Paris 2007 - Gender and Communication Section Call for Papers
Paris 2007 - Gender and Communication Section Call for Papers
Given space limitations, it may not be possible to accommodate all proposals. For this reason, proposals for complete panels and/or round tables are particularly encouraged. In addition, panels focusing on UNESCO communication policies vis-à-vis gender may receive favorable attention, as will those individual papers which emphasize the relationship between gender and the conference theme.
We particularly seek papers which balance theory and practice.
We have asked the Audience Section to join together in developing a joint session for Paris 2007. Our hope is to solicit papers that re-evaluate the last 50 years of research about gender and reception (although other panel ideas are certainly welcome).
Questions about submissions or suggestions for panels should be directed to Section Co-Chairs Todd Holden and Ellen Riordan. For the joint session with the Audience Studies section, you may also contact Virginia Nightingale.