IAMCR Madrid Call for papers

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IAMCR Madrid | 7 – 11 July 2019

Communication, Technology, and Human Dignity: Disputed Rights, Contested Truths

The International Association for Media and Communication Research –IAMCR– invites the submission of abstracts of papers and proposals for panels for IAMCR 2019, to be held from 7 to 11 July, 2019 at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. The deadline for submission is 8 February 2019.

This year's theme is Communication, Technology, and Human Dignity: Disputed Rights, Contested Truths / Comunicación, Tecnologías y Dignidad humana: derechos controvertidos y verdades contestadas. Read about the theme and get more details about the conference in English or Spanish.

In addition to the general theme, IAMCR conferences address a wide diversity of topics defined by our 32 thematic sections and working groups, each of which has issued its own thematic call for proposals. See the list of the section and working group calls for proposals.

The 2019 conference also features a Joint Call for Video Presentations. Issued by 5 of our sections and working groups, the video presentations offer a chance to experiment with virtual conference participation and with the creative opportunities offered by alternative forms of presentation. The participating sections and working groups are the Participatory Communication Research Section, the Community Communication and Alternative Media Section, the Popular Culture Working Group, the Media and Sport Section and the Environment, Science and Risk Communication Working Group.

The host of the 2019 conference, the School of Communication of the Complutense University of Madrid, pioneered the teaching of communication in Spain and aspires to be a reference not only in terms of prestige and quality but also of innovation.
The School teaches courses in Audio Visual Communication, Journalism and Advertising and Public Relations at both graduate and post-graduate level, many of which, according to acknowledged rankings, are among the best in Europe.

Take note of these important dates:

  • 3 December 2018 - Abstract submission system opens
  • 8 February 2019 - Deadline to submit abstracts
  • 15 March - Registration opens
  • 7 April 2019 - Deadline to apply for travel grants and awards
  • 11 April 2019 - Deadline to confirm participation
  • 14 May 2019 - Last day for Early bird registration
  • 7 June 2019 - Deadline for full paper submission
  • 7-11 July 2019 - IAMCR Conference

For more information about the conference visit the website at https://iamcr.org/madrid2019/ or contact the local organising committee at madrid2019 [at] iamcr.org

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