Oregon Update #1

This is the first in a series of “Oregon Updates” that we will be sending to IAMCR members and IAMCR 2018 participants. This first update was sent on 26 February, 2018.

1750 proposals received

IAMCR’s 31 sections and working groups received more than 1,750 proposals for panel and individual paper presentations from more than 1,900 authors in 86 countries. The heads are working on the review process and are on schedule to inform authors of their decisions by 15 March. Check the website for other key dates related to registration, confirmation that you will present your work, etc. Key dates are on the website at http://oregon2018.iamcr.org/key-dates  

Also on the website you can find the draft programme structure and information about registration and fees. You will be able to register beginning 8 March and the early registration period, with discounted fees, runs until 7 May.

The Local Organizing Committee is planning an exciting academic and social programme for the 2018 IAMCR conference. Watch for an announcement about plenary sessions soon, including details of the opening keynote plenary and reception on Wednesday the 20th. Outside of the formal scientific programme, we are planning an innovative Ecomedia Arts Festival on Thursday evening, and a unique conference dinner/dance on Saturday. Friday will be set aside for gatherings of Sections and Working Groups, where you can get together for a drink and a bite to eat with friends and colleagues. We are excited by the range of community and local organizations that will be involved in various parts of the event. They are looking forward to fruitful exchange with IAMCR members and conference participants.


We have made arrangements with University Housing for accommodations that offer an ideal location on campus at very reasonable rates, or you can choose to stay at a variety of nearby hotels. Visit the accommodation section of the website to book University Housing or for information on local hotels that are offering special discounts for IAMCR participants. Of course, participants can also use other reservation systems, such as booking.com, or see what airbnb.com has to offer. Whatever you choose, we urge you to arrange your accommodations as soon as possible. Eugene is a popular tourist destination and many hotels will be fully-booked long before the conference.

Awards 2018

IAMCR will make several awards available to its members in 2018. The deadline to apply for all of them is 20 March.  You can get more information about each award on the website.

United States visas and invitation letters

Requirements for US visas vary from country to country and participants should follow the guidelines issued by the US Embassy in their countries. B-1 or B-2 visas are recommended.

For information, we strongly advise that you check the official US visa site at: https://travel.state.gov/content/visas/en.html. Use the online Visa Wizard to quickly check whether or not you need a visa

You are responsible for obtaining your own visa and we strongly recommend that you start the visa process well in advance.

An official invitation letter confirming your acceptance to participate in the conference can be requested from the Local Organizing Committee (LOC). Send the following information to invitation2018 [at] iamcr.org (subject: INVITATION%20LETTER) :

  • your full name as it appears in your passport
  • your address
  • your nationality
  • passport number
  • the title of your proposal and its OCS number
  • the name of the section or working group in which you will be presenting or participating
  • a copy of the email from the head of the section or working group confirming that your paper was accepted for presentation
  • write INVITATION LETTER in the subject line of your email

In most cases the email you receive from the heads of your section or working group that invites you to present your paper at IAMCR 2018 will serve as an invitation to support an application for funding or to obtain permission from your institution.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Oregon,

Bruce Girard
Executive Director, IAMCR

Gabriela Martínez
Chair, IAMCR 2018 Local Organizing Committee