IAMCR 2016 - Political Economy Section - CfP
The Political Economy Section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research looks forward to the next IAMCR Conference and invites submissions (both individual proposals and collective panels) for the 2016 conference to be held at Leicester, UK from 27-31, July 2016.
Conference theme: "Memory, Commemoration and Communication: Looking Back, Looking Forward"
See the conference key dates and deadlines: http://iamcr.org/leicester2016/keydates
See all Calls for Papers for IAMCR 2016: http://iamcr.org/leicester2016/cfp
Visit the conference website: http://iamcr.org/leicester2016
The conference will be held under the general theme, Memory, Commemoration and Communication: Looking Back, Looking Forward. The conference theme seeks to explore the relationship between memory, commemoration and communication. This theme anticipates the 60th anniversary of the IAMCR in 2017 an organisation which has played a strong role in the development of media and communication studies. Although scholars have long been interested in memory and culture, developments in technologies are providing new and innovative opportunities to think about how it is created, preserved, passed on, and archived. Within academia, we have witnessed increasing interest in cultural memory studies – from media represents the past, oral history projects and growing interest in digitizing data leading to the history of everything.
As a result, the growing interest in (mediations of) cultural memory provides a timely opportunity not only to look back at which memories get preserved or forgotten, but to look forward to how cultural memories might be archived, remembered, (re)produced, storied, erased, modified and re-told across time and space. The theme also opens up space to commemorate the IAMCRs history and contribution to the field of media and communication research. As a result, this year’s conference welcomes paper and panel proposals that engage with the way the concepts of memory and commemoration, and the ways the past is (re)mediated, historicised, documented, archived, remembered, forgotten and (re)told, and particularly the questions this raises about who controls these processes and whose interests they serve. It also welcomes submissions which commemorate the IAMCR as an organisation as well as the contributions its members have made over the years. Looking forward, papers might also want to address where the field is heading, and we welcome submissions from early career researchers and veteran scholars alike. Submissions might also focus on areas such as: the critical tradition in communication studies, memory and colonialism; commemoration of historic events; the reproduction of culture through story-telling; the media’s role in (re)producing cultural narratives and commemorations.
Questions asked might include: What role do media industries play in the production and retention of political and economic records and memories? Why and how do people/cultures/organizations/families share or hide memories? What strategies are used to share memories, either collectively or individually? What role does privilege/inequality play in the creation, sharing, or preserving of memory? How do individuals, groups, or cultures learn memories? How are events remembered, retold, preserved or erased differently in different locations, historic periods, spaces and cultures? How is storytelling conceived of as form of cultural memory? When looking to the future, what is the relationship between forms of memory and ideas about technologies moving towards to the post-human? We welcome contributions ranging from the empirical to the theoretical and methodological in focus.
In addition to and/or in articulation with the conference sub-themes, the Political Economy Section also welcomes submissions on:
- Political economy of the Internet, social media, telecommunications and mobile communications
- Political economy of audiences,
- Political economy of journalism,
- Political economy of personal information,
- Political economy and feminism
- Political economy and surveillance,
- Political economy and climate change
- Moral economies, gift economies and free culture/free economy
- Media capital and financialization of corporate media,
- Public interest and public goods,
- Power, media policy and regulation,
- Media, citizenship and democracy,
- Tracking and analyzing processes of de-commodification or de-marketization in Communications and cultural policies,
- Cultural Industries and diversity
- Cultural and creative labor in the context of digitization and global capitalism,
- Continuing crisis (financial, moral, others),
- Communication experiences of the OccupyWallStreet, Arab Spring and Indignados around the world (Brazil, Hong Kong, Colombia, Malaysia, Greece, Thailand, Mexico, Taiwan, Spain, Turkey etc.) as counter hegemonic social agents,
- Global Capital and culture
Abstracts should be submitted only via IAMCR's Open Conference System (OCS) from 1 December 2015 – 15 February 2016.
Both individual and panel submissions are welcome.
Early submission is strongly encouraged.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 February 2016. The OCS system will close at midnight GMT on 15 February 2016.
Decisions on acceptance of abstracts will be communicated to applicants by their Section or Working Group Head no later than 1 April 2016.
Conference registration will be open in March 2016.
For those whose abstracts are accepted, full conference papers are to be submitted by 30 June 2016.
Guidelines for Abstracts
Abstracts should be between 300 and 500 words in length.
All abstract submissions must be made via IAMCR's OCS. There are to be no email submissions of abstracts addressed to any Section or Working Group Head.
It is expected that for the most part, only one (1) abstract will be submitted per person for consideration by the Conference. However, under no circumstances should there be more than two (2) abstracts bearing the name of the same applicant either individually or as part of any group of authors. Please note also that the same abstract or another version with minor variations in title or content must not be submitted to other Sections or Working Groups of the Association for consideration, after an initial submission. Such submissions will be deemed to be in breach of the conference guidelines and will be automatically rejected by the Open Conference System, by the relevant Head or by the Conference Programme Reviewer. Such applicants risk being removed entirely from the conference programme.
Upon submission of an abstract, you will be asked to confirm that your submission is original and that it has not been previously published in the form presented. You will also be given an opportunity to declare if your submission is currently before another conference for consideration.
Criteria for Evaluation
Submitted abstracts will generally be evaluated on the basis of:
- theoretical contribution
- methods
- quality of writing
- literature review
- relevance of the submission to the work of the Section or Working Group
- originality and/or significance of the work
Important dates and deadlines to keep in mind:
- 1 December 2015 Open Computer System (OCS) available for abstract submission
- 15 February 2016 Deadline for submissions
- 1 April 2016 Notification of acceptances of abstracts
- 15 April 2016 Deadline to apply for travel grants and awards
- 28 April 2016 Deadline to confirm your participation
- 20 May 2016 Last day to register at discounted early-bird fee
- 30 June 2016 Deadline for full paper submission
- 7 July 2016 Final conference programme published on the website
- 27-31 July 2016 IAMCR 2016 Conference
Political Economy Section
Rodrigo Gómez
Peter Thompson
Peichi Chung
See the conference key dates and deadlines: http://iamcr.org/leicester2016/keydates
See all Calls for Papers for IAMCR 2016: http://iamcr.org/leicester2016/cfp
Visit the conference website: http://iamcr.org/leicester2016