IAMCR 2010 - CFP - Deadline extended to 8 February
IAMCR welcomes the submission of proposals for its 2010 Conference to be held in Braga, Portugal, from 18-22 July 2010. The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended for one week. The new deadline is Monday 8 February.
The general theme of the conference is 'Communication and Citizenship: Rethinking Crisis and Change'.
Section and Working Group calls for papers will be linked from here as they become available.
IAMCR welcomes the submission of proposals for its 2010 Conference to be held in Braga, Portugal, from 18-22 July 2010. The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended for one week. The new deadline is Monday 8 February.
The general theme of the conference is 'Communication and Citizenship: Rethinking Crisis and Change' and it aims to interrogate emergent models of communication and to open up innovative debates on mechanisms for empowering citizenship and participation. Creative and alternative thinking on old and new dimensions of social participation is expected to shed light on contemporary uncertainties and deadlocks.
Focusing on the complex and changing relationships between communication and citizenship, IAMCR invites researchers from different latitudes, professional and cultural backgrounds, to develop research for and as citizens.
As a worldwide conference in the field of media and communication research, IAMCR is pleased to accept individual papers and panel proposals on different topics as well. More details are available from individual Sections, Working Groups and Emerging Themes.
Important deadlines:
- February 8, 2010: Submission of abstracts.
- March 15, 2010: announcement of acceptances.
- April 30, 2010: Full papers due.
Click on the links below to consult the calls for papers of IAMCR's various sections and working groups. Section and Working Group CFPs will be added here as they become available.
Your proposal must be submitted via the conference's online system. Click here to begin submitting a proposal.
Download the instructions for abstract submission.
- Audience
- Communication Policy and Technology
- Community Communication
- Emerging Scholars Network
- Gender and Communication
- History
- International Communication
- Journalism Research and Education
- Law
- Media and Sport
- Media Education Research
- Mediated Communication, Public Opinion and Society
- Participatory Communication Research
- Political Communication Research
- Political Economy
Working Groups
- Comic Art
- Communication and HIV/AIDS
- Diaspora and Media
- Digital Divide
- Environment, Science and Risk Communication
- Ethics of Society and Ethics of Communication
- European Public Broadcasting Policies
- Global Media Policy
- Health Communication and Change
- Islam and Media
- Media Production Analysis
- Media, Religion and Culture
- Popular Culture
- Post-Socialist and Post-Authoritarian
Emerging Themes
Joint Sessions and Round Tables
- Women and News Media in Global Perspective: Reflections on the Global Media Monitoring project 2009 (Gender and Communication Section & Global Media Policy Working Group)
- Policies for Community Communication (Community Communication Section & Global Media Policy Working Group)
- Rethinking Citizenship in a Globalized World: Lessons from the Field (Emerging Scholars Network & Global Media Policy Working Group)
Submissions of proposals are to be done online through the conference website. For more on the submission of abstracts, registration, theme, location, etc., please go to http://www.iamcr2010portugal.com
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to address the IAMCR governing bodies, the Coordinators of Sections, Working Groups and Emerging Themes as well as the Local Organizing Committee. Contact information is available on IAMCR's website and at http://www.iamcr2010portugal.com.