IAMCR 2013 – Gender and Communication Section – Call for Papers
The Gender and Communication Section invites submissions for its open session at this year’s IAMCR annual conference, to be held in Dublin, Ireland from 25-29 June 2013.
The section seeks research that balances theory and practice, and explores the relationship between gender, media and communication.
In recent years sessions have included papers on the Internet, television, film, journalism, magazines, violence, queer theory, media production, reception, advertising, representation, the Global Media Monitoring Project, human rights, discrimination, elections, the body, HIV/AIDS, development, pop culture, virtual identity, social change, and consumption. In keeping with our philosophy of inclusivity, we welcome contributions without regard to empirical, theoretical, disciplinary or philosophical perspectives.
Although we welcome submissions on any topic involving gender, media and communication, we encourage and will give special consideration to papers and panel proposals that examine connections to the conference theme Crises, 'Creative Destruction' and the Global Power and Communication Orders. A list of possible topics have been suggested by conference organizers and can be found in the general call on the IAMCR website at https://iamcr.org/cfp. Themes suggested there which seem most consonant with our section, include:
- the relationship between ‘new’ and ‘mature’ media;
- the economic crises, public interest or public service;
- (gendered) representations of the economic crises and/or its impact;
- comparisons of media practices, routines, structure and regulation before and after the crises;
- gender, austerity, and economic growth/recession;
- shifts in mediation of political processes or power structures.
We encourage the submission of individual papers and complete panel proposals in any of the three official association languages (English, French, Spanish).
Individuals may submit 1 abstract (paper) per Section or Working Group as lead author, and a maximum of 2 abstracts (papers) to a single IAMCR conference in general. Presenters are expected to bring fully developed work to the conference. Prior to the conference, it is expected that a completed paper will be submitted to Section, Working Group, Session Chairs, and/or Discussants.
Abstracts should be between 250 and 500 words, and should:
- have a clear title;
- include the name(s) of author(s) and professional title(s) (i.e. professor, postdoctoral fellow, independent researcher, graduate student, student, etc.);
- outline the research objectives/questions/hypothesis;
- outline the theoretical framework and methodology if relevant;
- make clear the main argument proposed.
Bibliographies and author profiles are not required.
The Gender and Communication section encourages its members to take part in their moderation and chairing sessions so please let us know if you are interested. Furthermore, we are looking for volunteers to take part in the blind peer review system. If interested, please contact the Chairs, Kaitlynn Mendes kmendes [at] dmu.ac.uk or Margaretha Geertsema-Sligh mgeertse [at] butler.edu. Success in organizing the conference relies on the assistance from its members.
All abstract submissions must be made centrally via the IAMCR Open Conference System (OCS).
The deadline for submission of abstracts is January 28, 2013. Please note that this deadline will not be extended. The OCS system at will open on November 15, 2012, and will close on January 28, 2013.
Early submission is strongly encouraged.
Decisions on acceptance of abstracts will be communicated to individual applicants by a section chair no later than February 28, 2013.
The final conference programme will be known by 15 April, 2013.
The deadline for full paper submission is May 28, 2013.
Section Heads
Kaitlynn Mendes
kmendes [at] dmu.ac.uk
Margaretha Geertsema-Sligh
mgeertse [at] butler.edu