in the Gender and Communication Section.
Sanchari De, a research scholar at Jadavpur University in India, received a travel grant to attend IAMCR 2015 in Montreal and present her paper Political Mobilization and the Network of Shared Cultural Connectivity: An Attempt to Locate The Shahbag Movement in Bangladesh beyond the Realm of Virtual Sphere to the Emerging Scholars Network.
Brian Pindayi from Rusangu University in Zambia received a travel grant to attend IAMCR 2015 in Montreal and present his work Press framing of the (2014-2015) Ebola crisis: A comparative case study of, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe to the Communication and HIV/AIDS Working Group.
Rosemary Chikafa from the Department of English and Media Studies of the University of Zimbabwe received a travel grant to attend IAMCR 2015 in Montreal and present her work Hegemony or Resistance? An African(a) womanist reading of Sembene’s Moolaade to the Gender and Communication Section.
Thirteen travel grants of US$1,500 each have been awarded to support the participation of IAMCR members at our upcoming conference in Montreal.
The nine women and four men are from eleven different countries and will present papers to eleven of IAMCR's 31 sections and working groups.
IAMCR will make thirteen grants worth up to US$1,500 each available to early-stage scholars, who are members in good standing, reside in low and middle income countries and will be participating with a full paper in our upcoming conference in Montreal, Canada.
Luíza Alvim has a PhD in communication. She lectures and studies music and cinema at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She received a travel grant to attend IAMCR 2014 in Hyderabad, where she presented the paper Between genres and styles in the films of Robert Bresson to the Visual Culture Working Group.
Abdul-Halik Azeez is an independent researcher from Colombo, Sri Lanka. His interests lie at the nexus of critical discourse analysis, social media and hate speech. He received a travel grant to atend the Hyderabad conference and present two papers along with his colleague Dr. Carmen Aguilera Carnerero.
Elastus Mambwe, an entry level lecturer at the Department of Mass Communication at the University of Zambia, received a travel grant to present two papers at IAMCR's conference in Hyderabad. When Entertainment Education meets Social Media: A case study of Love Games Zambia, in the Emerging Scholars Network and Celebrity or Just popular?
Jacinta Mwende Maweu, a recent PhD graduate from Rhodes University, South Africa, received an IAMCR travel grant in 2013 to attend the conference in Dublin and a second one in 2014 to attend the conference in Hyderabad, India. Jacinta writes that the grant was "an initial remarkable moment" in her academic career.
Sisanda Nkoala, a student at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, received a travel grant to present her paper Malemaphobia: The role played by the media in creating the Malema Monster through selective sound bites and framing to the Journalism Research and Education Section at IAMCR 2014.
Geisa Fernandes, a recent PhD graduate from the University of São Paulo, received her first travel grant to attend the 2013 IAMCR in Dublin and a second one a year later to attend the conference in Hyderabad. Her paper, presented to the Comic Art Working Group, was titled: We should drink more beers together: How cartoonists could teach comics scholars a thing or two. In this note, she tells us about her experience.
Wajiha Raza Rizvi, a PhD student at University of the Punjab in Pakistan received a travel grant to attend IAMCR 2014 in Hyderabad. Her paper on censorship of visual pleasure in Pakistani film was presented to the Gender & Communication Section. Wajiha says the experience left her with increased confidence.
Chikezie Emmanuel Uzuegbunam from Nigeria received an IAMCR travel grant to present his paper in the Popular Culture Working Group at IAMCR's 2014 conference in Hyderabad. Following the conference, he wrote this letter to IAMCR members.
Victor Chagas of the Universidade Federal Fluminense in Brazil received an IAMCR travel grant to present his paper in the Political Economy Section at our 2014 conference in Hyderabad. Following the conference, Victor wrote us this letter.
The names of the 25 scholars to be awarded travel subsidies to attend IAMCR's 2014 conference in Hyderabad, India have been announced.
taryn_mackayTaryn Mackay (South Africa), one of the nine young scholars to be awarded an IAMCR scholarship to attend IAMCR's 2011 conference in Istanbul tells us about her expectations and experiences, and how this event helped her appreciate her every day reality from a different perspective.
mc_rasminM C Rasmin (Sri Lanka), one of the nine young scholars to be awarded an IAMCR scholarship to attend the 2011 IAMCR conference in Istanbul tells us about his experience at the Istanbul conference: "[the 2011 IAMCR Conference] was not only a media conference but also a knowledge festival which I believe everyone enjoyed."