1,700 Abstracts accepted for presentation at IAMCR 2015
More than 1,700 abstracts, by 2,120 authors from 82 countries have been accepted for presentation at IAMCR's 2015 conference in Montreal, Canada.
The abstracts accepted by each section and working group are included in the files below. Click on the name of a section or working group that interests you to download a PDF file of its accepted abstracts. It is hoped that making the abstracts available before the conference will contribute to the discussion and collaboration that will take place during IAMCR 2015.
If you are an author with an accepted abstract, you are requested to communicate to your section or working group by April 20 to either confirm that you will attend the conference and present your paper paper or to notify the section or working group that you will not. If you do not confirm your participation, you may be dropped from the programme. You can send your confirmation to the person who notified you that your abstract was accepted or you can contact the heads of your section via the contact form on the section or working group's page on the IAMCR website.
Comic Art
Communication Policy & Technology
Community Communication
Crisis Communication
Diaspora and Media
Digital Divide
Emerging Scholars Network
Environment, Science & Risk Communication
Ethics of Society & Ethics of Communication
Gender and Communication
Health Communication and Change / Communication and HIV/AIDS
International Communication
Islam and Media
Journalism Research and Education
Media and Sport
Media Education Research
Media Production Analysis
Mediated Communication, Public Opinion & Society
Participatory Communication Research
Political Communication Research
Political Economy
Popular Culture
Post-Socialist, Post-Authoritarian
Public Service Media Policies
Religion, Communication and Culture
Visual Culture