The Respublika! open access catalogue released
The Respublika! catalogue is out. It is open access, and you can download the 361-page book from here:
"Respublika! - Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy" (2019), edited by Nico Carpentier and published by NeMe, reports on the Respublika! project, initiated and curated by Nico Carpentier and co-organised with NeMe and CCMC. The catalogue reports on the 18 Respublika! art projects, through project narratives, artist interviews and more than 200 photographs. The catalogue also contains 12 reflexive articles, written by Bart Cammaerts, Nico Carpentier, Vuk Ćosić, Vaia Doudaki, Pascal Gielen, Helen Hahmann, Nicos Trimikliniotis, Olga Yegorova and Hazal Yolga.
Respublika! - Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy
Nico Carpentier (ed.)
Published by NeMe, Limassol
2019, 361 pages, ISBN 978-9963-9695-8-6
Open access at
About Respublika!
Respublika! was a cluster of an arts Festival, three Exhibitions and several Seminars, initiated and curated by Nico Carpentier and co-organised with NeMe and CCMC. Respublika! translated the principles of community media in creative practice, in order to reflect on media, democracy and its participatory component, to analyze the (de)centralization of power in contemporary societies, and to showcase art projects that use participatory mechanisms to produce art projects, working with, and empowering members of one or more communities. Respublika! was multi-sited and multi-genre, and aimed to tap into the creative reservoirs of community media, civil society organizations and social collectives (and their members); but also of artists that are committed to the basic principles of participatory (community) communication.
Respublika! incorporated 18 art projects that relate to (at least) one of the following two objectives, which translate the principles of community media in creative practice:
1/to reflect on media, democracy and its participatory component, analysing the (de)centralization of power in contemporary societies,
2/to use participatory mechanisms to produce art projects, working with, and empowering members of one or more communities.
Respublika! consisted of three exhibitions, a festival and a seminar series. The first main exhibition, Open Community – Open Networks, took place from 4 November 2017 to 2 December 2017. The second main exhibition, Participation Matters, took place from 8 December 2017 to 19 January 2018. The Festival ran in parallel with the first week of the second main exhibition, from 8 to 16 December 2017.
Contents of the Respublika! catalogue
An Introduction to Respublika! Experiments in the Performance of Participation and Democracy
Nico Carpentier
Part I: Participations
Introduction to Participations
Nico Carpentier
Community Media as Rhizome
Nico Carpentier
The Art of Community Media Organisations
Nico Carpentier
Shaking the Airwaves: Participatory Radio Practices
Helen Hahmann
Briony Campbell and the Life:Moving participants and project team
Life:Moving - The Six Participants
Briony Campbell and the Life:Moving participants and project team
Interview with Michele Aaron
Meet Y/Our Wall
Old Nicosia Revealed
Interview with Natalie Hami (Old Nicosia Revealed)
Community Art - A Neo-liberal Solution for the Deconstruction of Welfare State?
Pascal Gielen
Poetry Route River Flows
Wilfred Apiung Akan, Leonoor Akkermans, Eleanor Anabire, Loes ten Anscher, Kate Opoku Boateng, Jacomien den Boer, Mary Chulu, Desta Dekebo, Aliyi Abdulah Deressa, Assefa Addis Habtamu, Nayel Sayed Hasibullah, Mohamed Jalloh, Juliana Alphonce Kabaitilaki, Lufumu Fikiri katiko, Jonas Samuel Laryea, Susan Kosgei Lebuluz, Elizabeth Mutumi Mailu, Alick Sylvester Mbewe, Adélphine Muhirwa, Emerence Mukangabo, Mwale Ernest Mupemo, Kojo Tawiah Baah Nuakoh, Jeroen Rijke, Ali Makame Said, Brinah Mandisa Senzere, Samuel Smith, Yewbdar Tadesse, Sulemana Wahab, Loes Witteveen, Simon Satunmia Yambor
River Flows - An Artistic Approach Towards Community Resilience, Participation and Social Learning in Natural Resources Management
Loes Witteveen and Jacomien den Boer
Interview with Loes Witteveen
The Party of the Housing Dream
Peter Snowdon and the Groupe ALARM
Introductions to the Screening of The Party of the Housing Dream
Peter Snowdon, Aurélia Van Gucht and Abdo Naji
Street Magazines as Communicative Spaces of Inclusion and Solidarity
Vaia Doudaki
Part II: Reflections about Democracy and the Political
Introduction to Reflections about Politics and Democracy
Nico Carpentier
Revalidating Participation: Power and Pre-Figurative Politics within contemporary Left-wing Movements
Bart Cammaerts
Artists, Cultural Producers and Activists: Integrations and Articulations of Struggles
Nicos Trimikliniotis
Mirror Palace of Democracy
Nico Carpentier
The Five Ideologies of the Mirror Palace of Democracy
Nico Carpentier
Its Good to Know
Interview with Didem Eroglu and Orestis Tringides (Join2Media)
Communities and Memories of Struggles: What is Left of the Occupy the Buffer Zone (OBZ) Movement?
Nicos Trimikliniotis
George Kyrou
Interview with George Kyrou
Emilia Izquierdo
Interview with Emilia Izquierdo
Speaking the Unspoken: Challenging Hegemonic Discourses
Hazal Yolga
Part III: Interactions
Introduction to Interactions
Nico Carpentier
wolFMoon howling
Irena Pivka and Brane Zorman
Its in My Nature
Brane Zorman
wolFMoon howling: Live Performance Instructions / Guidelines
Irena Pivka and Brane Zorman
Interview with Irena Pivka and Brane Zorman (CONA Institute)
What Is It About?!
Elena Volina and Mathieu Devavry
Interview with Elena Volina
Social Sculpture Performance/Workshop Unfolding-Unwrapped
Johannes Gerard
Interview with Johannes Gerard
All Sources Are Broken
Labor Neunzehn
Interview with Alessandro Massobrio and Valentina Besegher (Labor Neunzehn)
Open Mic - A Community Radio Experiment
Interview with Hazal Yolga and Orestis Tringides (MYCYradio)
Community Spectradio
Yiannis Christidis, Markos Souropetsis and Co
Interview with Yiannis Christidis
Part IV: Reflections about Identity, Community, Technology and Nature
Introduction to Reflections about Identity, Community, Technology and Nature
Nico Carpentier
Just a Short Article About the That Was a Community
Vuk Cosic
... An Archeology of Silence in the Digital Age An Artist Talk
Christoph Wachter and Mathias Jud
Tools for the Next Revolution workshop
Christoph Wachter and Mathias Jud
You Belong Here
Liza Philosof
Interview with Liza Philosof
Nance Davies
Interview with Nance Davies
Architecture of a Spectral City
Will Kendrick
Interview with Will Kendrick
Respublika! is Political. Why Participatory Art and Art on Participation Matters. A Political Analysis
Olga Yegorova
Festival Programme
Respublika! Seminars