Synthesizing theory, pedagogy and engaged scholarship
This panel organised by the Crisis, Security and Conflict Communication Working Group, features five presentations followed by a group discussion about two main topics: how journalists and jourjalism students' around the work perceive risk, and how this perception has changed during the 2020 events related to the emergence of Covid-19.
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Chair: Virpi Salojärvi (University of Helsinki)
Revisiting press censorship at times of digital publicity: The case of mob censorship
(00:50 - 14:10)
Silvio Waisbord (George Washington University)
Why they do it? A consideration of how journalism students conceptualise risk and the implications of this
(14:10 - 22:45)
Fergal Quinn (University of Limerick)
Safety practices of journalists working in South Sudan
(22:45 - 30:20)
Richard Stupart (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Journalists, Repression and Fear in Nicolás Maduro’s Venezuela
(30:20 - 36:30)
Virpi Salojärvi (University of Helsinki)
Creating a research-based psychological ‘first-aid’ for journalists under duress
(36:30 - 43:30)
Sallie Hughes (University of Miami)
(43:30 - 1:11:00)