PHD Winter School concludes in Guangzhou
The PhD Winter School on Participation and Communication organized by IAMCR’s Participatory Communication Research Section, in cooperation with Jinan University’s College of Journalism and Communication concluded in Guangzhou, China on Friday, 10th December 2016. The school was being attended by 24 participants from 11 different countries and regions of the world. This is a selection of photo-essays from the workshops and lectures of the PhD Winter School held through the week.
Participants registering for the PhD Winter School
Professor Tingrong Zhi, Dean of College of Journalism and Communication, Jinan University, Guangzhou during his welcome address
PHD Winter School Group Photograph
Poster Making Workshop with Prof. Nico Carpentier
And the results...
PhD Masterclass - Lecturers providing detailed feedback on the PhD projects
Peer-feedback on PhD Projects
Visual Research Methods with Dr Loes Witeveen
Visual Research in Guangzhou
Closing Ceremony - Deputy Dean Professor Jinsheng Zhang addressing the participants
Closing Ceremony - Handing over the PhD Winter School Certificates
Closing Ceremony - Looking forward to a promising academic future for the participants
Closing Ceremony - More certificates and smiles all around
24 participants from 11 countries and reigions of the world successfully completed the PhD Winter School