Letter # 1 to IAMCR 2015 participants
The letter copied below was sent on March 30, 2015 to all authors with proposals accepted for presentation at IAMCR 2015.
Congratulations on having your paper accepted for presentation at the 2015 conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research -IAMCR- at the Université du Québec à Montréal -UQAM- in Montreal, Canada from July 12-16.
The conference promises to be one of our largest and most diverse ever. IAMCR's 31 thematic sections and working groups received almost 2,300 proposals. Following a rigorous peer review process they have invited 1,719 of them to be presented at the conference. The 2,070 invited authors (including co-authors) come from 82 different countries.
Registration and membership
Registration is now open for the conference at http://iamcr.org/congress/montreal2015/register2015.
You don't need to be a member of IAMCR to attend the conference, but members enjoy significant discounts on registration fees, as well as the other advantages of being part of the association. If you're not a member, join now and you'll be eligible for the discount. We offer both individual and institutional memberships. Institutional members can nominate up to 10 representatives from their institution, all of them eligible for reduced member fees and other benefits of being a member of IAMCR. You can learn more about IAMCR membership, join as an individual, or join as an institution. If you decide to join IAMCR, remember, your membership will only be valid once your fee has been received and processed. Depending on your payment method, this can take anywhere from 24 hours to two weeks.
Members and non-members who pay before May 6 will get a CAD$100 discount for early-registration.
Passports, visas and invitations
Check the Montreal website for useful information about passports and visas, including links to a government of Canada website where you can find out whether you need a visa. If you need an official invitation for visa purposes, write to iamcr2015 [at] uqam.ca (subject: Request%20for%20invitation) with “Request for invitation” as the subject of your message.
Programme and activities
A draft programme has been posted on the IAMCR site. The official opening will take place on Sunday July 12 at 17:30, papers will be presented at parallel sessions on July 13-16, and special sessions and plenary sessions are scheduled throughout the week. You'll also be interested in learning more about social activities, pre and post-conferences, and a speed networking event for grad students.
We look forward to welcoming you in Montreal.
Bruce Girard, Executive Director, IAMCR
Yanick Farmer and Christian Agbobli, Co-chairs, IAMCR 2015 Local Organising Committee
IAMCR http://iamcr.org
IAMCR 2015 http://congresiamcr.uqam.ca/