Open Call for Regional Officers of the PCR Section

Open Call for Regional Officers of the PCR Section

The management of the Participatory Communication Research Section (PCR) wants to involve more members in the activities of the Section. In order to achieve this objective, we now call upon PCR members to volunteer as Regional Officers.

These Regional Officers will:

  • organise one regional PCR section event, outside the main IAMCR conference, every three years;
  • develop and implement action plans to increase the Section membership (and IAMCR membership as a whole);
  • contribute, together with the other Regional Officers of the PCR section, to organise one roundtable at the IAMCR main conference;
  • advise the Section Chair and Vice-Chairs on PCR section policies and practices.

The section aims to nominate at least one Regional Officer for each of the 6 continents, but is open to proposals that cover particular clusters of countries (smaller than a continent).

IAMCR members interested in becoming a PCR Regional Officer can email their expressions of interest to the Secretary of the PCR section, Siddharth Chadha, at siddharth.chadha [at] These expressions of interest should include 1/a letter motivating the expression of interest, 2/a CV and 3/a provisional activity plan (in relation to the tasks outlined above).

The PCR Section management

Nico, Ana and Jonas