Mexico 2009 - Gender and Communication Section Call for Papers
The Gender Section and Communication Section invites proposals for the 2009 IAMCR annual conference, to be held at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico and Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades in Mexico City, Mexico, July 21st to July 24th. The theme for the 2009 conference will be "Human Rights and Communication" and the planners have indicated that at least one keynote speaker will address the topic of "gender and human rights".
Although we particularly welcome proposals on the conference theme, we will also consider any papers addressing the relationship between gender and media or communication. In keeping with the philosophy of
inclusivity that characterizes our section, we welcome contributions without regard to empirical, theoretical, or disciplinary approach. Complete panel proposals are encouraged, although individual papers will also be considered.
Historically, our section has been committed to emphasizing the multiple points of intersection between gender, communication and other areas of substantive interest to IAMCR's many publics. Thus, in previous conferences, we have convened joint sessions with
- Media and Sport (Barcelona, 2002; Taipei, 2005),
- Political Communication (Cairo, 2006), and
- Audience (Paris, 2007).
In keeping with that tradition, we have tentatively agreed to convene a joint session with Political Communication Section in Mexico City. That said, we would welcome proposals that cutacross other substantive areas, thereby consciously engaging the membership of two or more IAMCR sections.
Should you wish to proposesuch a joint panel, please contact us well before the submission deadline and we will then explore the feasibility of convening such a joint session.
Whether you wish to apply as an individual or group, inquiries about potential topics are encouraged. In addition, email indicating an intent to submit abstracts or proposals in the months leading up to the submission deadline would be very much appreciated.
All proposals should include:
- a 500 word abstract
- paper title
- author's name
- author's institutional address
- author's email address
Note: No biographical notes or references to works cited in the abstract should be included.
Deadline for abstracts: February 16th, 2009
Results announced: March 29th, 2009
Full Papers due: July 1st, 2009
Todd Holden, Section Chair - holden[AT]
Margaretha Geertsema, Section Vice-Chair - mgeertse[AT]
Maria Edstrom, Section Vice-Chair - maria.edstrom[AT]