IAMCR 2016 - History Section - CfP
The History Section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) invites submissions of abstracts for papers and panel proposals for the 2016 IAMCR conference to be held from 27 -31 July, 2016 in Leicester, UK. The deadline to submit abstract is midnight GMT on 15 February 2016. This deadline will not be extended.
Conference theme: "Memory, Commemoration and Communication: Looking Back, Looking Forward"
See the conference key dates and deadlines: http://iamcr.org/leicester2016/keydates
See all Calls for Papers for IAMCR 2016: http://iamcr.org/leicester2016/cfp
Visit the conference website: http://iamcr.org/leicester2016
We will adhere to the general criteria of the IAMCR governing submission of abstracts, deadlines, etc, as well as the theme of the conference -"Memory, Commemoration and Communication: Looking Back, Looking Forward"- as described here: http://iamcr.org/leicester2016/cfp. We will consider individual paper proposals and panels which are encompassed by the Conference theme. Please ensure that your proposals are relevant to the theme.
In addition, the following topics will also be considered favourably by the History section.
- History of surveillance
- Methodology of communication history research
- Construction of communal memory in the media
- Media’s role in memory construction and commemoration
- Media and Empire
Panel proposals, in addition to those covered by the general theme of the IAMCR Conference, can also include:
- The Future of Communication History as an academic field
- Comparing the status, teaching and future perspectives of communication/media/journalism history across countries and transnationally
- Media and Empire
Important dates and deadlines to keep in mind:
- 1 December 2015 Open Computer System (OCS) available for abstract submission
- 15 February 2016 Deadline for submissions
- 1 April 2016 Notification of acceptances of abstracts
- 15 April 2016 Deadline to apply for travel grants and awards
- 28 April 2016 Deadline to confirm your participation
- 20 May 2016 Last day to register at discounted early-bird fee
- 30 June 2016 Deadline for full paper submission
- 7 July 2016 Final conference programme published on the website
- 27-31 July 2016 IAMCR 2016 Conference
History Section
Chandrika Kaul
Epp Lauk
See the conference key dates and deadlines: http://iamcr.org/leicester2016/keydates
See all Calls for Papers for IAMCR 2016: http://iamcr.org/leicester2016/cfp
Visit the conference website: http://iamcr.org/leicester2016