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Times are expressed in Tampere local time EEST and in UTC/GMT
09:00 EEST / 06:00 UTC/GMT
Comic Art Working Group: "Re-thinking comic art"
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Chair: Jorge Salvador Anaya Martínez (Universidad Anáhuac)
- Luz María Peregrina Ochoa (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - FCPyS)
- Laura Nallely Hernández Nieto (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - IIB)
- Citlaly Aguilar Campos (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - FCPyS)
- Jorge Salvador Anaya Martínez (Universidad Anáhuac)
11:00 EEST / 08:00 UTC/GMT
Popular Culture Working Group: The Power of the Popular
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Chair: Tonny Krijnen (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
- Richard Dyer (King's College London)
- Joke Hermes (University of Amsterdam/Hogeschool InHolland)
- Jan Teurlings (University of Amsterdam)
- Garry Whannel (University of Bedfordshire)
- Sofie Van Bauwel (Ghent University)
- Niall Brennan (Fairfield University)
- Frederik Dhaenens (Ghent University)
13:00 EEST / 10:00 UTC/GMT
Gender and Communication Section: "Domestics, publics, pandemics: Feminist media studies in the here and now"
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Chair: Gender and Communication Section: "Domestics, publics, pandemics: Feminist media studies in the here and now"
- Xiyuan Liu (International College Beijing, UC Denver)
- Beatriz Polivanov (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
- Shani Orgad (London School of Economics)
- Pumla Dineo Gqola (Nelson Mandela University)
- Shilpa Phadke (Tata Institute of Social Sciences)
15:00 EEST / 12:00 UTC/GMT
Plenary: "The Future of Internet Governance: UN Roadmap for Digital Cooperation"
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- Chair Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Tampere University
- Laura de Nardis, American University
- Anita Gurumurthy, IT for Change
- Helen Kennedy, University of Sheffield
- Xiaodong Lee, Tshinghua University
16:00 EEST / 13:00 UTC/GMT
Digital Divide Working Group: "Digital Inequalities"
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Chair: Anna Gladkova (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
- Gerard Goggin (Nanyang Technological University)
- Siyu Zhou (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
- Miquel Rodrigo Alsina (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
- George Maier (London School of Economics and Political Sciences)
18:00 EEST / 15:00 UTC/GMT
Public Service Media Policies Working Group: "Current Issues in PSM Research: Values, Politics and Digital Innovations"
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Chair: Alessandro D'Arma (University of Westminster)
- Marius Dragomir (Central European University)
- Minna Horowitz (University of Helsinki)
- Corinne Schweizer (University of Zurich - IKMZ)
- Jonathon Hutchinson (University of Sydney)
- Jannick Kirk Sørensen (Aalborg University)
- Sabri Derinöz (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
20:00 EEST / 17:00 UTC/GMT
Rural Communication Working Group: "Reimagining Digital Futures for Rural Communication"
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Chair: Chair: Rico Lie (Wageningen University)
- Grady Walker (University of Reading)
- Loes Witteveen (Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences & Wageningen University)
- Sarah Cardey (University of Reading), Nyamwaya Munthali (Wageningen University)
- Elske van de Fliert (The University of Queensland)
- Vinod Pavarala (University of Hyderabad)
- Mario Acunzo (Food and Agriculture Organization)
- Maria Stella Tirol (University of the Philippines)
22:00 EEST / 19:00 UTC/GMT
Diaspora and Media Working Group: "Digital diasporas and media discourses"
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Chairs: Sofia Zanforlin (Federal University of Pernambuco) and Jessica Retis (University of Arizona)
- Sofia Zanforlin (Federal University of Pernambuco)
- Jessica Retis (University of Arizona)
- Tiina Räisä (University of Jyv)
- Leticia Gambetta (Universidad de la República)
- Lu Guoliang (Communication University of China)
- Gabriel Soares (Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing)
- Bianca Biadeni (Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing)