Letter # 2 to IAMCR 2015 participants
The letter copied below was sent on April 11, 2015 to all authors with proposals accepted for presentation at IAMCR 2015.
This is the second letter we're sending you with updates and information about IAMCR 2015. We hope you find it interesting and useful as you prepare to join us in Montreal for one of the largest and most diverse IAMCR conferences ever.
Confirm your participation
IAMCR's 31 sections and working groups are busy putting their programmes together and they need your help. Please communicate with your section or working group to confirm that you will attend the conference and present your paper, or that you won't be able to be there. They need to have this information early so please send it by April 20. If you don't confirm that you'll be there, you may get dropped from the programme. You can contact your section / working group at the same email address that sent you your invitation to present your paper, or use the contact form on the page of the section / working group on iamcr.org. Links to all the section / working group pages are at http://iamcr.org/s-wg. If you have two papers accepted, contact both sections / working groups.
If something comes up after you confirm and you have to cancel, let the section / working group know as soon as possible. Presenters who are scheduled but don't show up impact on the quality of the conference for everyone else, and could be barred from participating at future IAMCR conferences.
Abstracts online
In order to help you better prepare for IAMCR 2015, the accepted abstracts are now available online. Go to http://iamcr.org/congress/montreal2015/accepted-abstracts and click on a section / working group that interests you to see the abstracts. We're hoping that making the abstracts available before the conference will add to the quality of the discussions and facilitate collaboration.
Upload your paper
If you have confirmed your participation and have your full paper ready, you can upload it to http://iamcr.org/submit2015. The deadline to upload papers is June 19, but if you have already finished your paper, avoid the rush and upload now.
Registration and membership
Registration is open for the conference at http://iamcr.org/congress/montreal2015/register2015.
You don't need to be a member of IAMCR to attend the conference, but members enjoy significant discounts on registration fees, as well as other advantages of being part of the association. If you're not a member, join now and you'll be eligible for the discount. We offer both individual and institutional memberships. Institutional members can nominate up to 10 representatives from their institution, all of them eligible for reduced member fees and other benefits of being a member of IAMCR. You can join as an individual, or join as an institution. If you decide to join IAMCR, remember, your membership will only be validated once your fee has been received and processed. Depending on your payment method, this can take anywhere from 24 hours to two weeks so it's important not to wait until the last minute.
Members and non-members who pay before May 6 pay CAD$100 less for early-registration.
Useful information
There is plenty of useful information online to help you plan your time in Montreal. The local organising committee's website has information about visas, accommodation, social activities, featured speakers... Much of it is available in English, French and Spanish - http://congresiamcr.uqam.ca/
You'll also want to check the pages of IAMCR's website dedicated to the 2015 conference at http://iamcr.org/congress/montreal2015 for information about pre and post-conferences, a Speed Networking event for students, and a growing page with answers to frequently asked questions.
We look forward to welcoming you in Montreal.
Bruce Girard, Executive Director, IAMCR
Yanick Farmer and Christian Agbobli, Co-chairs, IAMCR 2015 Local Organising Committee
This is the second newsletter from IAMCR 2015. You can see the first at: http://iamcr.org/congress/montreal2015/letter1