IAMCR 2020 Unclosing Plenary

"Continuity and Change in Eras of Risk and Uncertainty"

Moderator: Kaarle Nordenstreng, Tampere University


Reviewing IAMCR History

The review is a three-minute excursion into the history pages of the IAMCR website while Cees Hamelink's IAMCR house band plays 'As times go by', recorded at the 60th anniversary celebration in Cartagena in 2017.  Its unique part is the Digital Archive providing PDF files of presidential letters from the 1960s on, IAMCR newsletters, and documentation from most statutory meetings. The latest contribution to the history pages is an introductory booklet Basics of IAMCR History by Cees Hamelink and Karle Nordenstreng.


Recalling the MacBride Commission (1977-80) and subsequent developments

2020 is the 40th anniversary of the UNESCO publication, Many Voices, One World, also known as the MacBride Report. Juan Somavia, a member of the commission that prepared the report, and later Director General of the International Labor Organization, reflects on the report, its legacy, and the current state of the issues it raised around concentration and commercialisation of media and unequal access to information and communication worldwide.


Highlighting McQuail's Media & Mass Communication Theory 7th ed.

Denis McQuail's books on mass communication theory since 1969 are like a kaleidoscope of the field and McQuails's Mass Communication Theory, in several editions and many translations since the 1980s, has become a bible -- the most widely used textbook of the field worldwide. Mark Deuze began to work with Denis before the veteran's passing away three years ago and now the 7th edition is a must in reviewing the the big picture of the field. Mark prepared this video especially for us.


Reflecting on the future of media and communication research - two dialogues:

  • Usha Raman, University of Hyderabad and Trine Syvertsen, University of Oslo
  • Laura Ahva, Tampere University and Leonardo Custodio, Åbo Akademi University

Seniors who entered the field as postdoc scholars in the 1990s and juniors who entered in the 2010s exchange views about where the field is going.


Welcome to Nairobi 2021

The Department of Journalism & Corporate Communication of the United States International University-Africa in Nairobi, Kenya will host IAMCR 2021. This short video introduces the venue for the conference, to be held in July 2021. It was made by the Local Organising Committee, led by Dorothy Njoroge and Joseph Nyanoti.




Concluding thoughts

Outgoing president Janet Wasko shares her views after serving for two four-year terms. Incoming president Nico Carpentier, who served as Treasurer in 2012-2016 and thereafter as Participatory Communication Research Section head, summarizes his thoughts when beginning a four-year term.

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