2020 Election - Questions & Answers
Return to the Election 2020 website
IAMCR is holding elections for its Executive Board and International Council in 2020. Nominations will be accepted for candidates for the Executive Board (president, two (2) vice presidents, secretary general and treasurer), and fifteen (15) members of the International Council. Online voting will take place from 11 May – 31 May 2020. Information on the elections, including earlier messages from the Election Committee can be found online at https://iamcr.org/election2020
The nomination period will open on Monday, 17 February and close on Tuesday, 17 March. Nominees will have to confirm acceptance of their nomination by Wednesday, 18 March 2020. Nominations must be received by Beate Josephi, Chair of the Election Committee, beate.josephi [at] sydney.edu.au and, at the same time, by Valeria Zamisch at IAMCR’s Executive Secretariat membership [at] iamcr.org by March 17, 2020, 23:59 UTC.
Nominees will be posted on an ongoing basis on https://iamcr.org/election2020 once they have been validated. The full list of nominees and nominators will be available 20 March 2020.
2020 will be the second time IAMCR members vote electronically. Digitalization has progressed, but for equity reasons, given that access to social media is limited or restricted for some of our members, the Election Committee’s communication with IAMCR members will be via email.
To enable members to question candidates about their vision and plans for IAMCR, we will provide a dedicated page , ‘Questions and Answers’, linked to from the main election page at https://iamcr.org/election2020 , and we will send out regular reminders about that page. Any endorsements of candidates will also be placed on the IAMCR Election website. Endorsements can be in any of IAMCR’s three languages. Endorsements are accepted from current paid up IAMCR members only.
The most frequently asked questions received by the Election Committee during the last election came from members who are part of an institutional membership, wanting to know how they could vote. If you are an institutional member, only one voting link will be sent out to the person IAMCR has on its file as contact person for that institution. Representatives of institutions can login to their account and see who holds the vote for their institution and a list of member institutions and their representative will be published on the IAMCR website prior to the voting period.
Many IAMCR members renew their membership in May as this coincides with the early bird registration period for the annual conference. However, for logistical reasons, we cannot issue new or renewing members with a vote link after Wednesday 27 May 2020. The election voting period ends on Sunday, 31 May 2020.