Paris 2007 - Professional Education Section Call for Papers
The Professional Education Section invites submissions for its program for the IAMCR conference at UNESCO in Paris, 23-25 July, 2007.
All papers, from the full range of perspectives on the study of Professional Education, will be considered. However, particularly welcome are those papers which take up the conference theme of “Media, Communication, Information: Celebrating 50 Years of Theories and Practices”. More information about the Professional Education Section's plans for the conference is available on the section's website.The following themes were suggested for the Paris conference at our section’s business meeting:
- Celebrating 50 Years of Theories and Practices in Professional Education for Journalists
- Journalism and journalism education – shall the twain ever meet?
- Redefining journalism education for the needs of all continents.
- Journalism education in difficult political and cultural environments.
- New challenges for journalism education in the digital age.
- Ethics in journalism education.
Abstracts of 500 words, followed by the title, name, institutional address and email address of the author or authors (no biographical notes or references) should be sent to the section head, Dr. Beate Josephi, by 15 February 2007.
An indication of intention of submission and attendance would be very much appreciated. Also, it has to be pointed out that the same paper can be submitted to and presented in one section only. Acceptances or rejections of abstracts will be mailed out by 1 March, 2007.
Please note that selected papers presented in the Professional Education Section at the last conference in Cairo as refereed conference proceedings are now available on our website:
Dr. Beate Josephi [contact]
Head, IAMCR Professional Education Section
School of Communications and Multimedia
Edith Cowan University
Mount Lawley
Western Australia 6050
Tel. +61-8-9370 6691