The online video session organised by the Media Education Research Section for IAMCR 2020, is a virtual launch of the Handbook of Media Education Research, with all five editors disussing not only the topics addressed in the handbook but also the current circumstances associated to the Covid-19 pandemic.
If you are an IAMCR member, login to your account to watch the full session. If you are not a member, join now to access all IAMCR 2020 papers and video sessions until 12 September 2020. Your membership will remain valid until 31 December 2021!
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See a complete list of all the section and working group video sessions or all of the online papers.
Chair: Rucchi Jaggi (Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication - SIMC)
Change as Continuity: MER in a Viral Age
Michael Hoechsmann (Lakehead University)
Viral Pedagogies: Teaching With and About Media
Manisha Pathak-Shelat (MICA)
Policy Matters: MER at a Crossroads
Divina Frau-Meigs (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle)
Citizen COVID: Towards Sustainable Digital Life
Sirkku Kotilainen (Tampere University)